Age of Empires Mobile Alliance - Everything To Know with Tips


For everyone who loves strategy games, the Age of Empires Mobile game is the best one to try, and when speaking of the game, yes, it includes battles, which you need to be rich in strategies to win. Of course, there are powerful commanders added to the game, and with them, you can lead the troops and do your best in winning battles. Aside from strategic fighting, there is something more impressive to speak of, which is the alliance system. Today, in this article, we are about to share some more details related to the alliance system. 

Age of Empires Mobile Alliance


As an Age of Empires Mobile beginner, it is better to know about alliances, too, not just only the useful Age of Empires Mobile codes. Therefore, you can learn everything related to the alliance in this article. The alliance is a system that you can be a part of and get amazing benefits from. Since it provides exclusive chances to take part in amazing events and claim rewards and other benefits, it is good for you to know about it, and in this article, we will speak about the alliance and everything related to it. After that, you can play Age of Empires Mobile on PC with LDPlayer 9 and take maximum advantages by being a part of an alliance. 

Basics to Know about Alliance

Honestly, the alliance is where you can connect with the players similar to you who play this game, and of course, it is like a small community or a club that lets players of the same type join. You can either join an existing alliance to become a member or create a new alliance and become the leader of it in this game. 

Basics to Know about Alliance


Every alliance has a logo that makes it unique among other alliances in this game, and each has a limit of members that can join. And there are rules of alliances that each member has to obey. By actively participating in alliance events and other things, there are higher chances of obtaining more rewards. Therefore, become a part of the alliance once it is available to you. 

Alliance Territory

When you go to the alliance and its territory section in the Age of Empires Mobile game, first, you will see the overview of the alliance along with the daily resources produced, alliance power, total buff bonuses, total resource bonuses, etc. 

Alliance Territory

Facilities Available to be Built in Alliance Territory

In addition to those details, next you will see what facilities and buildings are available in the alliance territory. You can also build facilities mentioned in the territory tab in your alliance territory. Remember, sometimes, building or unlocking facilities to the alliance territory cannot be done simply by a mere member of an alliance, according to the adjustments made by the alliance leader. With that in mind, let us see what buildings you can add to the alliance territory here. 

  • Strongholds - besides the main alliance stronghold built earlier, you can add a sub-stronghold for the alliance to your alliance territory. 
  • Alliance Flags - currently, two alliance flags can be added to the territory. 
  • Gathering Centers - these are what gather resources for your alliance, and here, you can unlock and add wood centers, food centers, stone centers, as well as gold centers to your alliance territory. They will produce necessary resources for your alliance. 
  • Event Buildings - you can add supply depots to your alliance territory. 

When building the above facilities in your alliance territory, yes, it takes longer. Of course as an alliance member, you can help the alliance to complete the building process quickly just by reinforcing the procedure. 

Captured Cities and Towns

Besides all these buildings that can be created in your alliance territory, here you can check the other details related to your alliance territory in this game. You can check the land power of your alliance territory just by checking how many towns are available in your territory, what kinds of towns will provide land power to the alliance, etc. Remember, these towns are the ones that you have captured as an alliance by joining hands with other alliance members. The more towns you guys capture, the higher the land power of your alliance territory. 

And when you capture the towns here, not only do they increase your land power, but you will also receive amazing buffs to improve the performance of your troops in the gameplay, along with other daily rewards. Once you capture a town, you can visit and improve it to gain more benefits just by adding necessary buildings. Yes, you can build facilities in your captured towns and not only that, you can reinforce the ongoing buildings in the cities to complete them faster. 


Through the construction tab, you can see the buildings you can construct in your alliance territory to gain some buff effects to your alliance in Age of Empires Mobile. Therefore, when you manage an alliance or are just a member of a reputable alliance, just help the alliance to activate these buffs and increase their values by constructing the required buildings. Some of the buildings that you can construct within the alliance territory just to earn more buffs are as follows. 



  • Politics Buildings - increase the speed of the alliance politics research. 
  • Science Buildings - increase the speed of the alliance science research. 
  • Economy Buildings - increase the alliance economy research speed. 
  • Military Buildings - increase the alliance's military research speed. 

When you build these recommended buildings, you can activate those recommended buffs. Also, note that there is a maximum limit to building them, so make sure to maximize building each one as requested in the alliance territory and claim higher buffs. 


In the alliance territory, you can build military buildings, too, to make sure that another alliance won't take away all the cities you have captured. So, as mentioned in the game, remember to build, 



  • City walls
  • Towers
  • Outposts 

By building them in the relevant amounts, yes, your cities are safe, and no one will be able to steal them away from you. 

Alliance Members

By visiting the members section in the alliance, you can see all the members that are active in the alliance that you have become a part of. The best thing is you can see whether the members are online in the game at the moment or their last seen.  Also, tapping each member on the list will let you chat with them, or you can visit their kingdom easily. 

Here, the members are categorized into different categories depending on how they are assigned by the leader of the alliance, especially the core members or the officials. The other members are categorized into different categories, probably because of their power in the game and how much they have contributed to the alliance. So, we will check what they are now. 

  • Core members or the officials. 
  • Elite members.
  • Senior members
  • Common members. 

So, if you are a member in an alliance in the Age of Empires Mobile gameplay, you can rank up your membership from common to senior and then elite level by actively contributing to the alliance while improving your power in the game. 

Alliance War

Another important thing about alliances in this Age of Empires Mobile game is alliance wars. When you go to the war section, you can check all the wars going on. If there is no single war going on, then it will tell you no wars at the moment. Here, you can check all the wars related to the alliance at once, or you can check out the wars going on related to each part of the alliance separately. Here are the types of alliance wars you can participate in this Age of Empires Mobile game. 

Alliance War


  • City 
  • Rallied Armies
  • Barbarian Troop Info
  • Player's Troop Info

Alliance Technologies

The alliance has a technology tab that shows you all kinds of technologies that can be activated in it that will benefit all of the alliance members. Therefore, when you play the Age of Empires Mobile game and become a part of an alliance, you should know about the alliance technologies, too. 

Alliance Technologies


Here, the technology is categorized into different categories, and each has a technology tree in which each node has a technology in it. You can activate those technologies in each node of the tree by providing the necessary resources for it. You can also level up these technologies in each tree so that you can increase their efficiency and gain more benefits. The technologies you will see in the alliance are as follows: 

  • Politics 
  • Science
  • Economy
  • Military
  • Faith
  • War Machines
  • Active Skills

As said earlier, each technology tree in each category includes different technologies related to the relevant category. So unlocking them and activating them will help all the alliance members to excel in their performance in each category, gaining more benefits through each. Therefore, donate to the alliance to upgrade and unlock these technologies to benefit from them as well. 

War Machine

With this option added to the Age of Empires Mobile gameplay alliance system, you can craft different war machines for the alliance. Each war machine that can be built there has different specialties, and they have different power levels and other stats. In order to craft the war machines here, you need various resources in the required amounts. 

And yes, it takes a long time to complete the crafting procedure of these war machines. But regardless of how long it takes, you need to do your best to support crafting war machines in the alliance. After crafting the war machines, you should dispatch them to the relevant territory areas of the alliance. 

Alliance Store in Age of Empires Mobile

The alliance store is where you can purchase unique and valuable items for your Age of Empires Mobile gameplay for different currencies. Here, you can buy items for merit as the currency. You can easily gain merits by defeating the troops of other players. So, when you gain merit through the method mentioned earlier, you can use them and buy things from the alliance store. 

In addition to the merit as currency, you can spend coins you earn in the gameplay and buy items as well through this alliance store. Also, you can buy items through this store with the arena silver. Not only that, you can purchase alliance treasuries using the alliance coins you have with you. 

Alliance Warehouse

In this Age of Empires Mobile gameplay alliance system, yes, there is a warehouse, and this warehouse will show you all the details of the resources in your alliance. You can see the alliance funds, alliance woods, alliance foods, alliance stones and alliance gold available in your alliance. 

Here, the basic resource production of the alliance is composed of occupied cities and resource points within the alliance territory in this Age of Empires Mobile game. And yes, the alliance wars, city sieges, and alliance assistance generate alliance funds. If you are worried about warehouse capacity, don't worry because the alliance's economic buildings and technologies will increase warehouse capacity. 


We have spoken about everything related to the alliance system in this Age of Empires Mobile game. So after you start playing the game, obtaining the best commanders in the Age of Empires Mobile tier list, next you can take part in an alliance once you unlock it. The alliance provides more rewards, as we mentioned earlier, so don't forget to claim them and have fun. 

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