Crave Saga Beginner Guide, Tips and Tricks - A Complete Walkthrough Guide


Playing the Crave Saga game will let you enter a world where only men exist. Yes, the game is fascinating and includes many advanced techniques, which you must learn before playing. As this is a mobile gacha game, there is a gacha system where you can pull out units to assist you during battle. Learn everything about this with this complete walkthrough guide, and enter the game with the best helpful tips and tricks. 

Crave Saga Beginner Guide

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Before you start playing Crave Saga on PC with LDPlayer 9, we suggest you understand the advanced systems in this game. As the game is rich in advanced techniques, there is more to learn here. So take this opportunity as your perfect way to understand everything related to the game and start playing it. 

Focus on Beginner Missions

Focusing on beginner missions and completing them would be one of the best things you should do first as a beginner to this game. Each beginner mission is advantageous and simple, so you can easily complete them. 

When you complete the beginner missions, you will always get the chance to earn materials which you need to upgrade your units in this game. Therefore, complete more beginner missions, earn materials and upgrade your units. Continue the process until you complete all the beginner missions. 

Focus on Beginner Missions

Make sure to do this as an unending loop, one of the top ways to earn more materials needed to upgrade your units. The rewards from the beginner missions are extremely good, which benefits your whole gameplay. Therefore, it is very important to focus on and complete them to have a smooth progression in this game. 

Don’t Invest in R Units

At the beginner stages of the game, you might find various Crave Saga characters throughout your progress in the storyline. As these soulmates come with different rarities, you need to understand the best Crave Saga characters that you should invest resources to upgrade and power up. When it comes to the best units, undoubtedly, they are the SSR units, and the least powerful ones will always belong to the R rarity. Now that you know the R units are less powerful than the SSR or SR ones, don’t invest resources in them. 

These R units are unsuitable enough to be used in later stages of the gameplay. So, if you invest them in your beginner phase of the game, it will be a huge loss for you. Also, it will become a waste of your resources that you could have invested in the best units you will find in this game.

If you follow what we said above and choose not to use the R units on the battle party, you can sell all their exclusive keys for red tokens. And then you can exchange those for gold keys and other stuff in this game. As the R Crave Saga game characters are useless when you get advanced in this game, make sure to take at least such an advantage as we mentioned above from them. 

Find an Active Guild

You become qualified to enter a guild after reaching level eighteen in this game. When joining a guild, take part in an active guild for better benefits in this game. In a guild, there are a maximum of thirty members, and the guild is like an in-game small community where the players can be connected with other players who play this Crave Saga game

You can chat with other players in the guild chat and exchange tips and strategies which can be used in this game. The guild offers many benefits for its members, such as AP. You only need to go to the guild and check in to gain AP. Every time you check-in, you will receive AP, and every time other members check in, you will receive AP as well, which is a common thing for all the members in the guild. 

Once you become a guild, you can request help from other players and respond to the rescue requests sent to you by other players. Remember to spend quality time with your guild members in this Crave Saga game. Also, if you withdraw from a guild you are in now, you must wait twenty-four more hours to join another new clan.

Main Story Should be Your Priority

Here in this game, completing the main quests must be your priority. It gives you more EXP to level your player rank in this game. As your player rank matters more when unlocking new features in this game, it is essential first to clear the main story as much as possible. When you complete the normal mode of the story mode, at some point, you will unlock the hard mode. The rewards you can obtain by clearing the hard mode of the story include the most valuable and beneficial things. 

Main Story Should be Your Priority

Therefore, once you unlock it, complete more chapters, too. Unlike in the normal storyline, you don’t have to clear a whole chapter in the hard mode to reach the next hard mode chapter in this game. 

Colosseum Missions

You can start completing the Colosseum missions here when you level up your team to at least sixty-five. Why is it better to complete the Colosseum missions? The main reason is the hefty rewards you can earn from them. By completing the Colosseum missions, you will gain rare items very quickly. 

Colosseum Missions

And as the rewards are precious here, try your best to succeed in these missions. There is a recommended power for each Colosseum mission that you are trying to enter. And whenever you clear a battle by completing a Colosseum mission, you will get the best gameplay rewards. The enemies will be challenging here, but with the best team composition, you will do well in these missions. 

Weapon Quests

Weapon quests are the best way to start farming weapons in this Crave Saga game. Every character you get in this game has its exclusive weapon. Each character has a corresponding weapon quest to complete and earn that associated weapon. 

Weapon Quests

The element of the character will decide the element of the quest. When you first try to complete these weapon quests, ensure that the specific character can complete both normal and hard weapon quests to earn exactly what you want. If not, you should first upgrade your character to make it strong and then start weapon questing to get the exclusive weapon of each character. 

What is a Party in Crave Saga

Learning about what a part is in this Crave Saga game is very important when you play this. You can assign up to five soulmates and five sacred artifacts at a party. As the party composition is crucial to winning a battle successfully, here in this article, we will now inform you about all the basic elements of the party system. 

What is a Party in Crave Saga

  • Passive skills - each artifact, as well as all the Crave Saga characters in the party, come with passive skills. Passive skills of the artifacts are active when the artifacts are in a battle party, and you can level up the passive skills when you upgrade the level of the artifacts. But the passive skills of the characters will unlock with their level up, and one character can only learn up to two passive skills. 

  • Weapon types and elements - all the Crave Saga game characters have a specific element and two weapons. If the weapons of the characters match with the characters’ elements, the weapons’ stats will be boosted. 

Combo System

Unlike in other games, how you build your battle party will decide whether the combos will be unleashed. Every sacred artifact has a favored weapon and an element. When the artifact is in use during the battles, you can activate combos using weapons of the favored type or with the same attributes as the artifact to attack enemies. The number of hits will decide how many combos will activate. The more combos activated, the more damage will be dealt to the enemies. 

Healer is Important

When building a party, the healer is crucial for a successful battle. This becomes very important practically when you take part in boss battles. During the boss battles, the Crave Saga characters in your team will also receive damage while dealing damage to the bosses. The more damage units take, the more their HP reduces. 

Therefore, it is essential to have a healer in your team to recover HP and to remove ailments. However, the healers deal less damage compared to the others. You better use a healer in your team to win all the raid battles you take part in this Crave Saga game

Might Above 60,000

When you end the early stage of the game, keep a goal to create a team whose might is above 60,000. But making such a powerful team won’t be as easy as you think. The first thing is to get the best SSR units and farm them. Other than that, there are many things you can do to create a team with a might above 60,000. Some of them are mentioned below. 

  • Unlock the Ability Release Board - this is one of the best things to power up your units even more. The ability release board will be unlocked once you unlock the personal weapon by completing the weapon quests. Once it is opened, your soulmates become more powerful with increased stats and new unlocked skills with more bonus effects. So, keep unlocking the ability release board further. 

  • Expeditions - this is another way to earn more rewards, which are essential to strengthen your soulmates. In these expeditions, there are different stages which your soulmates can take part in. The higher the stage, the better the rewards you can earn from them. As the expeditions are harder and need more combat power to enter, you have to raise the whole team's level, which will help you build a team with a might above 60,000. 

Other than all of them, you can go for weapon quests, which give you the best weapons as rewards after completing them. With the best weapons, your team becomes more powerful. So, follow all the above methods to build a powerful squad with the best Crave Saga characters

Raid Battles

You will unlock the raid battles after reaching level thirteen in this Crave Saga game. Once you clear a raid battle, you will receive special raid sphere items. You can collect more raid spheres and exchange them for sacred artifacts, which is the goal of these raid battles. As the sacred artifacts can only be gained through the raid exchange shop, get more raid spheres for better sacred artifacts. 

Raid Battles

When you host a raid battle, you have to consume AP, and you can call the other players as rescuers for these battles, which they have to spend RP to join. Although the raid battles are challenging, you can host them to earn additional rewards for hosting raid battles. 

In the raid battles, there is a rescue option in which you call other players to join your raid. And if you don't notify the other players to join as battle rescuers, you must do everything alone. Rescues are three types: the guild, friend and general. 

When calling for the other players to join your raid, make sure only to call for the guild members and friends whom you have a good idea about how strong they are. If someone inexperienced comes to the raid, then there will be chances that you will because of the accidents they do. So, be careful about whom you call to rescue the raid battles if taking everything on your own is hard. 

How to Choose Which Soulmates to Upgrade

When upgrading the soulmates, you might wonder which ones you should prioritize. Remember to always upgrade the most powerful ones, which you can rely on in the later stages when you play the Crave Saga game. As you have understood the party system well from the above of this beginner guide, let us now check how to choose which soulmates to upgrade for a future perfect party. 

How to Choose Which Soulmates to Upgrade

What matters in this game is how better your party is to participate in challenging battles. So, it is important for you to know which Crave Saga game characters you need to focus on when upgrading. First, you must understand what units to focus on to pull out using the gacha summoning system in this game. As we always say, the best units are the SSR ones, make sure to focus on them during the summons and then invest your resources in them for successful gameplay. 

Reroll for the Best Units

You have now learned more things about this Crave Saga game. And now you will learn how to get the best soulmates in this game. Here, when you go to the gacha summon section, you will see many permanent and time-limited banners. These banners need different materials as currencies, and each banner has various drop rates for various rarities of characters. 

Reroll for the Best Units

Mostly, the R units, which are the least powerful, get the highest rates, while the SSR units, the most powerful, get the lowest rates. This is very unfair, right? So the only thing you can do to earn the best units is always go for rerolling. 

When rerolling, please use multiple accounts at once so that the procedure can be quickened and you can easily earn top units. For that, play the Crave Saga game on your PC with LDPlayer 9, use the Multi-Instance Sync feature, create more accounts, and start rerolling using all of them. This is how you will have a perfect reroll and earn the best units in the Crave Saga tier list at the same time. 


Here are the best guidelines you can follow to get better in this Crave Saga game. As these guidelines are all about the game, you will never fail in this game, but you will be better. So, when you play the game now, remember to follow all the tips, tricks and guidelines you have learned from this beginner guide.

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