Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird Tips and Tricks - Rebel Against Enemies with a Complete Beginner's Guide


Welcome to Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird , a thrilling WW2-inspired air combat game where you take on the role of a lone rebel pilot fighting to reclaim your homeland from enemy forces. As you soar through the skies of Tjotia, Julia, and Polaria, you'll face a variety of challenges that test your piloting skills, strategic thinking, and combat prowess. Whether you're engaging in high-intensity dogfights, launching strategic bombing raids, or taking on enemy bases, the path to becoming an ace pilot is filled with both danger and excitement.

Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird

In this comprehensive Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird beginner's guide, we'll equip you with essential tips and tricks to help you master the controls, upgrade your aircraft, and dominate the battlefield. From choosing the right weapons and customizing your loadout to perfecting your maneuvers in combat, this guide will cover everything you need to know to turn the tide of war in your favor. So let's play Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird on PC with LDPlayer and dive in and prepare for the best battle experience.

Get Familiar With Controls and Maneuvering

In Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird , becoming proficient with the controls is the first step toward dominating the skies. Navigate to the settings menu of Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird and open the "Control" section. This is where you'll tailor the game's controls to your preferences.

At the bottom of the control settings, you'll find the "Invert Controls" toggle. This option determines the direction of your plane's pitch control. If you prefer traditional flight controls where pushing up on the controls moves the nose of the plane down and pulling down moves it up, then leave this option on. However, if you prefer the opposite, turn it off. This choice is crucial as it aligns with your instinctive reactions during intense aerial combat.

Get Familiar With Controls and Maneuvering

Sensitivity Adjustments

In Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird , sensitivity controls how responsive the plane is to your inputs. A lower sensitivity setting allows for finer control, which is critical for precise targeting, especially when lining up shots on fast-moving or small targets. However, this also means that your plane will respond more slowly to large movements, making sharp turns or evasive maneuvers harder to execute.

Finding the Right Balance

For gyro controls (which use your device's motion sensors), high sensitivity can make your plane overly twitchy, especially during complex maneuvers. Start with a lower sensitivity and gradually increase it until you find a comfortable level.

If you’re using button controls or camera controls, you have more leeway. You can set a higher sensitivity for quicker responses, but it’s recommended not to exceed 25%, as anything higher can make your plane harder to control during tight turns or rapid directional changes.

Spend some time in the early stage of the first chapter to adjust these settings. Test your ability to follow targets, make sharp turns, and evade enemy fire at different sensitivity levels. Fine-tuning these settings to match your play style is key to improving your performance.

Choosing a Control Method

Advanced controls of Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird you can get more realistic flying experience but come with limitations. With this mode, you cannot make traditional left or right turns. Instead, you’ll be able to perform rolls and spins. This control scheme requires you to rely heavily on gyro controls for directional changes, adding a layer of complexity to your maneuvers.

This method is best suited for players looking for a challenge or those with experience in flight simulators. It requires precise handling and can be more difficult to master, especially in high-stakes combat situations.

Choosing a Control Method

Simple Controls

Simple controls are more straightforward and user-friendly, making them ideal for beginners or those who prefer a more relaxed flying experience. This mode is best paired with camera or joystick controls, allowing for easier navigation and targeting.

Opt for simple controls if you’re new to the game or prefer quick, responsive handling over realistic simulation. It allows you to focus more on combat strategy rather than the complexities of flight dynamics.

In the early stages of Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird, take the time to practice with your chosen control settings. Focus on getting comfortable with the way your plane handles. This is especially important if you’ve adjusted sensitivity or chosen advanced controls.

Turning Techniques

For easier Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird gameplay you need to learn about these mechanics. 

  • Wide, Circular Turns: If you’ve set a low sensitivity for precise targeting, sharp turns will be challenging. Instead of trying to make abrupt 90-degree turns, opt for wider, circular turns. This technique allows your plane to maintain speed while gradually changing direction, which is crucial during dogfights or when lining up for another attack run.
  • Speed Management: Lowering your speed during turns can help you make tighter circles. Conversely, maintaining higher speeds will result in broader, less controlled turns. Learn to balance speed with maneuverability to keep your plane in an advantageous position.
  • Revisiting Targets: In many missions, you won’t be able to destroy all targets in a single pass. Learn to circle back to your targets efficiently. The game provides green arrow indicators that appear when you’ve flown past your target or when your camera is facing the wrong direction. Use these indicators to reorient yourself quickly and get back on track.
  • Out-of-Bounds Maneuver: If you find repeatedly circling back tiresome, you can intentionally fly out of the game’s boundary. This will automatically turn your plane back toward the playable area, though you’ll re-enter the map at a different location. Use this tactic strategically to reposition your plane, but be aware that you’ll re-enter at high speed, requiring quick adjustments to avoid overshooting your new target.

Bombing Techniques

In Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird, unlike missiles or your turret gun, bombs lack propulsion and will drop directly below your plane if released at default speed. This can be misleading if you rely solely on the green circle indicator, which shows where the bomb is likely to impact based on your current speed. To compensate for your plane’s speed, select the bomb and observe the drop zone indicator. As you accelerate, this indicator will move forward, showing where the bomb will land if released at that moment.

  • Timing Your Drop: When you press the bomb button a second time to release it, the bomb will inherit your plane’s speed and direction. If you’re moving quickly, the bomb will travel further before hitting the ground, making it ideal for hitting distant or moving targets.
  • Avoiding Damage: Bombs and torpedoes have large blast radii. If you fly over the detonation area shortly after releasing a bomb, your plane may take significant damage. To avoid this, immediately ascend or turn sharply to the left or right after dropping a bomb. This maneuver will keep you out of the blast zone and ensure your plane remains combat-ready.
  • Plan Your Attack Runs: Bombs are most effective when used against clustered targets or heavily fortified positions. Plan your bombing runs to maximize damage while minimizing the need to return for a second pass.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The key to effective bombing is practice. Spend time in missions where you can experiment with different speeds, altitudes, and angles of attack to refine your bombing skills. Over time, you’ll learn to judge the best moments to release your bombs for maximum impact.

Acquire New Planes, Weapons, and Modules

At the start of Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird, you’ll begin with a basic plane equipped with only a machine gun as your primary weapon. However, as you progress, you’ll have the opportunity to enhance your firepower and aircraft capabilities significantly.

Secondary Weapons

In addition to your machine gun, you can purchase powerful secondary weapons such as missiles, torpedoes, and bombs from the in-game shop. Each type of secondary weapon comes in four grades:

  • Silver Coin Purchases: The first three grades can be purchased using silver coins, which are relatively easy to earn through missions.
  • Gold Coin Purchases: The ultimate grade of each weapon type must be bought with gold coins. The damage boost between the highest-grade weapon available for silver coins and the gold coin versions is significant, making these gold-grade weapons a worthwhile investment.

In the early stages of Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird, particularly in the first chapter, prioritize purchasing the gold-grade torpedo. Torpedoes offer substantial area damage and are easy to deploy effectively, giving you an edge in tougher missions. For other secondary weapons, it’s advisable to buy the highest-grade available for silver coins until you can afford more gold-grade options.

Acquiring New Planes

As you advance in Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird, you can purchase new planes. However, it’s important to note that these planes only offer an increase in HP (health points). Other attributes such as agility, damage output, and speed remain unchanged. To enhance these other attributes, you’ll need to invest in modules, which can be equipped to improve various aspects of your plane’s performance.

Acquiring New Planes

Modules are obtained by opening boxes, which can be purchased in the game’s shop. When selecting boxes, avoid the low-level ones as they offer minimal chances of high-quality upgrades. Instead, aim for the 150 gold coin boxes, which not only have a better chance of containing valuable modules but also typically include a bonus of around 50 gold coins, making them more cost-effective.

Choosing the Right Modules

In Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird, you can equip up to three modules at a time, so it’s crucial to choose wisely based on your preferred playstyle and the areas where you need the most improvement:

  • For Bombing: If you prefer to focus on bombing runs, consider equipping modules that increase blast radius, boost damage, and improve targeting accuracy with strafing ammo.
  • For Anti-Air (AA) Combat: If you’re more inclined to use your AA gun, prioritize modules that enhance your AA gun’s performance, such as damage upgrades and targeting enhancements.
  • For Speed and Maneuverability: In the speed section, you’ll find modules that can enhance your plane’s handling and overall speed. Select modules that address any handling issues you encounter, such as difficulty with sharp turns or maintaining control at high speeds.

Depending on the mission, you might need to swap out modules to optimize your plane for specific tasks. For example, equipping speed and handling modules might be more beneficial in missions requiring quick maneuvers, while damage-boosting modules would be better suited for missions focused on heavy combat.

By carefully selecting and upgrading your weapons, planes, and modules, you'll significantly improve your chances of achieving three-star ratings in all missions, making your progression through Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird smoother and more rewarding.


As you start your journey in Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird , remember that mastering the skies takes both strategy and skill. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you'll be better prepared to face the challenges ahead and lead your rebellion to victory. Keep experimenting with different weapons, planes, and tactics to find what works best for you. The path to becoming an ace pilot in Fighter Pilot: Iron Bird is demanding, but with persistence and the right approach, you'll soar through the ranks and reclaim your homeland. Good luck, pilot, and may your skies always be clear!

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