Blade XLord – How to play the game as a new Players?


Blade XLord – How to play the game as a new Players


Blade XLord is an action RPG that is developed by So-net Entertainment Taiwan Limited. It is available on both iOS and Android. The game features a new 3D real-time command battle system with a lot of strategies baked into the fights.


The game also features voiceovers from Qingji Production. So, expect top-notch voiceovers from well-known artists that add a sense of realism into the game.


Blade XLord is known for its versatile combat system and its emphasis on teamplay and coordination. Moreover, the portrait gameplay style adds a unique depth to the gameplay that you don’t get from RPGs.


Complete Your Missions:


When it comes to progression, something extremely important in most of these games, especially Blade XLord, is the missions tab.


The reason why this tab is so important is that every time you complete a mission, especially ones that are relative to you, like raising the unit’s level or you crafting accessories or limit breaking or logging in, you can claim training manuals.


What are the Training Manuals?


What Training Manuals do is extremely simple. You can push the envelope of leveling up even further. Generally, your goal should be to level up your characters to level 40.


Make sure you are auto-looping and replaying most of the content, especially when you get to higher levels. You will also get silver summoning tickets from replaying missions, which are extremely efficient and effective.


Do not invest all your Resources:


Blade XLord – How to play the game as a new Players


A mistake player does when they are starting the game is investing all of their resources in one place. If you are a free-to-play player, this generally does not make sense as all of those resources will be wasted as soon as you get a new character who has better stats, which you always will.


So, you should never invest your high-level training manuals or generally more than 20 percent of your resources on your starter characters unless and until you are completely sure that you wish to keep that particular character.


Blade XLord generally gets harder as you grind further and further as your characters will suddenly seem quite weak and fragile compared to the enemy. To combat this, we recommend not using your resources at all for about 10-15 levels in the game.


Form up a Guild:


Guilds are an integral part of Blade XLord’s RPG experience. The award you with guild specific missions that you can only do with party members belonging to the same guild. Moreover, it always helps whenever you are in an active guild as they allow you to further your gears and items at a much better place.


A Guild also lets you interact with other players and form connections and bonds with players that will be important later as you progress further into the game. You cannot take on most fights alone and need people to accompany you at a certain point. Your guild buddies will be extremely helpful then.


Focus on Day of the Week Quests:


Blade XLord – How to play the game as a new Players


Blade XLord is based on a lot of grinds. The day of the Week Quests is a big testament to that fact. To level up, you need a lot of resources, and generally, Auto-Loop Quests aren’t the best way for you to get rare-materials.


So, it would help if you focused on your Day of the Week Quests. As the name suggests, these can only be done on a particular day of the week. As you chain quests, however, you will quickly realize the importance of these quests as they grant you with serious amounts of rare materials that should help you progress extremely quickly.


Moreover, Day of the Week Quests has no penalty for failing, so you can try them as many times as you want without fear of losing your items or gaining a penalty. You should always log in every day in order to complete these particular quests.


Always Keep Quests on Auto-Looping:


Auto-Looping is an integral part of Blade XLord. It allows you to gather some resources and minerals while you sleep. This mechanic is extremely important as just doing Days of the Week quests will not be enough as you go further into the game.


Therefore, you should always have quests up on auto-loop so you can go about your day and do other things while the game’s AI plays for you. Generally, auto-play does not yield amazing quests. However, it would help if you were getting some resources with no real cost, so it makes sense to have those quests always open.


Failing a quest on auto-loop does not have a penalty as well. However, you will need to replay that particular quest, whether on auto-loop or not, to reap all the awards. These quests are re-playable as well. So, you should be able to farm them with relative ease if you need a particular resource.


Always Level your Weapons Up:


Blade XLord – How to play the game as a new Players


Your weapons will stay with you for a long time. You can either use Limit Break on them or Upgrade Them. It would help if you always upgrade your weapon to the max limit and then use the Limit Break feature to go one step beyond.


Generally, newer players should not focus on leveling more than one weapon at once as they tend to get extremely demanding the further you level them up.




Blade XLord has an interesting take on the RPG genre. It is filled to the brim with unique quests and differentiates itself from other games with its unique Auto Looping features.


The game also has a ton of customization options for characters and a very demanding skill-curve that can test even the most seasoned veterans of the genre. The leveling system is tough, and the combat can get tricky sometimes too.


In conclusion, looking at these tips and tricks should help you immensely, especially if you are a new player to Blade XLord. We recommend that you always save your resources in a game like this, though.

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