Become a Legend with 12SKY: LAST Ember Tips and Tricks - A Beginner's Guide


12SKY: LAST Ember is one of the top role-playing games that you can play these days. In this game, your first step will be choosing the right class to enter the game. Once you choose the right class among the eight given classes, you will have a solid foundation at the start, and from then on, everything will be perfect for you in the gameplay. But, as a newbie who knows nothing about the game, including the details of the classes to decide what class to choose in the beginning, you should check this beginner guide and learn everything prior to stepping into the game. 

12SKY: LAST Ember Tips and Tricks

In this 12SKY: LAST Ember game, you can choose to play it alone, facing challenges all by yourself, or you can join a party of some other players so that you can face challenges together with your teammates. Once you choose your preferred way, you can start exploring this world, and there, you might encounter many enemies to deal with. So, are you ready to become a legend in this game with the best tips? Then read this beginner guide thoroughly and then play 12SKY: LAST Ember on PC with LDPlayer. 

Choose Your Class

When you begin the 12SKY: LAST Ember game, it asks you to choose a class first, and yes, when choosing a class, remember to go for the best one. In order to choose a class for you, you should understand each class well so that you can choose the perfect one; therefore, this beginner guide will show you all the details about each class. 

Choose Your Class

  • Warrior - This is a frontline class that specializes in protecting the allies during battles, and this class is better in high defense and health for survival rather than dealing heavy blows. 
  • Assassin - This is a class that deals high damage to a single target, infiltrating enemy territory to eliminate specific targets before disappearing. This class is good at providing support from the rear lines and targeting isolated enemies. 
  • Swordmaster - This is a class that deals damage to multiple targets, debuffs enemies and enhances allies' abilities. 
  • Archer - This is a single target damage class that consistently inflicts a set amount of damage from a distance while swiftly moving around.
  • Shaman - This class comes with various debuff techniques that can be used for crowd control while dealing damage to the targets.
  • Enchantress - This is a support class that ensures the companions can attack enemies without taking damage while providing various buffs to enhance the combat capabilities of allies. 
  • Sorceress - This class is ranged and delivers high-impact blows to multiple targets, firing a barrage of powerful attacks to deal significant damage to characters with high survivability. 
  • Healer - This is a backline support class that focuses on maximizing the survival of allies on the battlefield by healing allies and resurrecting fallen teammates

Here, as you know all about the character classes in this game, you can choose the best one, customize it with the given limited options, and then enter the game by giving your character a name. 

Register Various Potions

This whole gameplay is about you starting a new adventure in a new world, and therefore, you might encounter lots of surprises along your path. So, it is always important to get ready to face every challenge successfully before facing them. Therefore, one of the best things you can do to prepare yourself for the worst is to register various potions in the quick action bar. When you register various potions to the quick action bar, you can use them quickly whenever you want. Here, you can register up to seven things in the quick action bar. 

Register Various Potions

Therefore, make sure to reserve some space for MP and HP potions in this game. So, whenever there is no mana left, and HP is reduced, you can boost them through the MP and HP potions you have registered in the quick action bar. 

Learn New Skills

One of the best tips you should follow in this 12SKY: LAST Ember gameplay is learning new skills. Of course, this game allows you to learn new skills depending on the class you choose here. When learning new skills, you have to acquire the required amount of skill points here. Yes, each skill requires a number of skill points that you have to spend to learn them. You can earn these skill points when you continually play this game. So, whenever you gain enough skill points, you can invest them in the various skills you want to learn here. 

Learn New Skills

Before choosing a skill to learn, you need to check the effects of each skill and try to learn the best skills so that you can make your hero powerful during this whole adventure. 

Battles in 12SKY: LAST Ember

You will encounter many battle instances in this gameplay whenever you move forward on this adventure path, exploring the surroundings. When you encounter a wild creature or an enemy unit in your adventure, yes, you should battle against them and defeat them successfully to reach the next phase. 

Battles in 12SKY: LAST Ember

When battling, you can use the learned skills along with basic attacks to deal damage to the enemies you encounter in this game. By successfully defeating them, you will gain experience to level up as well, and you will be able to sharpen your skills during the battles. So, don't ignore the battles; just face them bravely with the skills and attacks that you possess here.

In order to unleash an attack or a skill, you can tap it, and it will be launched. Instead, you can play the 12SKY: LAST Ember game on your PC using LDPlayer and assign shortcut keys for each skill and basic attack using the Keyboard Mapping feature in LDPlayer. After that, you can use those assigned keys to unleash skills and attacks during the battles in this game. 

You Can Join a Guild in 12SKY: LAST Ember

Another top trick you can follow in this 12SKY: LAST Ember gameplay is joining a guild. When you join a guild in this game, you can gain many benefits, such as finding new players for party play, exchanging tips with other players, and participating in guild-exclusive modes. Therefore, when you have the chance to participate in a guild, remember to be a part of a guild in this game because it offers you many rewards here. 

You Can Join a Guild in 12SKY: LAST Ember

Also, since the guild has many benefits for beginners like you, you should consider applying for a higher-level guild with amazing performance in the gameplay. 


In 12SKY: LAST Ember gameplay, you will experience and enjoy free play where there are no rules that you have to follow, but you can roam around this world freely as you want. Since you have read this beginner guide, you can use the tips and tricks mentioned here and then explore this wonderful world while dealing with foes perfectly and have gameplay full of freedom here.

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