Free Fire Weapon Guide - Tips & Tricks On Choosing The Best Weapon


When fighting against 99 other opponents on the battle royale battlefield in Free Fire, one of the most important thing players will need to consider are the numerous types of weapons that they can get and pick up while playing a match.

Free Fire Weapon Guide

In this guide, we will go over all of the different types of weapons in Free Fire and all of the weapons in those weapon categories and point out their usefulness, their gimmick and what players need to consider when using them so that players can have a good understanding of what weapon to pick up when playing Free Fire on PC.

Free Fire Weapon Types - Everything You Need To Know

The weapons in Free Fire are divided into 11 different categories, with each category containing a multitude of different weapons that you can equip at the start of the match before entering the battlefield or pickup in the battlefield to help you with your fight against other players.

Free Fire Weaponry

The 9 weapon categories in Free Fire are: Launcher, Machine Gun, Submachine Gun, Melee, Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper, and Marksman Rifle.


Launchers are ranged guns with low amounts of ammos but deal big damage over a large area, suitable for dealing with obstacles or clearing areas.

Free Fire Launcher

- RGS50: Have 3 Ammos maxed, can lock onto vehicles and deal extra damage against vehicles, deal less damage against non-vehicles.


- MGL140: Have a mid-sized magazine at 5 Ammos, have powerful damage output but low fire rate.


- M79: A grenade launcher with only 1 ammo, can deal big damage over a large area but is difficult to control.


Machine Gun

Machine Guns are ranged weapons that have high fire rate and large magazine size with lots of ammos, however, their high fire rate make them difficult to aim precisely and can hinder the user due to their restrictive nature.

Free Fire Machine Gun

- Gatling: Insane amount of ammos and fire rate. However, the user will have their movement extremely restricted when using it.


- M60: Light Machine Gun with a decently large magazine size and ammo amount, deals decent damage against mid-ranged enemies.


- M249: Has low ammo count among all the machine guns but is so light that it does not hinder the user’s mobility. Can only be obtained from airdrops during matches.


- KORD: A Machine Gun with high damage power but can only be accurately used when the user is squatting or proning.


Submachine Gun

Submachine Guns are among the most plentiful during a match of Free Fire and offer players a good weapon damage range while maintaining a decent ammo count. They excel at dealing mid-ranged damage to opponents.

Free Fire Submachine Gun

- CG15: A decently powerful gun with a low Ammo count. However, it can charge up to unleash a powerful damaging bullet.


- P90: An SMG gun with a large clip size and high fire rate. Have a high mid-range damage output.


- MP40: A powerful Submachine gun with insane fire rate and powerful short range damage. However, users can’t equip any enhancements or attachments on this gun.


- UMP: Stable Submachine gun for all situations.


- MP5: Stable Submachine gun with decently good damage output. However, the longer the range, the less effective it is as a weapon.


- VS5: A short ranged rifle that is useful for quick shots over middle distances.


- THOMPSON: Large-Caliber Double Shot weapon that can deal massive amounts of damage to short ranged enemies.


- VECTOR: A Powerful close-ranged weapon that can obliterate the enemy when they come close to the user. Each user can hold up to 2 VECTORs, 1 in each hand.


- MAC10: A silent gun that is balanced in all aspects.


- BIZON: An extremely powerful SMG that has great damage output but low stability, not suitable for new players.



Melee weapons are weapons that can be used to deal big blows to enemies when you can sneak up close to them, the damage they deal can vary depending on the weapon, but the embarrassment factor is always high when the enemy is hit by one of these.

Free Fire Melee

- Katana: Decent range melee weapon but requires precise aiming to hit the enemy.


- Baseball Pole: Decently ranged melee weapon with a low chance to deflect bullets.


- Pan: The signature melee weapon with ultimate humiliation value when hitting the enemies and can protect you against enemies’ bullets.


- Machete: An upgraded version of the pan with longer range and the ability to reflect enemies’ bullets.


- Sickle: A powerful melee weapon with long effective range and high damage output when enemies are hit.


- FF Knife: A very close ranged weapon that can instantly down the enemy if the blade connects with the enemy’s body.



Rifles are among the most common type of guns that players can obtain during a match, with various effects and damage output unique to each type of Rifles.

Free Fire Rifle

- Shield Gun: Can create a forcefield shield that protects the user from damage when used. 


- Treatment Laser Gun: Can lock onto a teammate and heal the teammate’s HP. Need to be close ranged to the teammate to be effective.


- AN94: Effective Mid and Long Range weapon with decent fire rate.


- XM8: Comes with a x2 Scope and is effective at dealing with mid ranged enemies.


- FAMAS: Shoots 3 bullets at once, effective in mid to long ranged combat.


- M4A1: Balanced Rifle for all combat situations


- AK47: High Damage output but requires high control skill.


- GROZA: High damage long ranged Rifle with the highest damage numbers in the game.


- M14: Rifle with the longest range, comparable to a sniper.


- SCAR: A well balanced rifle, suitable for beginners.


- PLASMA: Powerful rifle that overheats if used too long.


- AUG: Strong rifle for 1V1 situations.



Pistols are good short ranged weapons for quick swap during a fight.

Free Fire Pistol

- FGL-24: Bullets can explode and spray flames.


- Healing Pistol: Can be aimed at teammates to heal them.


- M500: Comes with a x2 scope with high damage to deal with long ranged enemies.


- M1873: A good secondary weapon to make quick work of enemies.


- USP: A lightweight pistol that does not slow the user down in combat.


- G18: Pistol with high clip size but low in damage, good for close ranged combat.


- Desert Eagle: Slow firing pistol that deals big damage to enemies.


- Hand-Cannon: Small grenade gun that can be used as a deadly secondary weapon.


- M1917: A side weapon with decent damage output.


- USP-2: Double the damage of the USP.


- UZI: High mobility and compacted with high damage output.


- Flamethrower: Powerful close ranged weapon that can burn the enemy to a crisp.



Shotguns are powerful close ranged guns that can shoot multiple bullets at once at spread out and hit enemies in an area.

Free Fire Shotgun

- TROGON: A shotgun with both a grenade mode and a burst mode, versatile for multiple combat situations.


- M590: A Mid to Close Ranged powerhouse with high damage.


- SPAS12: High damage when close ranged but can be detrimental to the user if it misses the target.


- M1014: A regular shotgun that can make quick work of the enemy.


- M1887: A powerful shotgun that can deal massive damage to close ranged enemies.


- MAG-7: High fire rate and mid ranged damage, this shotgun is very agile.


- Charge Buster: A powerful charge weapon that can decimate enemies when charged up.



Snipers are extremely long ranged guns that require extreme precision to be able to use, they pack a heavy punch when hitting the enemies but are low in fire rate.

Free Fire Sniper

- VSK94: A lightweight Sniper with a unique aiming mechanism.


- KAR98K: A well balanced sniper with a x8 Scope.


- AWM: High damage Sniper with long reload time.


- M82B: An Anti Vehicle and Obstacle sniper that can obliterate Vehicles in 1 shot.


- Healing Sniper: A Sniper capable of healing teammates from afar.


- M24: A lightweight sniper with fast firing rate in exchange for low damage.

Marksman Rifle

Marksman Rifles are guns that are suitable to be used when moving constantly or when against moving enemies.

Free Fire Marksman Sniper

- SVD: A very powerful and accurate automatic rifle that can only be obtained in battle.


- SKS: A semi-automatic rifle with a x4 Scope.


- Woodpecker: A powerful armor piercing rifle that can be precise and dealy to the enemy.


- AC80: Shoot 2 shots at once and deal powerful damage to mid and long ranged enemies.


Free Fire Weapon Guide - How To Best Pick Your Weapons


For Beginners & Low Skill Level Players


Beginners and low skill level players should stick to stable guns with decent amounts of damage output like the SCAR Rifle or balanced guns that are suitable for all combat situations to be able to get used to using the different types of weapons in battle.


For Hardcore & Veteran Players


For hardcore and veteran players, you should choose the guns that you are most comfortable with and keep one of the more powerful weapons you can find in the battlefield as a backup weapon. Familiarity with the weapon is extremely important when it comes to choosing your weapon as a second of hesitation can result in you losing your match.


For Team Players


Team players should have specific players with designated roles like Support, Vanguard or Sniper, and players of those roles should pay attention and use weapons that suit their roles in a team in order to maximize the chance of the team winning the entire game.

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