If you want to enter a medieval era where you can write the history of your own civilization in the pages of war, then try the Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games. This is a tactical war game where you first choose a tribe to start your gameplay and then start building your civilization while defeating all the enemies that trouble you here. Are you ready to build your civilization into an empire, crushing the enemies who challenge you? Then, using the advice in this beginner's guide, get ready to play this game.
Download Dawn of Ages: total war battle on PC
Here, the battles become challenging little by little. But if you know the best tips and strategies, you will always perform at your best on the battlefield. Other than the battles, you can build your empire here, providing your citizens with every required facility. You might feel the gameplay challenging when engaging in both the battles and city-building aspects at once. But thanks to this beginner guide, everything will be easier for you because we have mentioned all the tips helpful to be successful here. So go through this beginner guide and then play Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games on PC with LDPlayer 9 using tips you have learned here.
When you complete the battles in the world map, which happens through chapter stages, the game asks you to choose a tacticard to use during the battles. These tacticards can be offensive, defensive or utility. In this game, you can choose a tacticard to use in battle based on your preferences.
Here, you have three options but only one chance to make a choice. Therefore, during the battles, you should choose the one you believe is best for you. The offensive cards increase the attacking and damaging abilities of your troops. The defensive cards increase the defense skills of the whole battle troop. The utility cards will provide various other uses to the gameplay, such as rearranging the troops on the battlefield, etc. After you choose your tacticard to pull out during the game, you can start the fight here.
Building your city is another trick you can use in the Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games to advance in it. Yes, besides engaging in battles, you can also start building your city here. When building your city, you can add various facilities, providing your city with various benefits. In order to build each facility, you need various resources, which can also be found in your surroundings.
Once you find them, you can build your city with all the facilities and upgrade every facility. When you upgrade these facilities, their effectiveness will be increased, so it is always good to upgrade every facility in your base to have more benefits. As a beginner, don't forget to build the city with more facilities when playing this game.
As said in the above trick, you can build and upgrade barracks and obtain new types of troops for the game. With more types of troops excelling in every aspect, every battle will be amazing, with victories in the end. Therefore, you should assign more troops to the battlefield. And not just that, you have a responsibility to do something to power them up.
Even if your troops are powerful enough, when the battles get too tough, you will feel like your troops need to be more powerful to conquer everything successfully. Therefore, you should always ensure your troops are powered up to the maximum. For that, go to the yard from the main game screen, where you will customize your battle team by assigning various troops. And also from there, you can do some things to power up your troops.
For that, tap on the relevant troop you want to power up, and there, you will be shifted to a window where you can see the power and all the other attributes of your relevant troop. From there, you can equip various gear items to the relevant troops to make them powerful. To do so, you should tap every equipment icon shown there, and then you will see whether the compatible equipment items are available.
If available, you can equip them for the troop, increasing their strength and combat power. When you battle against enemies in this game, follow this trick and assign more powerful troops to the team while powering them up even more, as said here.
When you unlock the quests section, you can follow them to progress in the Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games. The quests will unlock once the tutorial is over, and from then on, ensure to follow the quests as they help you out here. In your times when you don't know what to do, check quests, as they have lots of missions for you to complete.
Here, you have chapter quests to help you progress in the chapter battles, which can be accessed from the world map section. Next, you have the daily quests you must complete within a day. Weekly quests are valid for a week; complete them before a week passes. Then, we have achievements you can complete without any time frame. By completing all these quests, you earn lots of rewards. Therefore, you need to complete all of them in this game.
After you reach level seven in the Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games, you will unlock the PvP ladder on the world map. The PvP ladder is a kind of battle mode where you will participate in battles against real foes, and the challenging nature is too high in these battles. So, create the most powerful battle team, assigning the best battle troops before you participate in these PvP battles.
Every time you win a challenge here, you receive many rewards, and you also receive battle points, which help you to level up in the PvP leaderboards. Depending on your rank on the leaderboards, you will always receive lots of rewards. So, participate in these PvP battles, win them, receive more points, and rank higher in the leaderboards.
By winning battles, ranking higher in the leaderboards, or completing all kinds of quests, you can earn many rewards here in the Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games. But, besides all, here is another way to obtain many free rewards in this game. As for the rewards, you can earn coins, grains, lumber, gems and wooden chests full of amazing rewards.
How do you earn them? For that, you have to go to the trader's harbor, where you can claim rewards. If you ask how to get them from the trader's harbor, the only way is by watching ads. Yes, by watching ads there, you can earn these rewards. Since it is such a good opportunity to obtain many rewards in this game, why don't you go to the trader's harbor, watch some ads, and obtain some rewards?
As a beginner who tries the Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games, you might feel insecure about how to progress in it. However, having read through this beginner's guide, you already know which tips to use in each situation. So, play this game on your PC with LDPlayer 9 right now to advance through it more quickly using the strategies and suggestions covered in this beginner guide.