In 2015, a Japanese company named Delightworks launched the game Fate Grand Order. It is a free-to-play mobile game. Players have to complete many exciting and adventurous events and levels during the game. During these six years, the developers have introduced many characters also.

Here, players should have basic knowledge of characters to have a better performance in the game. You should identify the ways of maximizing the advantages at the best level and minimizing the weaknesses as much as possible. So, today we are going to have a tour around the character of Nagao Kagetora. After reading the guide, you will find answers to all the questions and confusion about the character of Nagao Kagetora.
Download your Fate Grand Order on PC and enjoy the Nagao.
Nagao Kagetora | character
The character of Nagao Kagetora has released on the 20th of June 2021. UesugiKenshin is her nickname. She will be available as welfare or a free servant where you can get by finishing a particular event. April Fool will be her costume dress material and you will not cost for it. She was a former warlord in the Sengoku era, and she was famous due to her Valor and Invincibility.
She provided the goods of Bishamonten in the field of battle with a huge Arts NP and severe damage. Those are the Welfare Lancer first type of single shots.

Nagao Kagetora |Skills
Like all the other welfares, the NP5 is the most excellent skill for Kagetora. With that skill, she can fight against her enemies. There are three primary skills to Kagetora to boost her capabilities. If you are utilizing as the leading Lancer damage creator, you have to take her maximum skills. All her skills deal with damage creating and reduce the cooldown rates to use the skills more freely.
- Fate Decreed by heavens – this is her central damage-boosting skill. There will be a low magnitude in Arts performance when we analyze this skill relative to the other same level skills. Through that, Kagetora can accurately do massive damages. If you level this skill, there will develop critical damage and refunds from the art card of Kagetora. She will make benefits to reduce the cooldown rate also.
- Armor Strengthen by the heart – this is her only defensive skill. It can give evasion, and the NP gains the buff. Due to the defensive and offensive effects, when you use this skill in one turn, you usually have to sacrifice the other skill. When you level the particular skill, it will increase the efficiency of NP gain buff and minimize the cooldown rates. Although this is a fixable skill, there will be less priority than the other two skills.
- Glory Gained on Foot A – within a period of three turns, the skills can create massive raw damage. It can be considered as an alternative advantage of Fate Decreed by heaven's star. If you are going to level up this skill, you can do critical damages over the first skill.
Nagao Kagetora |Strengths
Like all the other characters in Fate Grand order, even Kagetora has main strengths, which make her actions more efficient.
- High single targetNP damage (Welfare) – Kagetora is a welfare servant, and naturally, she has severe NP damage relative to the NP1 gacha counterparts. As Kagetora's NP damage is at the pinnacle, sometimes there will be no need for improvements. Her single NP is enough to make lower health archer bosses, and it will cause severe damages to healthy people when it was buff ultimately.
- Decent critical damage – Kagetora got into the world of essential from the necessary strength up of glory and the star gather rate up from the reduced by heavens. But, her related steroids are more potent than the dedicated critical damage creators. Still, they can increase the general damage and the gain of NP.
- Hard defensive skill, team support, and utility – Kagetora has empowered her kit by attaching several small tools that help her accomplish her role as a damage dealer. As she has access to hard defensive skills, she also has a high survivability rate in critical battles. Her offensive buff of NP removal rate and critical chance down is helpful to the situational sustainability of the whole team.
Nagao Kagetora |weaknesses
Like all the other characters, even Kagetora has few character flaws. So let us briefly discuss what those are.
- Reliance on support – as Kagetora wants additional resources from stars to perform more accurate critical damages, she cannot generate critical starts. At the same time, her steroids have a meager rate of magnitude. When fate decreed by heavens in the first turn, her success will base on the help of the buffs.
- Conflicting skill effects – without any doubt, Kagetora is doing a great job by her skills named Armor strengthened by the evasion of heart. It has increased her survival rate, NP gain, and offensive rates. But, there is a risk of evasion being unavailable in the most needed time. This is the biggest weakness in Kagetora.
4 Star Archer Baobhan Sith's review can be viewed from here.
Nagao Kagetora |recommendations for skill level up
Kagetora mainly acts as a creator of significant lancer damages. All her skills contribute to her damage creations and reducing the cooldown rates. Remarkably, her second skill act more freely. But, anyway, it can be in a significantly lower status at the end. The recommendations for her level up are as follows.
- Fate Decreed by heavens A can increase the Arts card's effectiveness in the first turn and critical star gather rate in the first-rate.
- Armor Strengthened by heart A – It can use to evade self in the first turn and enhance the NP gain in the first turn.
- Glory gained on foot A - It can enhance the ATK attack, critical strength, and the drop rate of critical stars against all the enemies in three turns.
Nagao Kagetora |recommendations for craft essence
Like most other damage creators, the starting NP gauge is the most crucial craft essence to Kagetora. Apart from that, Arts performance up can select as her best friend. At the same time, she works with NP to damage up and attacks up most of the time. Therefore, it is a bit visible that Kagetora works a bit less with NP gain up and critical damage up. The recommendations for the craft essence are as follows.
- Holy Night supper, Golden sumo, Painting summer, Dive to Blue, and a new beginning – all of these have initial hybrid NP CE with good choices in all almost all the stages. From that, Kagetora can receive direct offensive advantages.
- Kaleidoscope, MLB – this will be the best option to get more NP charge in short fights. Their main effects are Arts performance up, or NP gains up. But, there is a tendency of losing them in the long-run exchange.
- The black grail – It is the most potent NP in the Kageotra's CE. Using it, she can make the most potent archers fell. Primarily, it does not give an NP charge or NP benefits. But there should be adequate support to charge her NP rates.
- Formal craft. Mark on smiling face, Emerald float, Royal icing, projection, and Kaleid Sapphire – all of this will have a low NP at the beginning, and they can serve well to help the teams, especially in long fights. Apart from that, they can utilize it as a usual option when NP CE is unexpectedly unavailable.
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In Fate Grand Order, the character of Nagao Kagetora is doing a great job with her skills. She contains many exciting skills. But, at the same time, she has few character faults also. So, it is essential to identify flaws and minimize the mistakes. Then you can take the potential advantage and utilize her accurately.