A Beginner's Guide to Luna: Lucky Loot - Adventure with Guardians with Best Tips


LUNA: Lucky Loot is an amazing role-playing game where you will enjoy a relaxing gameplay. With this game, you don't have to try so hard to farm the resources needed to level up your hero. It is because you can get anything you want to power up your hero just by opening a lucky chest. Other than these tips, there are more amazing features in your gameplay that you should know. So read this LUNA: Lucky Loot beginner guide to learn the best tips for a perfect adventure. 

Beginner's Guide to Luna: Lucky Loot

LUNA: Lucky Loot Download LUNA: Lucky Loot on PC

The battles here are turn-based, and it is important to make your hero powerful to win all the turn-based auto battles. So learn the tips and tricks to follow in this game while playing LUNA: Lucky Loot on PC with LDPlayer 9 and have perfect adventurous gameplay while achieving great progression. Level up your hero easily, participate in battles, and earn victory while competing against other players in the arena and engaging in boss battles in dungeons following these tips. 

Open Chests for Equipment

In this game, you don't have to go through quests, missions, and other things to grind materials and resources, such as the necessary equipment to power up your hero. It is because you only need to open some chests to get the best equipment you need to equip for your hero. You receive gear that can be outfitted for your hero each time you open a chest. 

Open Chests for Equipment

Each piece of equipment provides attributes for your hero that help him to get stronger. There are empty slots where you can equip different kinds of gear. Make sure to open chests and equip gear items to make your hero powered up. 

Equip the Best Ones

Equip the Best Ones

When equipping gear items, try to equip the best ones. What does that mean? Sometimes, even if you have already equipped a gear to a specific slot of your hero menu, you will get a much better gear piece to be equipped to the same slot. At those times, you need to replace the old equipment with a new one that is much better than the old one. When you get the equipment items that offer much better attributes, replace the old ones with the best ones to power up your hero perfectly. 

Sell Weaker Equipment and Earn EXP to Level Up

While opening chests, as we said earlier, you get better equipment that can be replaced with the old ones already equipped for your character. So what happens to the old equipment? When replacing the new powerful ones with the old weaker ones, you only have one option: sell the weaker ones. 

Sell Weaker Equipment and Earn EXP to Level Up

When you sell weak equipment that is not powerful enough for your hero, you will receive coins and EXP, which is very important to level up your hero in this game. Therefore, sell equipment items that are weak for your hero and help your hero level up by gathering the needed EXP. 

Advance the Lucky Chest

You already know that you just need to open the lucky chest to get the equipment you need. In the lucky chest, you can get items belonging to different rarities, such as common, refined, rare, epic, majestic, legendary, mythical, ethereal, and divine. Each has different drop rates that decide how often you get the equipment in these rarities when you open the lucky chest. Here, at the first level of your lucky chest, the drop rates for each rarity equipment are below. 

Advance the Lucky Chest

  • Common - 70%

  • Refined - 20%

  • Rare - 10%

  • Epic - 0%

  • Majestic -0% 

  • Legendary -0%

  • Mythical - 0%

  • Ethereal - 0%

  • Divine - 0%

As you can see, the best-rarity equipment items have incredibly low drop rates. The best items for your gaming are difficult to obtain as a result of these low rates. You should therefore enhance your lucky chest for precisely that reason. 

The lucky chest can be upgraded with gold coins you can earn by selling equipment items. You can progress your lucky chest when you have enough gold money. When your lucky chest gets advanced little by little, the drop rates for the lower rarities gradually drop while the drop rates for the higher rarities gradually rise. And when this happens, you get at least a lesser chance to obtain the best rarity equipment items for your gameplay. Therefore, upgrade your lucky chest to get the best out of it. 

Ads for Speed Up the Process

Ads for Speed Up the Process

When you upgrade your lucky chest to another level to allocate some appearance rates for the highest rarity gear items, it takes a specific time. The higher the level, the more time it takes to complete the process. Therefore, you may be curious about if there is a way to speed up the process. 

Yes, it is, by watching the ads. You can watch ads and speed up the process by reducing the time needed to complete the advancement. To stop wasting your time unnecessarily in LUNA: Lucky Loot gameplay, you can watch some ads and speed up advancing your lucky chest. 

Turn-Based Battles

When you unlock the Explore tab from the main menu of the game, you will be able to engage in battles, which is the adventure mode of this LUNA: Lucky Loot game. The Explore tab lets you participate in battles of two categories: trial stage and world adventure. You will participate in battles with your hero in each adventure mode category. 

Turn-Based Battles

The adventure mode battles are turn-based. The beginner-level battles are too easy to pass, but when you continually play the LUNA: Lucky Loot game, you will meet tougher enemies to deal with. Therefore, follow the tips above to power up your hero and engage in these turn-based battles. When you win the battles in this LUNA: Lucky Loot game, you can obtain lucky chests to open for the best equipment items. Every battle has a specific number of turns, and your hero battles automatically against the enemies in his turns. 

Complete Tasks

The game seems simple initially, as you only have to open the lucky chests. Otherwise, if you do not know anything about this gameplay or what you should do next, we suggest you follow the tasks. You will learn what to do next in this game by completing the tasks. You can always rely on the tasks to guide you toward the next best action. 

If you follow the tasks, you can always progress faster in the gameplay because you know exactly your next step. Following the tasks always helps unlock other locked features in your LUNA: Lucky Loot game. And also, this is a great way to earn more rewards for your game. 


Here are some of the best tips and tricks you should use when you play LUNA: Lucky Loot game. You can play the game fantastically with the help of these wonderful tips and tactics. In this adventure mode, the battles are everywhere. You must first complete the adventure mode in order to access the game's other features. While going through this gameplay using the tips and tricks above, remember to use the LUNA: Lucky Loot codes for amazing rewards.

Download LUNA: Lucky Loot on PC