Dragon Ball Legends: Characters and PVP Battle Tips


Dragon Ball Legends is an action-anime RPG (Role Playing Game) game that features epic 3D graphics and animations. Dragon Ball Legends was created to help tell the original story based on the new character: the mysterious Saiyan, known as Shallot. 

Dragon Ball Legends


Dragon Ball Legends offers an action-packed anime RPG and the best animated battle scenes featuring characters like Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and other favorite Dragon Ball characters. There are popular heroes and villains featured in Dragon Ball. Heroes include Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, and Krillin. The evil villains include Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu. 


During the course of this article, the characters of Dragon Ball Legends will be discussed with all the battle tips you need to know.



Dragon Ball Legends


Dragon Ball is a game of pace and intelligence, so you have to learn to master your fight, which is very essential. In fact, you will have to learn to carefully synchronize your dashes (forward & backward dashes), taps, and cards.


When you dash (forward dash) your fighter towards an enemy, this brings the enemy closer to the melee range, while dashing away (backward direction) moves your fighter away from the enemy. When the fighter is close enough, you can trigger a number or combo of punches and/or kicks, but when the fighter is away, you can launch a single Ki blast.


During the game, there is a feature that can be utilized, it is called: a Vanishing Step. This step can be activated when using a well-timed dash (forward direction), which allow your opponent or enemy to hit or fly through the air. 


The Vanishing Step Gauge: This gauge looks like a little stickman on the run, and this gauge helps you avoid spamming the Vanishing Step move because it has to reload between dodges. This gauge can also be refilled instantly when your fighter is hit by a special attack from the opponent or enemy, or when characters are switched.


How to switch Fighters during Combat

If you want to switch fighters while fighting an enemy, you can do this by moving the cursor over one of the other fighter portraits that can be located on the left side of the screen. You are liable to switch between fighters several times per battle, but keep in mind that recovery time is available to prevent you from switching back to a fighter you recently switched from for a certain period of time. 


However, each character has a special ability that flashes when available for use. This can be utilized by hitting your cursor on the icon below the portrait of each character.


How to make use of Arts Cards

Dragon Ball Legends


Another essential thing to learn is how to make use of the Arts Cards in a proper way. These Arts Cards appear in a row right below the combat on the screen. The specialty of Arts Cards is that they can trigger a series of projectiles or a melee blow that can cause a lot of damage compared to normal attacks, but only if used at the right time. 


Your Arts Cards tend to refill slowly when you are not fighting but moving around, which is powered by your Ki.


There are always seven Dragon Balls available in a fight, so if you can use Arts Cards related to them, you will trigger a “Rising Rush.” You can click on the ‘Rising Rush’ icon by clicking on the icon displayed on the right side of the screen. Also, when this powerful move is activated, it combines your three fighters for a dangerous, huge Dragon Ball blast, and this doubles if the card you chose upon request is different from that of your opponent or enemy.


A Peek into PvP Techniques in Dragon Ball Legends

Dragon Ball Legends offers important PvP elements and advanced strategies. These elements and strategies must be utilized, implemented, and understood to be competitive in the higher ranks.


Here is a brief overview of a collection of common techniques used by top players to gain an edge in PvP battles.


  • Movement: The correct use of movement techniques is essential to maintain an advantage.
  • Dashing Forward: Proper use of a dash properly can help fighters move to a close range tackle. Enemies with Counters may be difficult to beat or win, but this technique would help as a bait tool against such enemies.
  • Dashing Backwards: In some scenarios, such as when an enemy is trapped into a Tap Punch Combo, Dashing Backwards could be very useful by drifting and for gaining distance.
  • Tackle: This is a versatile tool that is useful when at mid-range to an opponent or enemy and can be woven into Combos to intentionally stall for time. Keep in mind that Tackle can be best used when your opponent or enemy is unprepared.
  • Drifting Forward and Backwards: Drifting in either direction is a great way to close space or gain distance so as not to put your fighter at a disadvantage.



Each Dragon Ball Legends character is associated with a certain class type and rarity level. There are four class types, which are:

  • Melee
  • Ranged 
  • Defense and
  • Support 

There are three rarity levels, which are:

  • Hero
  • Extreme and
  • Sparking


Basically, before each battle, you need to consider a character’s element, class type, and rarity level. Below, you will find the list of characters included in each class type and rarity level.





  1. Hero (Low-Tier)

A) Melee

Raditz, Dodoria, and Recoome


B) Ranged

Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Chiaotzu


C) Defense

Krillin, Zarbon, 1st Form Frieza, Jaco, Tien, and Fused with Nail Piccolo


D) Support

Saibamen, Guldo, Burter, Jeice, Yamcha, and Nappa

  1. Extreme (Mid-Tier)

A) Melee

Goku and Nappa


B) Ranged



C) Defense



D) Support

Chiaotzu and Mercenary Tao

  1. Sparking (The rarest and most powerful of the bunch)

A) Melee



B) Ranged

Vegeta and Super Saiyan


C) Defense

Piccolo and Goku


D) Support



How to become familiar with all the Character Progression Paths

You will have to invest a lot of time and effort to improve your favorites after having summoned new characters. Introducing a character in Story missions and completing the missions will fetch you additional EXP. There is a Training mode which implies a defined time limit for each training. So while a character is used in the Training mode, the same character can still be used in combat.

Dragon Ball Legends


Each character has an overall power and star level (seven stars is the maximum level). These can be increased by using Limit Breaks. Before you can pull Limit Breaks off, you will need Z power. Z Power can be obtained from Summons and by completing Story missions. 


If you wish to upgrade a character’s stats, then you’ll have to unlock the ability to Soul Boost a character. On a character’s Soul Boost board/panel, you will need Zeni and Souls to unlock new Boost Panels. You can activate a Boost Core/Class Up after unlocking a number of Boost Panels for a character. This in turn will make the character more powerful and have new Boost Panels on its Soul Boost board unlocked.


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