Image Color Summarizer Description
Image Color Summarizer extracts the colors from any image and gives you full statistics information such as color name, color percentage, RGB, HEX, RYB, CMYK, and HSL.
After analyzing the image you can Export the color information data to Excel, HTML, or even photoshop palette file (ACO).
You can also see the colors RGB histogram graph, get specific color information using Color Picker tool from any part of the image, define your own palette for analysis, set color analysis accuracy or even see the actual color pixels by clicking the color box.
This is truly a one-stop-shop for you who seeking a color analysis tool.
After analyzing the image you can Export the color information data to Excel, HTML, or even photoshop palette file (ACO).
You can also see the colors RGB histogram graph, get specific color information using Color Picker tool from any part of the image, define your own palette for analysis, set color analysis accuracy or even see the actual color pixels by clicking the color box.
This is truly a one-stop-shop for you who seeking a color analysis tool.
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