De:Lithe Last Memories Characters - Introducing all the Characters to Beginners


De:Lithe Last Memories is a game about a story of cute girls trying to renew the glory of destroyed Tokyo after the great collapse. Yes, these gals possess strength in addition to cuteness. So, before you get into the gameplay, it is better to understand and learn about all these characters, right? Most importantly, since you are more curious about them, we have made this guide where you will see all the characters in De:Lithe Last Memories you will meet. 

De:Lithe Last Memories character 


Each character in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay has a unique personality, which will be interesting to learn. Not just that, these characters are really powerful and specialized in various roles when it comes to the battles. Therefore, in this article, you will have a rough idea about all these characters, and then you can utilize all of these characters well in various ways in your gameplay. So prepare yourself to know all the characters and then play De:Lithe Last Memories on PC using LDPlayer with them. 

Ritsu Ichimonji

Ritsu Ichimonjiis the first character we will speak of in this De:Lithe Last Memories guide, and when speaking of this character, she is a chill girl who likes to stay cool in any situation. And, of course, this character, who is just seventeen years old, is a dependable character all the time. One awesome fact about this girl is she is the second-in-command in unit one here. Sometimes, as a high rank, she may act mysterious, but most of the time, she is an easygoing character, which is why most people like her a lot. Remember, even though she is mysterious sometimes, she is often an open character. 

Milia Kazuraba

Milia Kazuraba is a dedicated medical student whose father runs a large hospital, sparking her interest in medicine from a young age. She joined the DOLLs to learn cutting edge medical procedures since she wanted to be a wonderful doctor like her father. While Milia is proud of her abilities, she deeply values her friendships. Normally calm and composed, she has a notable fear of ghost stories that can easily unsettle her.

Wakana Minami

The next girl character we will speak of here in the De:Lithe Last Memories guide is Wakana Minami. This character is very cute with pink hair, and she is eighteen years old. One thing that makes us excited about this Wakana Minami character is that she loves taking care of other girls, especially the younger and the cute ones. Besides that, she is a really useful and supportive character during battles as she can do any task on the battlefield, ranging from attacks to support. And yes, she enjoys being someone that others always rely on, so she is helpful in all kinds of ways on the battlefield. Not only is she good on the battlefield, but also she is a clever one when it comes to science and technology. 

Shizuku Fuwa

Shizuku Fuwa is a passionate and impulsive girl who lost her family during the Great Collapse and became an orphan. She joined the DOLL unit to combat unknown threats but was instead assigned to the PR squad for idol-related duties. With a strong sense of justice, Shizuku often takes charge during confrontations with unknown enemies. However, her independent nature during missions often leads to clashes with Shiki, who values discipline and order.

Kotoha Kazami

Kotoha Kazami is another exciting character you will meet when you play the De:Lithe Last Memories game. She is a younger character you will meet in this De:Lithe Last Memories game, and she is a hard worker, honestly. Mostly, she does not take things lightly but thinks things through carefully. When it comes to Kotoha's role on the battlefield, she is actually supportive, and her happiness lies in helping her teammates in various ways. Even though people sometimes think Kotoha is a distant character, she is not. She is a great character assisting her allies on the battlefield. 

Hina Hojo

Hina Hojo is a brilliant young medical prodigy famous for her work in the field. She dreams of a world without death and is obsessed with finding the key to perpetual life. Her quest led her to join the DOLLs, using Gate technology to search for answers. Sometimes, she behaves like a mad scientist, creating strange potions and testing them on fellow DOLL members. Hina often shares her knowledge of ancient artifacts with Wakana and Milia, combining their expertise to further her research.

Komari Yuki

Komari is a talented character in this De:Lithe Last Memories game who has a great sense of combat. She is really young; therefore, due to her inexperience and less mental strength than other characters, she often encounters challenges. But still, with her great natural instincts about what is going on and what is about to happen next, she will overcome all the challenges. And since she is young and quite troublesome, she might need approval before doing anything. Her best quality is that she loves to praise her all the time. 

Natsuha Kisaragi

Natsuha Kisaragi is a gentle soul who grew up in a church-going family and led a healthy and peaceful life. Inspired by a divine vision of herself fighting as a DOLL, she joined the DOLL squad. Her kind and caring nature makes her beloved by everyone. Natsuha loves singing, whether hymns or idol songs, and her musical talent brings joy to those around her.

Suzuha Kazami

When it comes to missions, Suzuha is a real go-getter who takes the lead all the time, which is a praising characteristic of hers. Speaking of combat, Suzuha has amazing combat skills that allow her to handle everything effortlessly. But most of the time, she pushes herself too much. Unlike her twin sister Kotoha, Suzuha does not think about anything; she takes action first without any hesitation. Therefore, Suzuha is different from her twin sister and has a unique, careless personality. 

Azumi Hongo

Azumi Hongo


Azumi is undoubtedly known as the strongest character here because she has survived a great collapse. The most interesting thing about this girl is that she is a very determined character with a strong personality and is determined to reclaim Tokyo as well. As we know, besides her determined mind, she is fearless and selfless, too. Among all the characters here, she is a trustworthy one. 

Aya Hino

Aya Hino is a determined girl with a love for superhero movies, often stepping up to protect her peers. She joined the DOLL unit to help reclaim her hometown, Tokyo, and her unwavering optimism makes her a vital member of the second unit, especially when things go wrong. Although the second unit specializes in medicine, Aya knows little about it, but she still helps lead her team to the front lines. Her never-give-up attitude and leadership skills are invaluable.

Mutsumi Sakurai

Mutsumi Sakurai is a confident and enduring idol known for her brightness and straightforward nature. She aims to inspire dreams and hope in everyone around her. After losing her memory in the Great Collapse, Mutsumi felt lost and unsure of her identity. She became aware of her ambition to become a ray of hope for others after seeing an inspirational role model. She shares a close friendship and a friendly rivalry with Amano, pushing each other to be their best.

Miyako Sonozaki

Miyako Sonozaki leads the second unit in the De:Lithe Last Memories game, specializing in medical treatment and support. She makes everyone around her happy and pleasant all the time. Motivated by her parents' experience running an orphanage, she joined the DOLLs to assist in finding homes for orphans. Miyako is courageous and willing to tackle tough challenges to help others. Though she wants to be seen as an older sister figure, her short stature makes her teammates see her more as an adorable mascot.

Setsuna Uozu

Setsuna Uozu is an upcoming painter you will meet in this De:Lithe Last Memories game. While looking across the realm for motifs for her artwork, she unexpectedly landed on DOLL. She also wanted to take charge of the third unit in this game from the very beginning. The most remarkable fact about Setsuna Uozu is that she gets too excited when she is allowed to do anything that she imagines. 

Megumi Tenkuji

Megumi Tenkuji is a strict rule-follower who values efficiency according to this De:Lithe Last Memories game. Prior to joining the DOLL unit, she volunteered both locally and abroad because she has a strong desire to serve people. Her ultimate goal is to put a stop to all conflicts. Megumi is hopeful about Logios and its unexplored technology from the Gate. She is responsible for maintaining discipline and focus within the unit. While tough and demanding during assignments, she is sweet and peaceful in her personal life.

Luna Tsukuyomi

Here comes the boss of the third unit in this De:Lithe Last Memories game, Luna Tsukuyomi. She is an extremely friendly, easy-going, and consistently happy person. Even though this character is not good at dealing with regular daily tasks, her speciality will be shown when it comes to commanding tasks. Her way of thinking and acting are all unique, and the best thing about Luna is she is always courageous and brave enough to act regardless of how dangerous the situation is. 

Nagisa Narumi

Nagisa Narumi in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay is a vibrant young girl with dreams of becoming a renowned adventurer. Her passion for exploring historical sites and ancient ruins led her to become a DOLL, allowing her to embark on thrilling new adventures. Filled with joy and an unquenchable curiosity, Nagisa approaches life with an optimistic outlook, always finding the silver lining in every situation. Although her quest for fun sometimes lands her in tricky spots, her inquisitive nature often uncovers remarkable discoveries.

Yuki Banjo

Yuki Banjo is an uncompromising young woman in the De:Lithe Last Memories game, known for her lack of humor and adherence to strict principles. Raised in a wealthy family that upheld rigid traditions, Yuki finds it challenging to express her true self. Her upbringing was steeped in conventional values, making her feel bound by outdated norms. Yuki's wardrobe reflects her personality, favoring tight-fitting clothes that symbolize her need for control and order. Despite her challenges, she navigates her duties with a sense of duty and precision, embodying her disciplined upbringing.

Fuka Kagawa

Fuka Kagawa is another character you meet in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay who loves to live a peaceful life. Her main goal in life is to be a journalist. And therefore, she always uses her knowledge to find insights and write essays. Her most beautiful trait is that she likes to care for others as she enjoys doing so more. But ultimately, she ends up hurting all those around them. 

Nana Izumi

Nana Izumi is a timid girl in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay who often struggles with low self-esteem. She tends to apologize frequently to those around her. Despite her shy nature, Nana becomes fearless and almost reckless when on a mission, diving into danger without hesitation, as if she has little regard for her own safety. In her younger years, she seemed to be much happier than she is now. She craves praise from others but finds it difficult to accept compliments when they come her way.

Shiki Yaiba

Shiki Yaiba is the strict leader of the Fourth Unit in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay and is known for her intelligence and discipline. A bright student, she advanced quickly through school and studied applied physics in college. She initially joined the DOLL Unit to use her skills, but her talent as an idol led her to the PR Unit. As a class president, Shiki sometimes struggles with relationships because she prioritizes rules and discipline too much, occasionally causing her to lose control over her interactions with others.

Amano Shiranami

Amano Shiranami is another character you will meet in the De:Lithe Last Memories game, driven by big dreams of becoming a top entertainer and a billionaire. She works hard, aiming to be admired for her cuteness while earning a lot of money. Always eager to promote live events and participate in missions as a DOLL, she does everything enthusiastically as long as she's paid. Amano is forward-thinking and passionate about her career. She competes with her teammate Mutsumi Sakurai for the center position, always striving to be the best.

Hikari Kido

Hikari Kido


In De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay, Hikari Kido is a shy, diligent honor student who strictly follows the rules and is afraid of ghosts. After her family's business failed, her parents fell into deep debt, leading to their separation. To help pay off the debts, Hikari decided to become a DOLL, as her part-time jobs weren't enough. When she made this decision, her friend Sana could not bear it and joined the group, making Hikari feel deeply indebted to her.

Otaha Kamiyama

Otaha Kamiyama is a fascinating girl who loves to daydream in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay. Always lost in her own world, she seems to see everything through a lens of airy fantasies. Even during exploration missions, she keeps this whimsical attitude, often naming unidentified creatures as goblins and orcs. Despite her dreamy nature, Otaha makes sharp observations and serves as the intellectual force of the team, contributing her clever insights during their missions.

Tenka Amamiya

Tenka Amamiya, in De:Lithe Last Memories game, is a huge idol fan who wanted to be part of the DOLL's public relations team to support the members up close. She is kind-hearted and always ready to help those in need. Tenka's sweet and supportive nature makes her a great team player, often balancing the group and lending a hand to Shiki. Everyone in her presence feels uplifted and in harmony by her presence.

Sana Godai

Sana Godai

Sana Godai is the commander of the Fifth Unit in De:Lithe Last Memories, driven by a desire to be extraordinary, which led her to become a DOLL. She strives to stand out and sometimes takes bold steps to break away from the ordinary. Despite her ambitions, Sana deeply cares for her teammates and is committed to protecting their society. As the leader, she now faces the challenge of managing her determined and spirited squad.

Mei Hidaka

Mei Hidaka


Mei Hidaka is a laid-back person who likes to do things at her own pace, always bringing happiness and calmness to those around her. She's a fantastic gamer but only plays for fun, not competitively. Mei has a knack for figuring things out and speaks her mind directly, which people often seek for advice. However, her straightforwardness can sometimes be off-putting. She has many gamer friends outside the DOLL unit in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay.

Momoka Asakura

Momoka Asakura


Momoka Asakura is a polite and well-mannered girl from a rich family, according to the De:Lithe Last Memories game. After the Great Collapse, her family's importance increased even further. She takes delight in living up to her parents' high expectations of her. However, her father was strict, always emphasizing self-improvement over making friends, which led her to spend most of her time studying and feeling isolated. Despite her achievements, Momoka secretly longs for companionship and wishes she had friends to share her days with.

Rinoa Tendo

Rinoa Tendoa is exceptionally talented in all she does, always appearing cheerful and confident. However, she sometimes makes things more complicated to cope with her feelings of being ordinary. In search of something she can be truly passionate about, she joined the organization to embark on exciting adventures and find her true calling in De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay.

Nanami Kenzaki

Although Nanami Kenzaki presents herself as a cultured and alluring young lady, on the inside she's a bit of an airhead. She's surprisingly entertaining and often joins Mei and Rinoa in their wild adventures without batting an eye. People often misjudged her based on her looks, and she had trouble making friends before joining the DOLL unit. She deeply cherishes the unit members who treat her normally and is willing to sacrifice herself for them, driven by a strong inner desire. Nanami loves eating and can consume a lot despite her small size. Additionally, she can play the piano like a professional!

Miko Ashihara

Miko Ashihara leads Unit 6 with a talent for machines and hacking. She avoids conflicts and prefers to follow orders from higher-ups. Miko delegates most tasks to her team members but takes responsibility if any issues arise. She watches over Unit 6 from behind, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Aoi Kamijo

Aoi Kamijo, in De:Lithe Last Memories game, comes from a rich family with strong political and corporate influence, but they've been struggling since the Great Collapse. She joined the DOLL Unit to help restore her family's former glory. Sent to aid in reconstruction and strengthen their position, Aoi is a dutiful and quiet daughter, facing high expectations from her parents and relatives. She feels both admiration and envy towards Momoka Asakura, who is also part of the DOLL Unit and shares the same prestigious family background.

Rion Kaitou

Rion Kaitou is a competitive girl who always aims to be the best. Skilled in combat, she can sometimes get too focused on the task at hand. As the leader of Unit 6, with Miko observing from behind, Rion has earned the team's trust with her determination and laid-back attitude. She loves kendo and joined the DOLL Unit to cover her sister's medical expenses, which need advanced treatment from Gate technology.


Honestly, this game is a challenging one, but these cute and powerful girls have made the game more interesting to play, regardless of how challenging it is. Since you know about all of them with this article, now you can get ready to enter this De:Lithe Last Memories gameplay and have amazing battling times with these cute girls. 

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