Guardian Merge: Random Defense Beginner Guide for the Strategic Battles - Top Tips and Tricks


Welcome to the ultimate beginner's guide for Guardian Merge: Random Defense! If you're new to this casual merge defense game or looking to sharpen your strategic skills, you've come to the right place. In Guardian Merge, you’ll collect and combine heroes, strategically place them, and use powerful spells to defend your kingdom against relentless enemies.

Guardian Merge: Random Defense Beginner Guide

This guide will walk you through the essential tips and tricks to master the game, from understanding hero classes and leveling up your heroes, to managing resources and utilizing the ticket system efficiently. Whether you're looking to build an unbeatable hero formation or optimize your in-game economy, we've got you covered.

Dive in to discover how to create your own winning strategies, leverage the randomness of hero summoning and equipment drops, and dominate battles with the powerful spells of the Guardians. Let’s play Guardian Merge: Random Defense on PC with LDPlayer and turn you into a Guardian Merge pro!

How to Progress in Guardian Merge: Random Defense

The tutorial in Guardian Merge: Random Defense covers the basics, but there are several aspects it doesn’t explain. If you're confused about how to play, this section will help you get up to speed.

How to Progress in Guardian Merge: Random Defense

Guardian Merge: Random Defense is a merge tower defense game, but instead of towers, you use heroes. The main mode, accessible through the battle icon on the main window, consists of five chapters, each with 20 levels. You must fight through each level to unlock the next chapter.

Once you complete a stage, you can use the sweep option on already completed levels. This allows you to gather resources and strengthen your heroes if you didn't manage to progress further. By replaying levels and collecting resources, you can increase your strength and advance through the game more effectively.

How to Play Guardian Merge: Random Defense

The gameplay system in Guardian Merge: Random Defense is similar across all modes. When you enter a stage, you'll see two sections of the battle map: the upper section, where you fight enemies, and the lower section, where you hold additional summoned heroes. Only the heroes placed in the upper section participate in battles, while the lower section is used for merging and holding extra heroes.

Before each match begins, you receive a certain amount of silver. You can use this to either summon new heroes or expand the battlefield slots. Initially, you can place three heroes on the battlefield, but you can increase this number up to ten. However, the cost of additional slots increases with each purchase, so you need to balance this with your income levels.

How to Play Guardian Merge: Random Defense

Each level consists of five rounds, each lasting one minute. You will also see three hearts, indicating how many times you can retry the level if all your heroes die.

In the first round, buy one slot and use the leftover silver to summon heroes. Merge similar heroes to level them up and place the highest-level heroes on the battlefield. By the next round, aim to have five heroes. For early stages, having five heroes is usually sufficient. Avoid taking the game-offered buffs that increase monster levels in exchange for a small amount of coins or negligible boosts, as this can be detrimental if you lose. This buff does not reset even if you die, and you'll need to start over to remove it.

A useful trick when merging heroes: you don’t need to drag them individually. Summon the full amount you can, then use the + icon below the summon icon to automatically merge them. Finally, ensure you have the highest-level heroes on the battlefield before starting.

What to Know About Heroes

In Guardian Merge: Random Defense, heroes are categorized into several classes: Tanks, Melee, Support, and Ranged. Each class is identifiable by specific icons on their portraits: a shield for Tanks, a sword for Melee heroes, a shirt-like icon for Support heroes, and a bow for Ranged heroes.

What to Know About Heroes

Building Your Roster

Before heading into battle, go to the hero section and create your roster. The heroes you select for your roster will be the ones randomly summoned during battles, so it’s important to create a balanced team.

  1. Support Heroes: Start by selecting a support hero that can heal other players. Hua Tuo is a free hero available from the start. Click on him, read his description, and use the "Equip" button to place him in your formation.
  2. Tank and DPS Heroes: Next, choose the highest level tank and DPS heroes based on your preference. While ranged heroes usually deal high damage, they are also more vulnerable to taking damage compared to melee heroes. Therefore, position them in the back row, with melee and tank heroes in the front to absorb damage.

Strategic Placement

  • Frontline: Place tank and melee heroes in the front row to absorb damage.
  • Backline: Position ranged and support heroes in the back to deal damage and heal the frontline heroes.

By carefully selecting and positioning your heroes, you can maximize their effectiveness in battle and progress more efficiently through the game.

Leveling up Your Heroes

Heroes in Guardian Merge: Random Defense have different rarities. Common heroes have low stats and weak skills, while high-grade heroes possess more powerful skills and increased stats when leveled up. Therefore, always prioritize high-grade heroes. The portraits of high-grade heroes are marked in blue, orange, or pink. You can use filters to identify them easily.

Leveling up Your Heroes

Acquiring Hero Copies

To level up heroes, you need copies of them. You can obtain these copies by opening chests. Wooden to gold chests are obtainable through regular gameplay modes. For epic chests, save your gems and purchase them from the shop. Epic chests provide the highest-level heroes, so investing your gems in these chests is the best use of your diamonds.

Leveling Up Process

When you have enough copies of a hero, you can level them up. If you are missing some copies, you can use all-round leveling badges to fill in the gaps. These badges can be earned by playing stages or bought in limited quantities from the daily shop. Refresh the daily shop three times a day and purchase these badges to accelerate your hero leveling process.

Unlocking New Skills

As you level up heroes, they not only gain improved stats but also unlock new skills. Therefore, if you have a high rarity hero at level 1 and a low rarity hero at level 10, prioritize the low rarity hero because it will have more skills leveled up and ready to use.

By focusing on high-grade heroes, acquiring copies through strategic chest openings, and utilizing all-round leveling badges, you can effectively enhance your heroes and progress through the game more efficiently.

The Spirit

Spirits of Guardian Merge: Random Defense are like companions that provide various buffs in other games, and you can unlock up to three skills by leveling up your spirit. Additionally, you can equip your spirit with artifacts to gain various buffs. To create artifacts, visit the Smithy. In the Smithy, you'll find three options:

The Spirit

  1. Craft: This is where you can create artifacts. To start crafting, play in the "Explore the Ruins" mode to gather artifact fragments. Once you have the required amount, use them in the Craft section to create an artifact. The stats provided by the artifact are determined at the time of creation.
  2. Smelt: If the stats don't match your desired outcome, use the Smelt option to change them. To do this, create another artifact and use the Disassemble option to get artifact powder. Then, use this powder in the Smelter to change or improve the current stats of your artifact.

Once created, select and equip the artifacts on the spirit you are using to enhance its abilities further.

The World Tree

The World Tree

The World Tree is the skill tree of Guardian Merge: Random Defense. It has four branches:

  1. Hero Rating Increase: This branch boosts your heroes' ratings.
  2. Hero MP Generation: This branch increases the mana points (MP) generation for your heroes.
  3. Economy: This branch affects aspects like buying items and buffs during battles.
  4. Crafting Skills: This branch enhances your crafting abilities.

In the early game, invest in the Hero Rating and MP Generation branches. More powerful heroes allow you to take on stronger enemies, and increased MP generation enables your heroes to use their skills more frequently in battles. Once these areas reach a satisfactory level, you can start investing in the other branches.

Economy of Guardian Merge: Random Defense

The Guardian Merge: Random Defense features two main resources: gold and diamonds.

  1. Gold: Gold is used to level up heroes and buy fragments from the shop. You can earn gold by playing the Normal mode and Protect the Gold Tower mode.
  2. Diamonds: Diamonds can be used to buy gold, treasure chests, and obtain hero fragments. It’s advisable to save diamonds for epic chests, which give you the highest level heroes.

Additionally, you can earn all-round hero badges by playing the Train like the real thing mode. In the Explore the Ruins mode, you can gain both gold and artifact fragments, with a chance to get boxes from these modes as well.

Each box takes a certain amount of time to open. It's best to be patient and wait for the timer to finish rather than spending diamonds to open them immediately, as the rewards are not worth the cost in diamonds.

Tickets System

To play any game mode of Guardian Merge: Random Defense, you need tickets. Once spent, tickets take a certain amount of time to regenerate automatically. However, once you reach the maximum number of tickets, the regeneration stops. For faster progression, make sure to use your tickets before reaching this limit.

In addition to auto-regeneration, you can also gain tickets from boxes. This can temporarily exceed your maximum ticket count, so avoid opening boxes if you don't have time to use the extra tickets. This way, you can make the most of your ticket resources without hitting the regeneration cap.


By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to mastering Guardian Merge: Random Defense. Remember to prioritize high-grade heroes, strategically use your resources, and constantly adapt your hero placements to counter the ever-changing battlefield. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to protect your kingdom and lead your heroes to victory in Guardian Merge: Random Defense

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