Goddess of Genesis: Beginners' Tips and Guide


This Goddess of Genesis Beginners guide covers heroes-related core game concepts, their development, game advancement, currencies, etc. Like all other gacha RPG's out there, you've got to reroll in the Goddess of Genesis game to get the highest SSR grade hero in the middle. Because of the drop rate, SSR category heroes are the rarest and are hard to find. Having the SSR grade hero at the start as a newbie gives you a leg up in the battle. If you're not sure how to reroll, here's a short reference to reroll:

Goddess of Genesis


Reroll Guide

In the Goddess of Genesis online, there are two methods to reroll. The first one is by utilizing different accounts, and the second is by resetting data from the game. In the first method, a social media account or Google account must be logged in to GoG. In the second process, you will need a guest account to sign in to the game. Follow the tutorial once you have logged in and completed the phase of Act 1:1. The tutorial runs out at this point.


Check the mailbox, and you'll get ten tickets for golden. Navigate to the summon center menu. The list of banners promising gear and heroes is seen on the right side of the summon core screen. You will pick the "summon Heroes" banner when rerolling, which helps you to use ten golden tickets. There are other banners as well, but they will need tickets for the genesis tarot that you don't have. Put in the pool all the tickets to have the ten heroes.


For this pick, you must be shooting for at least one SSR grade and one SR grade hero. The three characters we suggest are Dracula, Valkyrie, and Isabella. The SSR grade hero should be Dracula or Isabella, and SR grade should be Valkyrie. If you get the heroes you've been waiting for, you will finish playing the game and delete the game data from the settings to restore the guest account and then restart.


If you follow the first form, you'll need to sign out of your current account and then sign in to continue from scratch on a new account. Anyone who tried the second strategy would have to remove the game data from the settings to reset the guest account and then restart. That's how, in the Goddess of Genesis game, you get rerolled.


Goddess of Genesis Progression Guide

The next thing you need to do after rerolling is to increase the team amount so you can play further game modes. You need an EXP team to boost the team amount, which you can gain by performing the quests and completing the adventure mode levels. You can win stars, gold, hero awakening content, gears, and other material from the adventure mode.


Players will play this game mode in regular and elite mode, with three stars provided at each level. After the completion of a 3-star stage, you will get to use the blitz function that allows you to complete the stage and receive the rewards instantly.



You can earn various farm-in currencies and gears from the challenge modes.

  • Astral shore - get gears from this mode.
  • Slime Trove - earn gold coins from here.
  • Grand cook-off - level up your items here.
  • Phantom of the Opera - earn farm pact gifts from here.
  • Arcane trial - You will get to earn Mithril coins from here.
  • Dream chronicle - earn badges.
  • Timed-challenge - get other materials and other rewards.
  • Events - complete various listed events and earn rewards.

Goddess of Genesis



PvP Arena is the mode in which you are fighting other teams created by real players. From this mode, you'll be allowed to earn points of honor and star stones. With the help of honor points, you can buy gear packs, destiny tarots, etc. from the shops.


In-Game Currencies Guide

There are different kinds of currencies in the game that are beneficial at different times for different activities.


  • Gold Coins

You can use these coins for upgrades, use them in shops. Get them through the story mode, events, and shops.


  • Honor Points

These can be used in honor shops to shop for various items. You can get them through PvP battles.


  • Fame

Use them in fame shop and level up cards and other items that you have. You can get these in the form of gifts from your friends.


  • Crystals

These can be used to get gear packs, armor, weapon, helmet, etc. Crystals can be obtained by dismantling SR grade gears.


  • Sage Stones

You can get sage stones by dismantling SSR grade gears.


  • Stardust

To obtain stardust, you need to dismantle low-grade gears. Get gold, gear packs, and other things by using stardust in stardust shops.


  • Amber

You can collect these from the manual of the game, at the same time when you collect the heroes. You can use them in the memory shop to get SSR grade gear packs.

Goddess of Genesis


Heroes Guide

The Goddess of Genesis presents about a dozen heroes in three grades: SSR, SR, and R. Heroes at SSR grade are the right heroes to engage in. Through the summons page, you can select your best heroes.


Classes of Heroes

1. Guardian - Tank

2. Warrior - Melee DMS

3. Mage - CC - DMG

4. Assassin - DMG

5. Ranger - Long ranged

6. Priest - Supporters and healers

Navigate to the hero display screen and see the class icon in the top left-hand corner. Or tap the summary button-profile on the hero profile tab to view the Hero feature and class.


Elements of Hero

  • Earth
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Dark
  • Light

Heroes of element earth unleash more damage to water element units, and heroes of water elements inflict more damage to units of fire elements. And, heroes of fire elements unleash more damage to units of earth elements. Heroes of light and dark elements unleash shared bonus destruction.


Improve Your Power

  • You can level up the heroes with the use of food items.
  • Awaken various heroes, and you can obtain various items from story mode.
  • You can also gear up items and ascend them. Obtain gear from the shop and also from the challenge mode.
  • Make use of artifacts that you have.
  • Activate various perks.

You can access all these options in the game in the heroes menu.

battle picture


Battle Guides & Strategy

The Goddess of Genesis allows us to develop up to five members of a squad. The game can be adjusted before the fight. Tap the Prepare button in the left corner at the bottom after selecting the point. We encourage you to have a balanced squad set-up i.e., DPS, Tank, and supporters. You will read the description of the hero in the game's view section. Make sure to check their info on ability as it shows their main strength. You wouldn't be able to use him/her wisely if you didn't know about your heroes' skills.


Element bonus

Be sure to keep in mind the bonus element while preparing for the formation. For example, if the enemy item is water, then heroes with water elements can cause more damage. You can read the guide above on the hero aspect. On the screen for battle preparation, in the top right corner, under the gear icon, tap the element ball to check the element's bonuses.


Final Tips

To level up instantly and efficiently, do the dailies every day. Make sure you complete the event missions. Join a guild dispatching heroes on missions. Additionally, join various communities that are available on FB, Reddit, and Discord. Through these, you can be updated regarding new things and cards. You will be updated about what is new in the game. Make friends and send them gifts regularly. We hope all these tips will help everyone to play this game in the best possible way and enjoy it!

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