Angry Birds Star Wars Tips for a Best Gameplay


We have heard of the wars between nations in ancient times, but have you heard of a war between birds and pigs? Can you imagine it? Impossible, but through the Angry Birds Star Wars game, you can see the birds and pigs war seriously happen in space, and you can be a part of this war by playing this game. It is such a simple game that you use some gang of birds against green pigs, but even so, what do you think of using some Angry Birds Star Wars tips to have a better gaming experience?




Angry Birds Star Wars game


There are different kinds of birds you can use in various ways in the gameplay, and also, there are many chapters with many sub-stages to complete to progress and unlock more things in the game. Therefore to be a successful player in all these things, you should have some Angry Birds Star Wars tips in your sleeves to use in the exact moment and make the battles epic while playing Angry Birds Star Wars on PC. You should read these tips if you are still obsessed with this gameplay and need better results in each match to unlock new things. 


Zoom In and Out

When you play this game, you will see that sometimes the screen gets zoomed in and out on its own, and it may become troublesome for you to play. Therefore as the first one of the best Angry Birds Star Wars tips, you should focus on the zoom-in and out process. 


Angry Birds Star Wars tips


If you need to have a full view of where the pigs are, you can zoom out and have a better view of the whole area, and if you need to launch an attack using birds, you can zoom in to a certain suitable degree by focusing on one or more pigs. 


Doing this will enable you to achieve three stars in all the stages you play because it makes your attack more firm and reliable. Therefore, when you play this game, you should focus on adjusting your game screen to a suitable percentage to make it easy to play. 


Follow Character Hints

The next one of the best Angry Birds Star Wars tips you should use in your gameplay is to follow character hints. There are bird characters you will unlock when proceeding with the game, and each character has unique abilities you can perform when playing this game. 


Angry Birds Star Wars tips you should use in your gameplay


And when you start a game with a new bird character, the game will show you how to activate the skills of the relevant bird character to make the maximum use of the attack without performing just an attack. So, whenever the game shows you the character hints that are unique and differ from each other, make sure you follow these hints and have the best effects to destroy as many as pigs. 


Even if the game shows you the character hints when you start a new stage with a new bird, suppose you forget how to have the best effects through these birds. You can pause the game using the pause option in the upper left corner of the screen and tap on the question mark below the left screen. When you do so, you can again watch the bird character hint. 


Clear Levels with Three Stars

This game has several chapters to unlock with different sub-stages, as we told you, and when you clear every stage, you will be rewarded with a maximum of three stars and some score points. The stars will be awarded according to the scores you gathered through the performance you have shown on a stage or a level.


 Clear Levels with Three Stars


There are several birds you will receive to attack enemies, and if you can save more birds you have given to attack by finishing all the enemies with just a few birds, you will be able to score more, and it will result in giving you three stars. In any case, if you do not understand, we will explain using an example. 


Suppose in a stage that the game gives you four birds to launch attacks and destroy enemies. But if you can eliminate all the enemies using one bird attack and save three other birds, you will get more score points for keeping the birds, and the game gives you three stars. 


Why are we telling you that clearing levels with three stars in one of the essential Angry Birds Star Wars tips you should use is because when you earn three stars for each chapter, it collects you more stars in a few rounds which unlocks extra reward stages and birds too.  Also, it makes it easy to proceed faster in the game. 


Use Power Ups

When you enter a game in any episode stage, the game gives you birds to defeat the evil pig troops. If the level is too hard to beat, sometimes the bird you have provided to defeat enemies will not be enough. 


Use Power Ups


In that case, the game has given you extra power-up items that you can use with the birds to have more impact on the attacks you launch to destroy enemies and all other obstacles. These power-ups are shown in the top left corner of the game screen, and you can see these power-up items with numbers showing you how many power-up items are in the stock. 


So, if you feel like some levels are hard to win with the given birds, you can tap on one of the power-up items to add them to your birdy attacks to make the attacks more powerful and have double effects. Since using the power-ups will increase the probability of winning the matches with three stars, you need to use this tip mentioned among the best Angry Birds Star Wars tips and have exact winnings. 


Gather Golden Droids

When you enter different matches, you will see some Golden Droids attached in different places of the match area. Since the Golden Droids are essential in unlocking bonus levels, you should collect them when you see them. 


Gather Golden Droids


There is no particular way of obtaining Golden Droids; instead, you need to launch a bird toward the Golden Droid to grab it. If you can do so, you will be able to unlock more new things in the game. 


Reset the Matches

After you start a match in a chapter that you have unlocked in this game, sometimes the attacks will not land as you guessed, and you will not obtain results as planned. On such an occasion, you can tap on the pause button and reset the match, which means all the actions you have done in the relevant match will be reversed. After that, you can start the match again as a new one. 


Reset the Matches


When you do so, you can prevent doing the same repeating actions in a match, and you can understand or realize what the exact strategy you need to do to win the game in the first hit is. 


If things do not go as planned, you should reset the match and start over again. So, if you need the best winnings with the highest scores, you should use this trick mentioned in this Angry Birds Star Wars tips and tricks guide. 



This is the end of the best Angry Birds Star Wars tips and tricks guide, and before we end this guide officially, we like to remind you about one crucial thing. That is about playing the game using the best android emulator LDPlayer 9. You can have superb gameplay with the best features when you use the LDPlayer 9 to play the game. If you combine these Angry Birds Star Wars tips with LDPlayer 9 gameplay, the results will be unimaginably fantastic. 

Download Angry Birds Star Wars on PC