Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG Beginner Tips - The Best Strategies to Play


Hey, are you in love with trying out dark fantasy games where each battle is turn-based and centered on strategies? You should definitely play Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG, which is one of the best dark fantasy strategy RPGs. In this game, you will go through battle quests where each has a certain number of enemies for you to deal with. If you conquer all the enemies, you will win the whole battle successfully. But how can you win them without knowing any better strategies? Read this guide to learn the best strategies to play Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG

Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG Beginner Tips

Besides tactical battles, you will meet a powerful hero roster that you can use during battles in Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG to win against enemies, each possessing special abilities. You can use their powers to the maximum during the battles to win them and destroy enemies. Also, it is your duty to upgrade their powers continually so that they will never faint in front of powerful bosses. Wanna know more about these tips, including many other tips to get better at gameplay? Then try out this beginner guide first, and secondly, play Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG on PC with LDPlayer. 

Destroy Enemies and Conquer Regions

Here in this Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG, the battles are a prominent feature that you will have to go through, and in each battle, there is a quest for you to accomplish. Once you accomplish the quest, then you will win the battles here. Before you enter a battle, you will see there are many regions on the world map, and you have to choose a region first. Once you choose a region, you can see the battle quests that you have to complete there. Completing all the battle quests in one region lets you conquer the relevant region and then reach the next region, and so on

. Destroy Enemies and Conquer Regions

When speaking of battles, first, you have to choose your battle team so that you can perform successfully on the battlefield with the chosen heroes. After deciding on your team, you can enter the battle here. The battles are turn-based, where the heroes of each team get turns in one round to act. 

During the battles, when it is your units' turn, you have to strategically decide on their moves on the battlefield and how they are going to attack and defeat enemies. Oh, we forgot to tell you that in each battle quest, there are a certain number of rooms for you to clear, each with enemies. Once you defeat and destroy all the enemies in all the rooms, then it will be considered that you won the battle completely. So, destroy enemies and conquer regions in this game and earn amazing rewards in the end. 

Unleash Skills When Required

Every hero you add to the team before you enter the battles possesses amazing skills, and these skills can be used during the battles to make significant changes on the battlefield. So, whenever it is required, you can unleash the skills of the heroes during the battles and turn the tides of the battles in your favor. This is one of the most amazing tips you can use in this Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG gameplay to win the battles. 

Unleash Skills When Required

The heroes' skills contain massive powers that are definitely useful to you in this game. So, when the skills are ready to unleash, and you think that is a perfect time to do it, you should do it at the moment and gain amazing benefits on the battlefield. By doing so, you can get much closer to the winning point. 

Understand the Alignments and Gain Benefits

One of the major strategies you can pull out during battles is understanding the alignments of the heroes and gaining benefits from them. Yes, every hero in this Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG belongs to a certain alignment, and not only that, but each alignment has a weakness against the other alignments. Therefore, if you understand the alignment system and how it works, you can gain benefits from it during battles to defeat enemies easily. Here is how it works. 

Understand the Alignments and Gain Benefits

  • Order alignment is strong against Chaos alignment. 
  • Chaos alignment is strong against Might alignment. 
  • Might alignment is strong against Order alignment. 

So, suppose you want to destroy enemies, inflicting massive damage on them easily. What you need is to recognize the alignment that the targeted enemy belongs to and then use a hero of superior alignment against the enemy's alignment to attack it. For example, if the targeted enemy's alignment is Might, you can use a Chaos-aligned hero to attack the targeted enemy. By doing so, you can inflict a higher amount of damage on the enemies, which makes it easier for you to clear the battle instantly. 

Strengthen the Heroes in Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG

Strengthening the heroes you use in the battle teams is very crucial in this game. When you do so, their powers will be enhanced, and their performance will be improved on the battlefield, which makes it easier for you to win battles. So let us learn how to strengthen the heroes in Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG with this beginner guide. 

Strengthen the Heroes in Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG

Here, as the first way, you can upgrade the level of the heroes you have. When you upgrade the level of the heroes, you can increase their total statistics, and therefore, their overall battle power will be increased. This will result in improving their battle performance in the end. 

Next, you can ascend your heroes so that their overall battle power and stats will be enhanced significantly while improving their maximum level cap along with the tiers that they belong to. Not only that, you can unlock new skills for your heroes every time you ascend them. This is also a great method you can follow to strengthen the heroes in this game. 

Besides that, you can provide your heroes with powerful gear items. These gear items will grant additional attributes to your heroes, which makes them stronger. So, when you play this game, follow these methods to strengthen the heroes and increase your winning rate in every battle you take part in. 

Rebuild Your Town

Another thing that is really attractive about this game is its town-building aspect. Although it is not as advanced as the city-building strategy games you have played before, in Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG, you are going to build your town. 

Rebuild Your Town

In the beginning, you will see that most of the buildings are locked in the game. But when you level up in the game while winning battle challenges and conquering areas, you will unlock buildings you can build for your town. Yes, every time you unlock a building, you can build it, and then you can have maximum advantages. In order to build a building, of course you might have to cover a cost. 

But regardless of that, you should rebuild your town by adding various facilities because each has something for you. For example, once you build a hospital in your town, you can let the wounded heal there so your heroes won't die on the battlefield. So, like this, every building has an advantage and a utility, so make sure you rebuild the town here with the necessary resources. 


From what you have read earlier, you might understand that the Grimguard Tactics: Fantasy RPG is built focusing on strategic gameplay. So, if you are strategic enough, you will be fine here, but if not, you will be stuck in the same battle phase for a longer time. But since we have given you this beginner guide with some of the best tips and tricks useful for the game, now you can try all of them and be better in this dark fantasy RPG.

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