Protect the Team and Beat Enemies with Best Master Gun Tips - A Complete Walkthrough


Master Gun is a thrilling shooting simulator that challenges you to become the best marksman in the world. You can choose from a variety of guns, ranges, and modes and enjoy realistic graphics and Sci-fi sounds. However, there is more to the game than just hitting targets. You also have to protect yourself and beat enemies in different scenarios.

Protect the Team and Beat Enemies with Best Master Gun Tips

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If you want to play the game with smooth controls and graphics, play Master Gun on PC with LDPlayer 9. In this guide, we will show you some of the best tips and tricks to master the game and complete the walkthrough. Whether you want to improve your accuracy, speed, or strategy, we have you covered. Read on and learn how to beat all levels with the best tips.

The Gameplay of Master Gun

In the Master Gun, you will find yourself in a series of levels consisting of multiple stages. As soon as you click on the game icon, there is no confusion to start or choose any modes. You will get to start shooting the second you tap on the screen. The Master Gun is played in a rough light style, and your main goal is to kill the number of foes displayed on the top right corner of the screen to move on to the next stage or level.  

The Gameplay of Master Gun

The amount of stages that are included in each level changes with some having only two while others include three. To identify the number of stages in a level, observe the bullets icon below your health bar. In each stage, your health is reset, removing the pressure of survival to progress.

Health and Cover System

Your health is indicated by the vertical red line that runs across the top of the screen. When you take hits, your health bar depletes, and if the red color disappears entirely, you will die and have to start over. However, you won't need to worry about movement, as you will automatically move to the next cover once you eliminate the set number of enemies in a stage.

Movement and Cover

In "Protect the Team," movement is automatic, and you'll move to the next cover once you've killed the set number of enemies in one stage. You don't have to actively control the character's movement. Instead, focus on aiming and shooting.

Aim and Shooting Mechanics

To adjust your aim, simply click on the screen and drag your finger where you want your aim to move. As long as you tap and hold the screen, your character will continue shooting. Since there is no reload mechanism, you can spray and pray to quickly clear a stage.

Types of Enemies

As you progress through the Master Gun, you will encounter four types of enemies, each with its own characteristics and threats.

Types of Enemies


The first kind of foe you'll face is an assault, which is a type of enemy. They are not especially dangerous and can be quickly eliminated in order to proceed to the next stage of the game. Maintain your focus on doing it efficiently so that you can continue progress faster.


Snipers are a more dangerous enemy type. You will find them positioned near windows, far away from your cover. Their projectiles deal significant damage, so exercise caution when engaging them. Prioritize eliminating snipers to minimize the threat they pose.

Bomb Shooters

Another difficulty level is added by the bomb shooters. Their projectiles are quite massive and can inflict significant harm on their targets if they are struck. Avoiding their attacks is absolutely necessary if you want to keep your health bar full. So make sure to duck and hide when you see them coming your way. 

RPG Shooters 

RPG shooters are the most formidable enemies you will face. Their attacks can damage your health even when you are taking cover. To progress successfully in the Master Gun, prioritize taking out RPG shooters first, followed by bomb shooters. Finally, deal with assault and sniper units.

Surviving and Progressing Master Gun

To protect yourself and increase your chances of survival, it is essential to make strategic decisions and utilize the resources available.

Importance of Armor and Helmets

Importance of Armor and Helmets

One of the best tactics to save yourself is by prioritizing threats on the map. Since RPG shots take longer to reach your cover, you have more time to take care of them without being reckless. However, relying solely on your starting gear will limit your playthrough. 

Instead, make a habit of buying armor or helmets before each round. In the beginning, you may need to watch a 30-second advertisement to acquire them, but subsequent armor acquisitions only require a 5-second advertisement. If your helmet remains undamaged, consider buying body armor before the next stage. The remaining armor is carried over, allowing you to tackle RPG troops while safely staying in cover against other foes.

Understanding Enemy Shooting Indicators

Pay close attention to the circles hovering above your enemies. Initially, these circles are white, but as enemies get closer to shooting, the circles gradually turn red. Understanding this mechanism is crucial. When the circles are completely red, enemies will start shooting. To avoid taking hits, you can duck behind cover until all enemies finish shooting. Attack while the circles are white to inflict damage without being hit.

Investing in Guns

Investing in Guns

As the saying goes, a good offense is the best defense. After completing each level, you will be rewarded with 20 gold coins. To maximize your rewards, you can watch advertisements to multiply them by 5. Invest the earned coins in purchasing guns from the shop. 

While the game doesn't explicitly display the damage output of each gun, higher-priced guns generally offer greater damage output. However, it's advisable to avoid buying the 800-coin weapon, as its damage improvement is minimal compared to your starting weapon. 

Instead, aim for the 1500-coin weapon. After that, save your money for the 8000-coin weapon. Other weapons are priced higher and require a significant time investment to gather the necessary coins.

No matter how good you are at defensive and offensive techniques, you still need to master the Master Gun control to win. That's why the LDPlayer Keyboard Mapping feature is your best ally. It lets you customize your keys to suit your play style. Plus, you get to enjoy stunning graphics and clear vision that make every shot count. With LDPlayer, you can play like a boss without breaking the bank on a high-end gaming mobile phone.


Mastering the Master Gun requires a combination of strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and proper resource management. By understanding the gameplay mechanics, prioritizing enemy threats, utilizing armor and helmets, paying attention to enemy shooting indicators, and making informed gun purchases, you can protect your character and conquer the game's challenges. Keep practicing, adapt your strategies, and aim for victory in each stage. Good luck, and enjoy the thrilling experience of the game!

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