Goose Goose Duck

Gaggle Studios, Inc.
Current Version: 3.04.02
Last Updated: 2024-09-22
Last Updated: 2024-09-22
Current Version: 3.04.02

News and Guides for Goose Goose Duck

Goose Goose Duck Beginner's Guide for Getting Started

Gaggle studios have created a very fun title, Goose Goose Duck, similar to an already famous title among the players, called "Among Us." The gameplay experience is excellent as it belongs to the strategy genre of games. Along with being a strategy game, it also packs in the massive multiplayer feature due to which players can enjoy the game collectively along with their friends and family.    Everything is server-based; hence players can connect to local servers or random servers available with random players. The game is based on how a player can tackle situations by planning the exact move required during a scenario and that too instantly. This game is the only game launched by the developers, and they have done a great job as the game is already getting lots of players. This might also be due to the massive player base already loving "Among Us," which this game is based on.    The game is based on two sections, one being the crew or geese and the other being an imposter or duck. The ducks need to eliminate the geese before they complete the tasks assigned to win, and the geese need to identify and eliminate the ducks and complete the tasks.     Does the story affect gameplay experience?  A small animated story is shown at the beginning on how the ducks infiltrate the Goose territory and try to eliminate the geese to gain supremacy. This explains why the title is Goose Goose Duck and has nothing to do with any crucial aspects of the game. The story only fulfills the game's purpose and is very fun to watch initially. It's a clever and great introduction given to the game, contributing to players looking forward to playing it even more.     What can the players expect in the beginning?  In the beginning, you will have a small introduction to the game and the real purpose, which will help in knowing what the game is exactly based on. It's a strategy game; hence you can expect a core gameplay experience. Once you are done with the short introduction, you jump directly into your home screen to find all the tabs that will take you to the programmed location.    A tutorial tab will help you understand how the gameplay works and all are the things present in the game once you enter a lobby. You can also sign up to the Goose Goose Duck community and make friends who can play with you in a hosted lobby. The Play button will take you to a lobby selection where you create your lobby and invite friends or join a random lobby of strangers. Also, there are many game modes to choose from, which acts as a bonus to alter the gameplay experience. Anyway, all are fun to play, and you won't miss out on any core gameplay experience.     What to do once you enter gameplay?  Once you hit the play button, you are given a lobby selection option, after which you enter the game along with your teammates, who are either your friends or strangers, according to your choice of the lobby. A single lobby can consist of up to 16 players at once.    After you enter the game, you have a small amount of time before entering the field. To move your character, you can use the provided virtual joystick. If you are geese, you can access the map by clicking on the map tab and accessing the tasks you are given. The current task completion will be mentioned on the top left part of your screen.    Now, if you are geese, you need to complete the assigned tasks or "Ship Duties" as fast as possible to win. Ducks can kill geese and try to sabotage a ship. In case if you, like geese, are murdered, you can also complete tasks but cannot attend meetings where any urgency is discussed. Ducks also can create sabotage tasks using their smartwatches or sabotage a ship part so that they can find stranded geese and murder them. And as a bonus, ducks can quickly escape a suspicious activity site by traveling through vents.     Are there any special items that can be used? There are no special items that will aid you in gameplay, but there are character customization options that are very fun as you can change the look of your character as per your preference. But, to purchase these customizable, you need to earn silver coins. There are two in-game currencies: a silver coin and a gold coin. Both can be used to buy items from the store, but the gold coins are rare; hence you need to be careful before spending them.     Important points to remember  So the most important points to remember in this game are if you are a:   Goose: Complete tasks as quickly as possible and avoid getting murdered by ducks.  Duck: Prevent the geese from completing the tasks, stealthily get rid of them without getting caught.    So that was it for this guide on playing Goose Goose Duck. Hope all you new players out there got to know what the game is about and how to play it effectively right from the start. All the key points must be kept in mind when playing as a goose or as a duck. Some of the players like the tension of being a goose, while some love the excitement of being a duck where you can murder the geese in weird ways. Overall, the game will be a blast to play for players, but remember to be strategic about every approach.


Goose Goose Duck Review: Among Ducks!

Gaggle studios have done an excellent job with Goose Goose Duck as it includes the essence of a very popular game with a similar gameplay experience, Among Us. A strategy genre always impresses the player base, and Goose Goose Duck maintains the wavelength. After all, it has ducks in it.    The game has offered fine-casual strategy gameplay for all players to enjoy, and you do not need to use excess brainpower to progress. The developers have only this game in their showcase and did not disappoint any player base even with their only release. Also, the game is multiplayer; hence players can enjoy it with friends and family. Players can also play with random people as it also has Massive Multiplayer support as well hence there won't be any dull moments throughout.    The game is all about you as an individual player who will be assigned a role of a crew member or a defaulter. A crew member has to complete the in-game tasks, and the defaulter has to eliminate the crew members before all the in-game tasks are completed. The crew members win if all the tasks are completed before the defaulter eliminates all or loses if everyone is killed.     Is there a good or valid story to backup the gameplay?  Yes, a small storyline follows the gameplay because it's mainly a multiplayer game where everything is simply laid in front of you. You just need to access everything via the provided controls. The story will give you a small funny cartoon insight into ducks and geese also how they became enemies.    You have an in-game tutorial that will help you learn how to play the game effectively. There will also be a sample match that will help you learn how the game exactly works along with the tasks that will be assigned. This is more beneficial to a player than providing a story because it will help pre-plan the match and strategize better.     Gameplay experience a player can expect This game works on the aesthetic of a super popular game, "Among Us," that managed to collect a huge player base during the pandemic. Like that game, Goose Goose Duck also has the same gameplay mechanics, and the only difference is the overall look and in-game aspects. It's a multiplayer game; hence you will be present either in a local lobby hosted or made by your friends/family or a random stranger's lobby. Either way, it's fun to play because of the genre it's based on.    The basic gameplay starts with you either as a duck or goose. Here the imposters are the ducks who pretend to be geese and try to eliminate the crew members. If you are chosen among the Goose, you need to complete tasks assigned to you and the other fellow geese. If these tasks are completed before the ducks kill all the crewmates, the Goose wins. If you are chosen as a duck or imposter, you have to eliminate all the geese before completing their tasks.    Here the actual challenge when you are a duck is to discreetly eliminate the goose without noticing that you are the defaulter. If a goose spots you killing another goose, you need to cunningly talk everyone out of the situation to secure your place among the rest. This might seem not easy at the start, but as you play along, it becomes very interesting and develops your strategic mind. Getting out of situations using your intellect and cunningly progressing through the game is all you have to do.     How is the graphics and user interface of the game?  Like its relative Among Us, Goose Goose Duck also has a very basic type of graphics. You cannot expect any high-end AAA-type visuals as the game does not have any complex things other than running around and completing tasks. There might be some tasks that may be intractable and will have a decent three-dimensional animation to them to make it more interesting and interactive.    Also, when it comes to optimization, you need not worry, as the game will run on all devices due to its processor-friendly visuals. Neither will you need a high-end device to play it as the graphics are quite standard and basic.    The game is not very complicated when it comes to the graphical user interface. You will have access to everything right from the home screen. There are no complex introductions that will overwhelm you as a new player. It's directly action time almost as soon as you join the game and hit the play button. All the tutorials and guides can also be accessed from the home screen.     Are the Controls feasible, and how accessible is the game? The game runs on a very simple control system: click and play. To access all the main things on the home screen and to enter gameplay mode, you need to click the play button. Also, you will be provided with a virtual joystick that will help you move your character around once in the game. When tasks are performed, you only need to perform the guided operation either by click/tap or drag. Overall there are no complex controls that need to be learned, and everything is basically how you strategize things.    Drawbacks of the game  Till now, there have been no issues during gameplay, but sometimes the game tends to blackout when launched. This gets fixed once you relaunch the game; hence, it can be considered a small bug. Developers have to notice and hopefully get it fixed as soon as possible. Other than that, the game runs flawlessly.    Verdict  In totality, Goose Goose Duck is excellent in terms of all aspects. The best part is that you can enjoy it with family and friends. Once you start the game, you will lose track of time because the game is extremely immersive. The strategy-making aspect of the game also brings out the essence of the genre to its fullest. Hence all players alike can enjoy the game. So go ahead and roast those ducks!


Goose Goose Duck Tips and Tricks for Faster Progress

Gaggle studios, the game's creators, have produced a really enjoyable title Goose Goose Duck, that is extremely comparable to a popular game among gamers known as "Among Us." Because it belongs to the strategy genre of games, the gameplay is fantastic.    Along with being a tactical game, it also has a large multiplayer component, allowing players to love the game with their family members and friends. Because everything is dependent on servers, people may join either dedicated servers or anonymous servers with random people.   The game is centered on a player's ability to deal with events by instantaneously preparing the exact action necessary throughout a scenario. This is the developers' first and only game, and they've done an excellent job since the game is already attracting a large number of players. This might also be because "Among Us," the game on which this game is based, has a large player base.    The game is divided into two portions, one for the squad and one for the impostor or duck. To win, the ducks must eliminate the geese before completing the tasks, while the geese must identify and eliminate the ducks before completing the tasks.     Does the story carry any secret advantage later in the game? A short animated movie about ducks infiltrating Goose country and attempting to destroy the geese to win supremacy is presented in the opening. This explains why the game's title is Goose Goose Duck and has nothing to do with the game's core mechanics.    The plot serves only to further the game's objectives and is initially entertaining to see. It's a very innovative and wonderful introduction to the game, and it'll make gamers want to play it even more. Overall the story does not carry any crucial information about the game that might give you an upper hand.     Crucial tips to remember once you enter the game One of the most important things to remember is to go through the tutorial provided on the home screen because it carries crucial information on the key elements present once you are in a lobby. It will also provide you with some crucial information on the specialties of each section.    If you're a geese, you'll need to finish the allotted chores, or "Ship Duties," as quickly as possible to win. Ducks are capable of killing geese and attempting to destroy a ship. If you are assassinated as geese, you will be able to do work but unable to attend meetings when any urgency is discussed.    Ducks may also use their smartwatches to construct sabotage projects or damage a ship part to locate and murder trapped geese. Ducks may also swiftly flee a suspected activity location by traveling via vents as an extra advantage.     What strategy to apply once you are in the game, either as a duck or goose?  As soon as you enter a lobby, you are assigned a specific role, either duck or goose. Both of these have their own set of perks. Here is the specific set of perks that can be used as an advantage in terms of strategy as well:    Goose:    A goose is like a prey, whereas the ducks are the predators. But still, the goose can gain a significant lead over the ducks if strategized properly. When you are a goose, then remember your main objective is to complete the tasks as soon as possible. You have to be careful not to get murdered by the ducks within this.    Even if you get murdered, you can still complete tasks as a ghost but cannot participate in the discussion, and no one can see you. To avoid getting killed, stick to another crewmate and announce that you are sticking with a so and so player. This will lessen the chance of you getting killed because you have a fellow crewmate along with you who can report if a duck arrives.    On the other hand, announcing you ensures that even if the person is a duck, he or she cannot kill you because this will cause the duck to get kicked instantly. This is one of the many ways you can avoid being preyed on by the ducks.    If you see a duck traveling through a vent or killing someone in the nearby vicinity, immediately call for a meeting and share the information with the other members. The guilty will try to defend himself, but you need to convince others that he or she has committed a crime and thus is a duck and needs to be kicked out.   Duck:   The other possibility is you getting the role of a duck. A duck is a killer or an imposter that has infiltrated the goose and tries to kill all of them. Once you are a duck, you can eliminate the goose and cause sabotages on the ship. You will have to kill all the geese before they complete the tasks to win.    You will also lose if you are caught doing a suspicious activity as you will be kicked out of the ship. A very simple yet interesting strategy can be applied to eliminate goose as quickly as possible. The duck has the power to sabotage stuff in the ship. Once you sabotage a section, the goose has to rush to the sabotaged spot to fix it, or else tasks cannot be performed. This creates an opportunity to kill stranded geese or those far from the sabotaged site. But you need to be quick and stealthy because there is a kill cooldown, and you can kill only once before a kill cooldown appears.     Existence of special items to aid gameplay  There are no special goods that will help you in the game, but there are character customization choices that are a lot of fun because you may customize your character's appearance to your liking. However, you will need to earn silver money to acquire these customizable. There are two types of in-game currencies: a silver coin and a gold coin. Both may be used to purchase products from the shop, but buying gold coins is uncommon, so be cautious while using them.    Overall there are no in-game items that will aid you because it's purely a strategy game; hence providing players with an item advantage will cause an imbalance in fairness.     So that was it for this tips and tricks guide. Both new and familiar players can benefit from this tips and tricks guide; hence, pay attention to all the details carefully. This will ensure players can get the optimum gameplay experience that they deserve.
