Defend Your Home with Crazy Bean Tips - Ultimate Beginner Guides


Crazy Bean is a game full of action and adventure, where you have to defend your home from invaders. You can use different skills, equipment, and buddies to fight enemies and explore the world. But how do you become the best defender in Crazy Bean? How do you master the game mechanics and strategies? How do you have the most fun and satisfaction? Don't worry; we have you covered. 

Defend Your Home with Crazy Bean Tips

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In this guide, we will cover topics like How to upgrade your basic skills and stats, How to increase your chances of doing critical hits, how to deal more damage and more. But if you want to improve your enjoyment some more with better graphics and quality-of-life features, play Crazy Bean on PC with LDPlayer 9. Are you ready to become a formidable defender? Then let's get started and explore the amazing world of Crazy Bean!

Stats Upgrades in Crazy Bean

As a Crazy Bean defender, you want to be strong and tough in battles. One way to do that is to use gold to upgrade your skills. There are four skills that you can upgrade with gold: Attack, HP, HP Recovery, and Critical Hit Damage. 

The Attack is how much damage you can do to enemies. HP is how much health you have. HP Recovery is how fast you can heal yourself. Critical Hit Damage is how much extra damage you can do when you hit enemies really hard.

Stats Upgrades in Crazy Bean

You can get gold by completing quests in Crazy Bean. Quests are tasks that you have to do, such as defeating a certain number of enemies or collecting a certain amount of items. When you finish a quest, you get a reward of gold and sometimes other things.

You can use the gold you get from quests to upgrade your skills. But how do you decide which skill to upgrade first? Well, the best way is to upgrade them evenly. That means you don't spend all your gold on one skill, but you spread it out among all four skills. This way, you can be good at everything and not have any weaknesses.

For example, if you have 1000 gold and each skill upgrade costs 100 gold, you can upgrade each skill by two levels. This will make your Attack go from 10 to 12, your HP go from 100 to 120, your HP Recovery go from 5 to 7, and your Critical Hit Damage go from 20% to 24%. This will make you stronger in all aspects and ready for any challenge.

Why is this better than upgrading only one skill? Well, let's say you spend all your 1000 gold on upgrading your Attack by ten levels. This will make your Attack go from 10 to 20, but your other skills will stay the same. At first you might feel it is a good idea because you can do more damage to enemies. 

But what if the enemies have high HP or high defense? What if they can do critical hits more often than you? Then you might find yourself in trouble because your HP will run out quickly, and you won't be able to recover fast enough or deal enough extra damage.

That's why it's better to upgrade your skills evenly and not focus on one skill only. This will make you a balanced and versatile defender who can handle any situation. This is the key to becoming a formidable defender in Crazy Bean.

Increase the Crit Chance and Attack Speed

As a Crazy Bean beginner, you want to be able to hit enemies hard and fast. Two skills that can help you do that are Attack Speed and Crit Chance. Crit Chance is how likely you are to do a critical hit, which is a hit that does extra damage. Attack Speed determines how fast you can attack enemies. Both of these skills have a limit of 100%. That means you can't increase that stat higher than that.

You should try to reach the limit of 100% for both Crit Chance and Attack Speed as soon as you can. This will make your attacks very powerful and quick. You will be able to eliminate a lot of enemies faster and avoid their attacks in return.

Another skill that can help you do more damage is Multishot. Multishot is how many shots you can fire at once. If you can shoot more shots, you can hit more enemies in a short time. There is also a skill called Triple Shot, which is how likely you are to fire three shots instead of two.

The best way to upgrade Multishot and Triple Shot is to follow a smart order. First, you should upgrade Multishot until you reach 100%. This will ensure that you always fire two shots at once. Then, you should switch to upgrading Triple Shot until you reach 100%. This will sometimes make your character fire three shots at the same time. This order will help you increase your damage output gradually and efficiently in Crazy Bean

Gear for Ultimate Defense

If you want to progress in the Crazy Bean combat with fewer retries, you want to have good equipment to protect yourself and fight enemies. There are two types of equipment in the game: Weapons and Armor. Weapons are what you use to attack enemies. 

Gear for Ultimate Defense

Armour is what you use to protect yourself. Both of these types of equipment can increase your skills: Attack and HP. As we said before, Attack is how much damage you can do to enemies. HP is how much health you have.

You will need diamonds, the game's unique form of cash, in order to purchase any pieces of equipment. You can acquire diamonds by completing various objectives or by buying them with actual money. Diamonds can help you buy new equipment or skills through the gacha system.

Each piece of equipment has two kinds of effects: owned effects and equipped effects. Owned effects are effects you get just by having the equipment in your inventory. You don't have to put it on your character to get the benefits. On the other hand, Equipped effects are effects that you get only when you wear the equipment. You have to put it on to activate the effects.

For example, let's say you have a sword that has an owned effect of +10 Attack and an equipped effect of +20% Critical Hit Damage. If you have the sword in your inventory, but you don't wear it, you will get a +10 Attack from the owned effect. But if you wear the sword, you will get both a +10 Attack from the owned effect and +20% Critical Hit Damage from the equipped effect.

The best way to use your equipment is to wear the best ones that you have. This will allow you to receive the most benefits from both the effects of having the item and having it equipped. You should also try to upgrade your equipment as much as you can. Upgrading your equipment will make both the owned and equipped effects stronger. 

Sometimes, upgrading your equipment will also give you a chance to get a new or better-equipped effect. This is why upgrading your equipment is very important for your defense strategy and your personal style. It will make you more powerful and more adaptable to different situations in Crazy Bean

Mastering Skills in Crazy Bean

When you first begin playing Crazy Bean, one of your primary goals should be to acquire unique skills that can improve your performance in combat.  These abilities are called skills. Same as equipment, you can get new skills through the gacha system. Skills are different from equipment because they have unique effects. Spells like fireballs and lightning bolts are both within your reach if you have the right skill. Some skills can boost your stats, such as Attack or HP. Some skills can do other things, such as healing or stunning enemies.

Mastering Skills in Crazy Bean

When you increase your skill set, you also increase your potential for power. Your passive attack power, which is how much damage you do without using skills, will increase based on three factors: the number of skills you have, the rarity of skills you have, and the level of skills you have. Rarity is how rare or common a skill is. The level is how much you have upgraded a skill.

To use your skills, you need to equip them first. You can equip your skills by using skill slots. Skill slots are spaces where you can put your skills. In Crazy Bean, you begin the game with a single empty skill space, but as the game progresses, more slots will become available to you. If you have more skill slots, you can employ a greater number of skills at the same time.

To use a skill that you have equipped, you just need to tap on its icon on the screen. The skill will activate and do its effect. You can also choose to use auto-skill, which is a feature that lets the game use your skills for you automatically. You can turn on or off auto-skill by pressing the Automatic button on the screen.

Crazy Bean Buddies for Battle

You want to have companions in Crazy Bean who can assist you in battles, especially since you are a newcomer to the game.  These friends are called buddies. Buddies are cute and friendly monsters that you can collect and use in the game. Buddies can help you in two ways: passively and actively. Passive help means that they give you a bonus to your attack power just by being in your collection. Active help means that they fight with you in battles when you equip them. 

Crazy Bean Buddies for Battle

Each of your buddies has its own stats and abilities. With stats you can understand how strong a buddy is. Abilities are special effects that a buddy can do in battles. Some abilities can damage enemies, some can heal you or your buddies, some can boost your stats or lower the enemies' stats, and some can do other things.

The best way to use your buddies is to choose them wisely based on their stats and abilities. You can equip up to four buddies at a time. You should equip the ones that match your strategy and complement your skills. You should also organize your collection by putting the ones with the highest stats and abilities first. Because of this, you will receive the maximum benefits possible from both passive and active assistance.

Winning Dungeons

Winning Dungeons

You can explore dungeons in order to obtain a variety of unique rewards. However, in order to enter, you will need keys, and you can obtain these by completing daily objectives. The more challenging the dungeon, the more valuable the prize at the end. You can increase your strength and power by using the prizes you receive. 

How to Progress Faster

At first, you have to play the campaign mode, which can get boring sometimes. To make it more fun, you can try changing your stats and see how they affect your damage and performance. You can also get new gear from the gacha, which lets you change your stats more. You will be able to find the equipment that is most suited to your play style and advance more quickly.

There are also quests and daily tasks that help you progress faster. You can see red dots that show you where to get rewards or new things. You can use these to get more resources, discover hidden features, and become a master of the game.


In the world of Crazy Bean, success hinges on strategic decision-making and a relentless pursuit of enhancement. By mastering upgrades, refining your skills, forging alliances with buddies, and delving into dungeons, you'll rise above challenges and defend your home with unparalleled prowess. Always keep in mind that you are gaining ground on your path to becoming the ultimate defender at every turn. So gear up, strategize, and let the beans of crazy adventure guide you towards victory!

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