
Heroes Evolved in Golden Time for Esports

After 3 years, Heroes Evolved, the quality MOBA game, lit Southeast Asia with the thrilling tournament again!


Introduction to version 4.0.37 & 3.102 features

In view of the positive feedback from players, further improvements in security have been made in our new versions (4.0.37 & 3.102), which are described in detail below.


League of Legends: Worlds 2020 Primer

The 2020 League of Legends World Championship begins September 25th in Shanghai, China. This year marks the tenth version of the biggest event in esports. Here’s everything you need to know about this year’s Worlds.  


State of Survival 1st Anniversary: Better Play on LDPlayer Now!

State of Survival, a zombie-themed strategy mobile game developed by FunPlus, is available on LDPlayer now. You can play State of Survival on PC with LDPlayer.


Eternal Sword M - New DLC Update: Mecha Era

In last 30 days after official launch, there have been more than 5 million total downloads and 250K daily active users!


吃货和颜控最爱的美食拟人RPG《食物語新马版》正式上线!(For Singapore and Malaysia)



Seven Deadly Sins: Beyond Tribulation Update

The Beyond Tribulation update took place on 27 April 2020 and introduced “Chapter 8”, along with the last sin. The newly introduced character is equipped with a special sword and has a green suit.


WOTV FFBE & FF Tactics Collaborative Summons

WAR OF THE VISIONS FFBE has been updated that includes WOTV FFBE&FF Tactics Collaboration where players can have a never seen before experience that they give us.


Lords Mobile x LDPlayer: Win PS4 PRO Giveaway for Free

Lords Mobile and LDPlayer collaboration event: PS4 PRO will be given to one of the new users who download Lords Mobile on PC with LDPlayer.


超火爆古风美食拟人RPG《食物語新马版》事前预约开启!(For Singapore and Malaysia)

