Codename Crime-Vice Open World Beginner Guide – Tips and Tricks for Newbies


Codename Crime-Vice Open World is an action-packed open-world game where you navigate a dynamic city filled with crime; police chase, and heist missions. Players take on the role of a criminal, completing dangerous tasks like robberies while avoiding the authorities and rival players. In this game, your success depends on quick decision-making, strategic planning, and being fully aware of your surroundings. You must carefully plan your moves, keep an eye on enemies and the police, and make the most of the tools available, such as the mini-map and GPS system, to stay ahead and complete missions efficiently. So, if you are a newbie, this guide is for you.

Codename Crime-Vice Open World Beginner Guide

Our guide to Codename Crime-Vice Open World focuses on surviving and thriving in this chaotic world with the use of the best gameplay tips. From using the mini-map to avoid danger to mastering combat techniques like hiding and crouching during gunfights, we will help beginners quickly adapt to the game's demands. Following these strategies will give you an edge, making it easier to carry out robberies, avoid the police, and navigate the city with confidence. For the best and sharpest gameplay experience, try playing Codename Crime-Vice Open World on PC with LDPlayer to enhance your control and precision, and with that, it is time to look into our tips.

Beware of Your Surrounding

Robberies in Codename Crime-Vice Open World require a higher level of skill and attention to detail if you want to succeed. To truly excel in these heists, it's not enough to just follow the plan—you need to be fully aware of your surroundings at all times. The world around you is unpredictable, and there are always people who could show up unexpectedly to stop you. Whether they are enemies, the police, or other players, someone could try to interrupt your mission at any moment. Therefore, being aware of everything going on around you is absolutely essential.

Beware of Your Surrounding

Before you take any steps forward in Codename Crime-Vice Open World, always double-check that no one is behind you. Turning your back on a potential threat could cost you the mission. Look carefully in front of you, too—there might be enemies lying in wait, hidden around corners, or sneaking up from the shadows. The key is to move carefully and cautiously. Don't rush. Instead, take your time to scan the environment. If you notice an enemy ahead of you, don't hesitate—act quickly and take them down. It's important to trust your instincts and make decisions fast. Waiting too long could give them the upper hand, and that's something you can't afford during a robbery.

Increase the Sounds

We also strongly suggest keeping your Codename Crime-Vice Open World audio settings at a high level. Hearing the sounds of the game, like footsteps or other movements, can give you critical information. Someone might be trying to sneak up behind you, and the sound of their footsteps could be your only warning. Listening closely can mean the difference between success and failure, as it gives you a chance to react before it's too late.33

Easy Movements

To increase your chances of success, your ability to move quickly and smoothly through the game will play a major role. Fast reactions and smooth movement allow you to stay one step ahead of your enemies. In this regard, we recommend using LDPlayer to enhance your gameplay. This emulator allows you to play the Codename Crime-Vice Open World on your PC while giving you the option to customize the controls to your liking. One of its key features, Keyboard Mapping, allows you to set up a control scheme that suits your personal preferences. By mapping the keys that feel most comfortable to you, you can move more efficiently and react faster in tight situations. This will not only make your movement more fluid but will also improve your overall awareness of your surroundings.

Have a Check on the Mini Map

If you want to survive and carry out a successful robbery in Codename Crime-Vice Open World, one of the most important tools at your disposal is the mini-map. This mini-map is located at the upper right corner of your screen, and it provides important information that can help you navigate and make strategic decisions during your mission. The mini-map shows the locations of enemies, allies, and your target range, making it a valuable resource for planning and staying aware of your surroundings. Paying attention to the mini-map can greatly improve your chances of success by giving you real-time updates on what's happening around you.

The blue dots on the Codename Crime-Vice Open World mini-map represent your allies. If you need more support or assistance, you can easily locate them by checking where the blue dots are on the map. Knowing the position of your allies allows you to team up, work together, and create stronger strategies for completing your mission. It's always helpful to know where your allies are so you can collaborate when necessary.

Have a Check on the Mini Map

On the other hand, the red dots in Codename Crime-Vice Open World indicate the location of enemies. By keeping an eye on these red markers, you can avoid running directly into danger and plan your attacks more effectively. If you're in a tricky situation and want to avoid conflict, the mini-map can help you steer clear of enemies. Alternatively, if you're ready to engage in combat, it can guide you to where your enemies are, allowing you to plan surprise attacks or position yourself advantageously.

For beginners who are still figuring out the game, there's also a helpful marker on the mini-map to show your target range. This is displayed as a small compass icon, helping you understand where you need to go next to complete your objectives. By following the compass and the other indicators on the mini-map, you can better organize your movements and actions, making sure you're always on track with your goals.

Hide and Run While Shooting

When you're engaging enemies in Codename Crime-Vice Open World, it's important not to stand still and expose yourself directly to enemy fire. Standing still during a gunfight can put you in serious danger, as it makes you an easy target. This could lead to your character being killed, which would disrupt your plans and progress. To avoid this, the best strategy is to keep moving, find cover when needed, and then fire at your enemies. Constant movement makes it harder for your enemies to hit you and increases your chances of survival.

Hide and Run While Shooting

We recommend a simple yet effective tactic: shoot your enemies, then immediately take a few steps back or reposition yourself. This creates space between you and your opponents, allowing you to maintain a safer distance. Keeping some distance helps you avoid being overwhelmed, especially in situations where enemies might rush towards you. The key is to balance attacking and defending—don't just focus on shooting, but also on staying safe by moving around.

In addition, maintaining distance also gives you more time to react to your Codename Crime-Vice Open World enemies' movements. You'll be able to spot incoming threats and adapt your strategy accordingly. This approach will not only help you survive but also ensure that you can execute your robbery plans more effectively.

Crouch in the Right Moment

When things start to get complicated in Codename Crime-Vice Open World, running away won't always be a reliable option, especially when the police arrive on the scene quickly. In situations like these, simply trying to run can put you and your team in more danger because the police are often fast and heavily armed. Instead of attempting to flee, a better tactic to avoid getting caught or shot is to crouch and take cover whenever possible.

Crouch in the Right Moment

Crouching means that you lower your body and hide behind nearby objects for protection. These objects can be anything sturdy enough to block bullets, like a car, a wall, a table, or even large crates. By crouching behind cover, you shield yourself from enemy fire, giving you a much-needed break to regroup and plan your next move. While crouched, you can also take your time to aim better and line up your shots, improving your accuracy without exposing yourself to danger.

This tactic allows you to stay safe while still staying in the Codename Crime-Vice Open World fight. By crouching behind cover, you have the advantage of being hidden while you prepare to return fire at the right moment. When the time is right, you can stand up, take a few quick shots at your enemies or the police, and then either continue the battle or make a well-timed escape. Crouching also reduces your chances of being targeted directly, as you are much harder to hit when you're low to the ground and behind cover. So basically, crouching is an effective way to protect yourself in dangerous situations. It helps you avoid becoming an easy target, improves your shooting aim, and gives you a better chance to escape when things get too intense.

GPS Helps you to Get into the Right Location

As a beginner in Codename Crime-Vice Open World, it can be challenging to figure out where to go and what steps to take next. The open world can be confusing, especially if you're unfamiliar with the layout of the city or the objectives of your missions. This is why it's essential to pay close attention to the GPS feature on your map. The GPS acts as a guide, showing you exactly where you need to go, especially after you get into a vehicle. By following the GPS, you can ensure that you reach your destination successfully without getting lost or wasting time wandering around.

GPS Helps you to Get into the Right Location

In a game like Codename Crime-Vice Open World, being on the correct route is critical because it helps you complete your missions on time. The GPS not only points you in the right direction but also helps you avoid unnecessary detours that could slow you down. Making wrong turns or not knowing the way could cause you to miss important deadlines, leading to failure in your missions. For example, if you're supposed to reach a specific location before the police arrive or before a certain event happens, getting lost could mean missing your opportunity and failing the mission.

That's why it's important to take full advantage of the GPS. It shows you the shortest and most efficient path to your objective, allowing you to focus on completing the mission rather than worrying about where to go. Whether you're driving through the streets or trying to find a hidden location, the GPS will be your best tool for staying on track and making sure you're headed in the right direction.

Flashing Points are the Key

In Codename Crime-Vice Open World, if you've committed a robbery, you'll constantly be at risk of getting chased by the police, especially if they spot you. To survive in the game, it's important to stay alert and avoid being noticed by the police at all costs. One of the best strategies for staying out of trouble is to carefully monitor the flashing points on your map.

The flashing points in Codename Crime-Vice Open World indicate whether a police presence is nearby. If you manage to avoid these areas, you'll not only have a better chance of surviving but also reduce your wanted level over time. This makes it much easier to stay under the radar and continue playing without being caught. By keeping a close eye on these flashing points, you can navigate the game world more safely and improve your overall success in the game.

Make sure to check the map regularly for flashing points. This will help you steer clear of danger zones and lower your risk of getting into a police chase. The more aware you are of these indicators, the better you can plan your movements and make smarter decisions, giving you an advantage in the game.


And that is it. Mastering your gameplay time in Codename Crime-Vice Open World requires more than just fast reflexes—it involves understanding your surroundings, using in-game tools, and staying one step ahead of enemies and the police. Whether it's relying on the mini-map to track enemy movements, using cover and crouching to survive gunfights, or navigating the city efficiently with the GPS, smart decisions are key. Always be aware of flashing points on the map to avoid police chases and maintain your low profile. By using these strategies effectively, you'll be able to pull off successful heists and stay ahead in the game.

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