Dellyman Customer Description
Dellyman is an on-demand last-mile delivery app promising same day delivery for priority and time sensitive packages.
As an aggregator and marketplace, we expose logistics assets in a single market so that customers purchasing logistics services can find these with ease. Our chained delivery model guarantees early pickup and fast delivery while also ensuring the optimization of the partner assets on the platform and delivery in a secure and seamless manner.
By aggregating logistics companies and their assets in a single platform, we solve the multiple problems of insufficient capacity, idle assets as well as the issue of same-day delivery.
As an aggregator and marketplace, we expose logistics assets in a single market so that customers purchasing logistics services can find these with ease. Our chained delivery model guarantees early pickup and fast delivery while also ensuring the optimization of the partner assets on the platform and delivery in a secure and seamless manner.
By aggregating logistics companies and their assets in a single platform, we solve the multiple problems of insufficient capacity, idle assets as well as the issue of same-day delivery.
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