Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt Beginner Guide - Saving World with Best Tips


Due to a summoning ritual gone wrong, the gate of hell has been opened, and now there is a considerable risk that the great devil who controls hell will come out of this opened gate. To do that, someone must prevent the world from being completely dominated by evil energy. So you are called to fulfill this great mission in the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt gaming world, and now you have to put your life on the line to save the world. If you think you are not prepared enough to start this mission, read this Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt beginner guide to learn the best tips to save the world. 

Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt

Since the gate of hell is opened and now demons and ghosts are coming out of it, the evil energy starts to cover up the world little by little. So, you must stop this by defeating all kinds of enemies that spawn in the world right now. Although this is challenging, the tips and tricks in this Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt beginner’s guide will make everything easy for you here. Therefore, read this guide first and then play Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt on PC perfectly from LDPlayer 9 with the best tips to save the world. 

Survive on the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt Battlegrounds

Surviving on the battlegrounds is not as easy as you think in this game because of the unending hordes of demons spawning on the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt battlefields. So, whenever you enter the battlefield, you need to be prepared first to face demons who come to attack you nonstop. 

Survive on the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt Battlegrounds

On the battlefield, there is no time for you to rest as the enemy hordes come to attack you continually to stop you from eliminating them. So, move continually on the battlefield using the virtual joystick on the game screen. When you move your character on the battlefield, your character automatically attacks the nearby enemies, and therefore, you only need to focus on moving your character in different directions, avoiding the enemies and their attacks. 

If your character somehow contacts the enemies, your character’s HP will be reduced. Therefore, you should move your character ideally, avoiding contact with the enemies and their attacks. This is the only way you can survive amazingly on the battlefield to complete one stage. 

But suppose you are disappointed in the virtual joystick given to control your character. In that case, you can play the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt game on your PC using LDPlayer 9, assign key shortcuts using the Keyboard Mapping feature, and then survive on the battleground by controlling the character using the assigned shortcut keys. No matter how hard the survival here is, you must do your best to survive with the best controlling abilities. 

Destroy Wooden Chests for Necessary Items

While you are wandering on the battlefield, destroying enemies and avoiding their attacks, sometimes you might see the wooden chests scattered on the battlefields. When you see them, go to them and destroy them, and then you can obtain what is inside these wooden chests. Most of these wooden chests give you gold, a significant currency in this game. 

Destroy Wooden Chests for Necessary Items

Besides the gold important for various upgrades, you can get HP potions to recover the lost HP of your character during the battles. And not just that, you can obtain various power-ups to destroy many enemies at once, along with some magnets that attract all the EXP and gold on the battlefield to your character. 

Since all these items can be found in the wooden chests randomly, you need to destroy all the wooden chests you see on the battlefield and obtain the items they offer you. As all of them are beneficial, ensure you never miss even one wooden chest you see on the battlefield. 

Equip the Best Moves in Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt

Destroying the enemies on the battlefield drops EXP, and collecting them will help your character level up. Every time your character picks up the relevant amount of EXP and levels up during the battles, you get to equip your character with the best moves. These moves are like special skills and buffs that add new abilities to the character or enhance its several attributes.

Equip the Best Moves in Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt

You must be mindful and wise when choosing the best one out of all the moves given. After understanding the effect of each move, you can choose one for you, and the one you choose must be very helpful for your character to overcome the challenges on the battlefield. You can also upgrade the moves you have already equipped your character with during the battles, but how? 

The procedure is easy: whenever you get a chance to choose a move, every time your character levels up during the battles, you can choose one of the moves that are already equipped with your character, which will result in increasing its star rank. When the star rank increases for a certain move, by selecting it over and over again, its effects will be increased. By doing so, you can raise the star rank of the moves equipped with your character, and then your character's performance will be increased massively with upgraded moves. 

Obtain Chapter Chests by Completing Objectives

Every chapter has a specific chapter chest full of rewards. Still, to obtain those chapter chests, you must complete the chapters by dealing with the enemies successfully while surviving on the battlefields in the given time. 

Obtain Chapter Chests by Completing Objectives

For example, if you want to obtain the chest for the first chapter in this Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt game, you must survive more than four minutes on the battlefield. If not, you cannot complete chapter one and will never receive the chapter chest. Therefore, complete the chapter missions by successfully surviving on the battlefields, exceeding the given time limits, and obtaining chapter chests full of rewards. 

Go for Upgrades in Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt

Whenever you hunt down enemies on the field and destroy wooden chests, you earn gold and can also earn gold by completing objectives and obtaining chapter chests. Besides that, the game often gives you free gold coins by watching ads. And you can get gold by spending soul stones for it in the in-game shop. Once you earn enough gold in this game using the methods we described, you can go to the upgrade section and do some upgrades. 

Go for Upgrades in Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt

The upgrade section shows various upgrades using enough gold, such as HP, Power, Recovery, Defense, Attack, etc. This upgrade system has levels, and you can reach higher levels by upgrading the attributes in each level using gold. The higher the level of the upgrade system, the higher the attributes will be upgraded here. Therefore, spend gold on this upgrade system to improve your character's power even more. 

Buy Equipment Chests in the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt Shop

Here, in the in-game shop, there are different equipment chests that you can purchase using different keys, soul stones, and also by watching ads. In each chest, you can draw equipment items one or ten at a time, and each chest includes several grade equipment items. The Good Grade chests include normal or good-grade equipment. The Rare Grade chests include good, excellent, or rare equipment, and the S Grade Sealed chests include good, excellent, rare, and S-grade rare equipment items. 

Buy Equipment Chests in the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt Shop

When drawing equipment items by opening any kind of equipment chest, you get different grades of equipment items randomly depending on their drop rates for each equipment grade. As is common in every other game, the drop rates for higher-grade equipment items are lower, while the drop rates for lower-grade equipment items are higher in the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt game as well. Therefore, it will always give you only the lower grade equipment when you draw equipment items through these chests, spending several currencies. 

However, some have pity systems guaranteeing higher-grade equipment items in a specific number of consecutive draws. Besides that, you are hopeless about getting the best items from these chests. 

At such times, you can go for a reroll, which helps you easily get the best ones to the game. When rerolling, first play the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt game on your PC using LDPlayer 9, as we said already, and then create more instances to play the game using the Multi-Instance Sync feature and then start rerolling using all of them. This is the perfect way to buy the highest-grade equipment for your gameplay. 

Equip the Best Equipment Items and Enhance Them

From above in this Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt beginner guide, you have learned the easiest way to get the best equipment items for your gameplay, and now let us check how you can enhance them. Once you get the best equipment, you must equip them with your character. Here, you can equip up to six equipment items, including a weapon. 

Equip the Best Equipment Items and Enhance Them

After equipping the best ones, you can upgrade them. Upgrading them increases their power and other attributes, making the items more useful for your character. To upgrade the level, you need gold coins and scrolls to upgrade the equipment items. You can proceed with the level upgrade whenever you have them and make the items more powerful. 

Also, you can upgrade the grade of the equipment you have equipped with your character. But how do you do it? You can merge two of the same grade equipment items and obtain a higher-grade item for your gameplay. Therefore, whenever you have enough duplicate items of various equipment, ensure that you upgrade their grades using the merge method. By following these two methods, enhance the equipment equipped with your character to make your character even more powerful. 


This is a unique adventure game where you must destroy all the ghosts and demons coming out of the opened gate of hell while preventing the arrival of the great evil lord in hell. Since you have learned the best tips for your adventure through this guide, now you will gain the power to defeat every powerful demon that tries to come out of hell to destroy the world. So, start the Ghost Survivors : Pixel Hunt gameplay now and save the world following the tips and tricks above. 

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