Epic Seven October Balance and Update Patch Guide


With the new Epic Seven October Balance and Update patch that is fast approaching, the meta landscape of Epic Seven is experiencing many changes both in terms of PvE battles and PvP/ Real Time Arena. In addition, to come along with this new balance patch, Epic Seven introduces one of the most anticipated characters by the players by far - the 5* Ice Elemental Ranger Lua.

In this guide, we will go over the details of the balance patch update and see how each balance option changed the ways the characters and meta work as a whole. Then we will go over the new character introduced - Lua and debate on whether or not players should roll on her Rate up Gacha Banner.




Let’s play Epic Seven on PC together and see the changes coming to the game together.

Epic October Balance Patch

Here are the details and the list of heroes that have been affected by the balance list. We will also go over what these changes mean for the characters as a whole and their role in both PvE and PvP contents.


Straze is a 5* Moonlight Dark Warrior Hero with the ability to completely disregard the defense of the enemy if the enemy has less attack than him. His strength wholly lies in his 3rd skill’s ability to nuke 1 tanky character from the enemy’s field and completely disrupt their stall team play.

With the new balance patch, Straze has been granted even more power with his 3rd skill attack scaling requirement greatly reduced and he now only needs a small difference between his attack and the enemy’s attack. In addition, Straze’s skills now won’t trigger counterattacks from the enemy, making him more powerful all the while fixing his problem of being too fragile while attacking.

With the new buff, Straze will be able to deal swift damage to the enemy, all the while staying alive longer on the battlefield, especially in PvP contents.


Ravi is a 5* Fire Elemental Warrior with the ability to grant herself immense damage and utility buff all the while counterattacking and debuffing the enemies in the process.

Ravi’s new buffs focus on her damage output potential as the meta have shifted from quick play damage dealing to stall team and tanks, making her extremely difficult to be used when her damage output is not up to par with many others. Ravi’s new buff now grants her a headstart with 40 fighting spirit at the start of the battle, allowing her to use her 3rd skill earlier. In addition, her attack increase talent has been permanently increased to 15% and her 3rd skill now has its base damage decreased in exchange for the ability to completely pierce the enemy team’s defense by 50% altogether, making it extremely powerful to deal with tank teams.

With all of that being said, Ravi still suffers the problem of being a Fire elemental hero, with the meta of PvP contents heavily relies on Moonlight and Ice heroes, she will get outclassed really quick when used in PvP.


Kayron is a 5* Fire Elemental Assassin Character with one of the highest base speed and one with the strongest sweep type skill kit in the game.

Kayron’s main problem in previous patches is that he needs to rely on not having his immortality buff be removed in order for him to deal damage to all enemies. With the new buff, his 1st skill now deals AOE damage to all enemies on any turn he uses it, regardless of whether he has buffs or not. In addition, when suffer lethal damage, he will gain an evasion buff in addition to his Immortality buff, prolonging his life span and allowing him to deal massive damage to the enemy before dying.


Aria is a 5* Ice Elemental Mage with the ability to direct all enemies attacks onto herself and counterattack if she is attacked.

Aria’s kit has been an extremely powerful kit since launch, therefore, her buff doesn’t affect her gameplay too much but instead simply increases her damage output by increasing her skill damage. This buff, while good, doesn’t help Aria with her core problem of being a tank with low survivability, making her easy to be defeated and will not be able to do anything when against enemies with attacks that prevent counterattacks in PvP.


Taeyou is a 5* Ice Elemental Warrior with the ability to disrupt control plays whenever the enemy team uses non-attacking skills or skills that buff the entire enemy’s team.

Previously, Taeyou’s problem lies in his 3rd skill utility as it only dispel 1 buff from enemies before attacking them, in addition to being able to be resisted by enemies if they have high effect resistance. Now with his buffs, Taeyou can more comfortably fulfill his role by dispelling all buffs from enemies and when enraged, will ignore all enemies’ effect resistance, guaranteeing him the debuffs land, making him extremely powerful and more viable in PvP contents.


Hwayoung is a 5* Fire Elemental Warrior that has been a threat to almost all arena teams since her release.

Despite being a Fire elemental warrior in the meta, Hwayoung shines in the fact that she can completely destroy other characters with true damage whenever she lands a hit, whether it is critical or not. For this fact and for her role in becoming one of the most hated characters to be encountered in PVP, it has been notified that Hwayoung will receive a massive neft to her performance, ensuring that she won’t be as broken as she is now. 

Hwayoung will now have to properly hit the enemy with her attacks before dealing true damage, in addition to her 3rd nuke skill’s damage modifiers being nerfed.

Players who have Hwayoung will be able to recall the materials used on her on the 27th of October, once the balance patch comes into effect if they so choose.

Lua Rate Up Banner - Should You Roll

With the update patch, the game also introduces a brand new character to the mix, the 5* Ice Elemental Ranger Lua.


Currently, it is almost impossible for players to test Lua to her fullest potential due to her recent conception. However, Lua’s kit revolves mainly around being able to disrupt the enemy's play and punish teams that use AOE attacks.

Lua’s 2nd skill allows her to disrupt the enemy’s core member by putting them to sleep in addition to granting herself an extra turn. Her 3rd skill inflicts a special debuff on enemies where if the enemy’s allies are damaged by AOE attacks, they will suffer 10% of the damage dealt, making them take a large amount of damage.

Should You Roll

It depends. As stated, currently there’s no way to accurately measure the influence Lua may have on the meta as she is too new of a character. However, if players have resources to spend, Lua can be a very interesting choice to pick to deal with pesky enemies in PvP contents. 

LDPlayer 9.0 - The High Quality Epic Seven Gaming Experience

LDplayer is the most stable emulator to allow players to run Epic Seven smoothly, at high speed and high quality, and provides many amazing functions to help all players to have the perfect Epic Seven Gaming Experience.

For newer players that intend to join the game, it is recommended that they utilize LDPlayer’s multi-instances function to reroll and have the perfect head start in the game. 

For older players, LDPlayer also allows for a mini window function, helping players to farm in the background while they enjoy their favorite activities on PC, lessen the RAM cost and allow the computer to run smoother.


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