Genshin Impact 3.2 Update Patch Guide


With the 3.1 update patch coming to an end at the end of October and the 3.2 update patch fast approaching, Genshin Impact is having exciting events in anticipation of the release of one of its most highly anticipated characters since the start of the Sumeru region’s release - the Dendro Archon herself - Lesser Lord Kusanali Nahida and a brand new 4* Character - Layla





In this guide, we will go over the details of the events and stories version update 3.2 of Genshin Impact have instore for its players and advises players on whether or not they should roll on the brand new released characters - Nahida and Layla or should they roll for the rerun characters - Childe, Yae Miko and Yoimiya.


Genshin Impact 3.2 Update Patch Guide


Let’s play Genshin Impact on LDPlayer and find out together.


Genshin Impact 3.2 Update - Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises


In the 3.2 Update patch, new and exciting events will be available for all players to enjoy and obtain various rewards such as primogems, character upgrading materials and weapons enhancement materials. In addition, patch 3.2 of Genshin Impact also introduces a brand new world area, new story chapters and a brand new Weekly Boss that players will have the pleasure of challenging for themselves - The Balladeer.


New World and Weekly Bosses Introduced

With new characters comes new materials to gather and new bosses to fight and the game introduces 2 brand new bosses to the game specifically for players to challenge and gain upgrading and skill materials for the new character - Nahida.


New World and Weekly Bosses Introduced


The first one of the new bosses introduced is the Dendro Cube, it is a brand new weekly boss and will drop Dendro Cores -Nahida’s Upgrading Materials when defeated. Players can find this boss in the forest area of the Sumeru region and it can be challenged every 3-5 minutes. Challenge this boss and claim the rewards will cost 40 Resins for each attempt.


New World and Weekly Bosses Introduced


The second of the new bosses is the Balladeer - No.8 of the Fatui Harbingers. The long awaited final boss of the Sumeru story arc, Scaramouche makes his big returns in the form of a big mecha and can be challenged by every players who have finished the 5th arc of the Sumeru Archon Quest: Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises. Keep in mind that Scaramouche has 30% elemental res to all elements and 90% elemental res to Electro specifically, so players should plan ahead before attempting to challenge this boss. This boss once cleared, can be challenged every week and will cost 60 resins in order to claim its rewards.


New Story Quest and Character Story Quests

In addition to the new bosses, the 3.2 update also brings brand new quests and character quests for all players to play through and enjoy the ending of the main story for Sumeru.


New Story Quest and Character Story Quests


The final arc of the Sumeru’s main story arc will make it debut as Sumeru Archon Quest Arc 5: Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises and will mark the end of the 3rd arc of the main story of the Genshin Impact Teyvat chapter story. In order to play this quest, players will need to have finished the previous 4 arcs of the Sumeru Archon Quests. In addition, finishing this story quest will unlock the brand new weekly boss - The Balladeer permanently.


New Story Quest and Character Story Quests


Another quest that will be added in this patch is that of Nahida’s personal character story quest, detailing her thoughts and emotions and her own story to tell. To play this quest, players will need to have cleared the 5th arc of the Sumeru Archon quest.


Special Events

In addition to brand new story quests and bosses, various events will also be held to help players to get various types of rewards including Primogems, EXP and character upgrading materials.


Some notable events of this patch includes:


-Fabulous Fungus Frenzy: An event that involves the players raising different mushroom monsters in order to have them battle other mushroom monsters and gain reward the further they progress in the event.


Special Events


-Adventure’s Trials: An event that involves players partaking in various types of minigames and challenges, with trial characters being provided for players to try out.


Special Events


-Hypostatic Symphony - Dissonant Verse: An event that pitches players against various types of Hypostases and have them defeat them with increasing difficulty in order to obtain various rewards depending on the difficulty.


Special Events


-Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter: An event that involves players to take pictures of certain objects based on the hints given.


Special Events


Special Rate Up Banners - Should You Pull?


With the introduction of the last chapter of the Sumeru Archon Quest, one of the most anticipated characters make their debut in Genshin Impact as a playable character - the dendro archon herself - Lesser Lord Kusanali Nahida.



Nahida is a Catalyst wielding character of the Dendro Element (obviously) that specializes in supplying the team with the Dendro Element and supplementing Dendro specific reactions with her talents and elemental mastery.




Nahida’s E skill functions as a camera that “captures” enemies within the picture and applies a special dendro mark on all the enemies “captured”. This Dendro mark will last for a long period of time even after Nahida leaves the field and will periodically apply the Dendro element on all marked enemies. This skill can also collect certain types of materials and plants throughout the world simply by “capturing” them within her frame.




Nahida’s Ultimate skill is a big dome of Dendro element that initiates a plant zone that buffs the entire team’s combat capability and applies dendro to all enemies within the zone, making it easier for the entire team to deal massive damage using dendro reactions within the dome.




Nahida’s talents make it so that she will immensely enhance the entire team’s combat ability scaling with her Elemental Mastery, making her an extremely powerful Dendro Enabler and buffer for the entire team and making her a valuable asset to have in various different teams.


Should You Pull?

Should You Pull


Yes, absolutely. Nahida is one of the best Dendro characters in the game and is an archon, making her an extremely valuable member of the team to have. However, since she is an archon, she will most likely be rerun a lot in the future in events featuring Sumeru, so if players want to, they can wait for future reruns and roll for her instead. That being said, this is her first release and players should get her right now as soon as possible to build her up and use her effectively.


LDPlayer 9.0 - The Optimal Emulator to Play Genshin Impact on PC

Unlike other emulators, LDPlayer 9.0 stands out as an emulator with the capability to play Genshin Impact on the highest possible Graphics and FPS settings for the game, making the gaming experience of exploring the vast open world of Genshin Impact on PC much more smooth and easier to do on LDplayer.

In addition, unlike the PC Client where the control scheme for the game is fixed, LDPlayers’ key binding and keyboard mapping function allows players to easily bind the game’s control to their preference and heart’s content, making the game easier and much faster for all players to enjoy on PC.

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