DK Mobile : Genesis Beginner Guide and Gameplay


DK Mobile: Genesis is a role-playing game that allows you first to create a character using a preferred class introduced by the game, and you will face battles in every step you take. Many quests, many ways of powering up the character you created, and plenty of things are available for you to do here. Even though you have made the right decision to read this DK Mobile: Genesis beginner guide, every beginner player needs better knowledge about the game before engaging in any activity. 





DK Mobile : Genesis Beginner Guide


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So, with the help of this DK Mobile : Genesis beginner guide, you can understand which character class you need to choose as a beginner and also the battles and some other essential things. Therefore once you read this DK Mobile : Genesis beginner guide and understand everything about the game, you can play DK Mobile : Genesis on PC and have a magnificent gameplay.


Choose a Class for the Character

Do you know the first thing you must do after entering the game as a DK Mobile : Genesis beginner? You have to create a character for yourself, and when you create a character, you need to choose a class for your character. This game has five classes: Paladin, Warrior, Archer, Warlock, and Sorcerer, and you can choose one from the given classes for your character to build him up. 


Each class has different skills and specialized fields that can perform well, and you need to analyze the classes well and select the best one for your character. To make it easy for each DK Mobile : Genesis beginner to choose the best class for the character, we have included basic class information in this guide. You can rely on these details to find the best class for you. 





Paladin is the class who is more likely a defender who is rich in defense skills. Also, the difficulty in handling them is normal, so even a DK Mobile : Genesis beginner player can get used to taking the Paladin class quickly. The Paladin class is rich in attacking skills and has good health status, which makes them firm to any attack. 





The Warrior class is the best at dealing massive damage to enemies through powerful melee attacks. And also, they have the skills of defense, which make them more robust against any enemy. The difficulty level of handling the Warrior class is easy, so that it can be a better choice for all the newbie players. 


So, if you prefer a class that excels in killing enemies using melee attacks while maintaining good defense skills, then you can rely on the Warrior class, which is the best choice for you. 





This class will be your choice if you love to build up a character with the best sniping skills while maintaining a considerable range. As they are archers, they can damage enemies far away from the character's standing point. 


And the Archer class is easy to handle with less difficulty, and also they have good health status. But as they have only the skills of performing ranged attacks well, they are not good at close combat. So be more cautious about placing this character on the battlefield in close combat. 





Warlock is a class that has the skills of using dark magic and spells against their foes to curse them in various ways. And also, the Warlock uses unique magic against the enemies to play with them and drive them to death, acting like a reaper. 


They are easy to handle and have good health status, making them endure more attacks from enemies without being killed in an instant. 





The Sorcerer is a class that is hard to handle for beginners and because of its difficulty level of handling, think twice before choosing this class for your character. The Sorcerer class has the skills to use the powerful magic of ancient dragons and elemental magic to damage the enemies massively. 


Even though this class is not good at close-range combat, they can turn every condition into winning one thanks to their powerful elemental magic. 


Since you can easily understand which is the best class for a DK Mobile : Genesis beginner like you, choose the best one for you, and after selecting a class, you can customize the character's face look and the hairstyle along with the hair color. Once you are done with all the preparations for your character, you can confirm it and enter the game.


Runes and Their Effects

Runes are essential in powering up the activated skills of the character, and runes are crucial to increasing specific character statistics. Runes come in different rarities, Common, Premium, Rare, Epic, and Legendary, and the effect that runes supply will increase with the increment of the rarity of runes. 


So, the most potent runes with the best effects come in the legendary tier, and the least powerful runes with the non-special effects come in the common tier. And also, according to the class of your character, the runes' effects will change because the skills differ from class to class. This DK Mobile : Genesis beginner guide lets us see overall details about the runes and their effects. 


Runes and Their Effects


  • Life - increase HP.

  • Unyielding - increase Resist skill. 

  • Rage - increase Bonus Attack for crit. 

  • Protection - increase Physical and Magical Defense. 

  • Endurance - increase Resist CC.

  • Snipe - increase Skill Accuracy. 

  • Intense - increase MP Recovery per second. 

  • Weight - increase Max Weight. 

  • Focus - increase CC Accuracy. 

  • Accuracy - increase Accuracy. 

  • Valor - increase Attack. 

  • Swift - increase Attack Speed. 

  • Resolute - increase Crit Rate. 

  • Recovery - increase Potion Heal. 

  • Hunt - increase Bonus Attack.

  • Decisive - increase PVP Max Attack. 

  • Fortitude - increase Resist CC.

  • Tenacity - improve Resist Skill. 


These are the runes and their basic effects, but only one rune is not enough to activate effects because these are set effects that require you to gather two or more runes of the same type together. Since you know the importance of the runes through this DK Mobile : Genesis beginner guide, try to activate rune effects on your character.



Battles are a prominent part of games like these, and when you battle with enemies, you need specific knowledge on how to manipulate your character to perform the best kills on the battlefield. So, this DK Mobile : Genesis beginner guide will teach you more about battles and their techniques. 


When you wander around to complete quests and other missions, you will encounter wild animals attacking you or some other enemies. And it would help if you battled against them to protect yourself from getting killed by those wild animals. 




You can use the auto-battle and auto-hunt options; when you use both, the character will move automatically. Through the auto-battle option, you can make your character fight independently by using the skills you have unlocked and added to the skill slots. 


When you tap on and turn on the auto hunt option, your character will hunt down the wild animals even without your command. But even without using these, you can move your character through a joystick and attack the enemies using the battle or attack icon because sometimes auto-controlling can worsen situations. 


But to win the battles, neither auto options nor mobile controls are enough; you need some advanced features. You can use the advanced features to win battles easily with easy controls if you play this game on your PC using the best android emulator LDPlayer 9. 


It has the Keyboard Mapping feature that allows you to set different shortcut keys for all the controls given in the game, such as skill slots, item slots, Attack, auto hunt, etc. And when you set shortcut keys for all the action icons here to activate them quickly, you do not have to struggle more to win the battles as the LDPlayer 9 has made everything easy for you.



Even if you read this DK Mobile : Genesis beginner guide with zero knowledge of it, when you conclude this guide, you have a piece of proper knowledge on almost every aspect of the game. So, now, you can play the game, not as a DK Mobile : Genesis beginner, but as an experienced player. When you reach more levels in this game, you will need some tips and tricks, and for that, use the DK Mobile : Genesis tips and tricks.

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