Guardian Tales Tier list Marchupdated 2025


Guardian Tales is the Epic RPG game introduced by the Kong Studios and Kakao Games, and it has been known as one of the best games released in 2020 to the RPG world. There are amazing anime scenes and visual senses included with this game to satisfy all the game lovers, and there are also many heroes to accomplish the tasks in the game.




Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


There are many characters here included with the tier list of Guardian Tales, and as this is a gacha game, you need to check your luck or spend your money to earn these characters. There are many action thrilling characters with complex puzzles to resolve here, and for all of them, you need the best characters. So how do you identify these best heroes? Of course, you need to identify each character one by one. 


So here we are bringing you up the Guardian Tales Tier list, updated in July 2021. Let's download Guardian Tales on PC and enjoy the character party in here. 


Guardian Tale Tier List 


In Guardian Tales, every hero comes from a different role and tier category depending on their strength and capabilities in the game. If we talk about their roles, there will be four roles in here as 


  • Warrior
  • Tanker
  • Ranged
  • Support


And also, these all heroes have tier ranking as follows.


S Tier 


These are the strongest heroes you can see in Guardian Tales, and there will be the sturdiest heroes you have ever seen. They are dealing with almost everything, and there is more significant damage coming around with them as these heroes don't care about the game mode. S tier heroes have the potentials to shine brightly to the game, and they are the best.


A Tier 


These are the heroes that fit with any team other than the S tier. They are so reliable and holding the most excellent buffs to the game, and they will only be second to the S-tier heroes. Some of the phases will not face easier by these heroes than S tier ones, but they are also considered the best heroes on Guardian Tales.


B Tier 


B-tier heroes will not be the center of the game, but they are good when you don't get S or A-tier characters. Overall they will not be suitable for many options, and mostly they fit into the game as a supporting role for the strongest heroes. We would not recommend you a team that will entirely base on the B-tier heroes. 


C Tier 


Compared to the B-tier heroes, we can say that the C tier is stricter than them on their weaknesses. When we talk about PVE in the game, C-tier heroes will manage to overcome the situations, but these tier heroes will never be an ideal option for playing with other heroes. If a player wants to have the highest fight in the game, they should be overlooked for more than a C-tier hero, and this tier would be a great experiment for you since they are not suitable for many more challenging phases. 


D Tier


D-tier heroes are the worst in here as they make it harder to pass on the phases in Guardian Tales. These are the average heroes, and this tier will only be suitable for the game's early stages. When you face stronger enemies with this hero, you will lose the chance to replace these heroes as soon as you got the opportunity. 


Tier Heroes 


So now, let's look at each hero in each tier category.


Tier S 


Future Princess


This is a very tanky unit used as a shield, and she is rivaling Marina and Oghma. The weapon skills of this hero are making her a fabulous leader since it is triggering the chain after one cast. Future princess can make any of the team into a tanker by using her party buff of Universal HP and the defense debuff from the taunt. She can offer flexibility and mix a range of melee damage whenever she uses a shield. 


Future princes can sustain their team with the exclusive weapon passive skills and her chain abilities. Her special abilities grant the movement speed, which is used for chasing or for kiting based on the shield. Currently, Future princess is the best hero available in the game.


You should remember these notes whenever you are using Future Princess on your game. Her hybrid damage means that she will not wholly utilize the ranged or melee party buffs of specific. And when there is a not shield, she is taunting the enemies to the backline so that your backline will face danger. The chain abilities of this hero are not so defensive so that it will be somewhat more rigid on the Raid and Arena. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Android Mk.99 


Android ML is the highest range and bursting damage hero, and there is a skill cool down with her on the short weapon. She is stunning the mages through the attacks of Beam Cannon and penetrating the enemies and walls. Android's extraordinary abilities make her a versatile character and give high-class damage potentials or defence potentials than the other ranged heroes on the game. It depends on the situation. 


The ranged party buff of Android boosts the damage and provides her with high flexibility whenever she is forming teams because of the highest amount of ranged heroes. Regular attacks called Beam Magnum on this hero will not be hitting through the enemies of walls, and the chain skills are doing melee damage while the rest kit is ranged. 


Remember, this hero is an energy-based one, so she holds some of the slowest attacks to the game. She is draining all the energy within one attack, and when using it, Android will be stationery. If the enemies are too close for this hero, she is going to deal with minor damage. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Eight Tailed Fox Nari 


Nari is penetrating the walls by her projectiles, and she is less dependent on becoming so performing through the arena maps. There is a special ability with Nari to perform 64% of defence with increasing survivability. So she is living more to deal with more damage than the other ranged heroes. Nari fits well with the ranged teams because of her party buff and debuffing ability to ranged enemy defence along with the last hit on the normal attack combo. 


This hero is buffing the party with the chance of crit hit by her chain ability, and she is attacking without decreasing the movement speed. So Nari has an opportunity to have effective dodging and to kite in the game. There is an exclusive weapon skill with Nari, and her normal attacks are easily dodging with the low speed of projectiles. And the exclusive weapon ability of this hero is not capable of penetrating the walls. 


Remember that Nari lacks synergy due because her party buffs are not universal to the game.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Mecha Warrior Oghma 


There is an extreme sturdiness with Oghma, and it is combined with the reflective mechanisms to allow him to work well against the heroes like Bari. Oghma is a hard hero to deal with on AI that is not trying to kite him, and he is more suitable for the Colosseum and the PVE. The kit of this hero is universal, and it allows Oghma to suit well within several teams. So he becomes a tanker within other tanks of party buffs, and he also makes it tough on the other party members. 


The exclusive weapon skill of Oghma is following the enemies and making it easier for the landing. Although this hero is providing more damage than other tanks, he still has a low damage output, and he is easier on kite-like many melee heroes. He struggles more with facing enemies dealing with sustained DPS like Eugene, Vishuvac, and the Laplace. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Nine-Tailed Fox Garam 


Garam has the highest damage potentials among the other heroes in the game as he is holding the highest kit and the attack. Normal attacks of this hero are going through the walls. And they are exploding on the contact to deal with splashing damage behind those targets. The exclusive weapon skills of Garam are dealing colossal damage and will go through the walls as well. And they are not stopping on the contact, so he is hitting all the enemies in the path.


Normal attacks of the Garam is healing the party as a passive, and he got the flexibility on doubling the healing output for the exchange of damage output through equipping baskets.


Remember that Garam's buff of the water-specific party benefits him only outside of mono water teams. So it requires the rest of the party to have a self-sufficient way. This hero is massively squishy and highly reliant on the team on his survivability through the special ability or the strongest frontline. Otherwise, he will be killed. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dark Magician Beth


Beth is doing significant damage because of her special chain, party buff, and exclusive passive weapon. There is excellent survivability lies on this hero with considerable damage and against any number of enemies faced. She does this by using her passive of exclusive weapon and special abilities. Kit of this hero provides excellent mobility for chasing down the enemies in the arena and gives the chance to win many trades against light heroes.


Chain of the Beth is dealing with the ranged damage that helps her get the melee shields, and it is helpful for the melee teams in essential situations. Note that the weapon skills of Beth are easier on dodging and halting her movements to be punished in the arena. And also, she is easily kited by the ranged heroes on the maps with many walls. The dark resistance on this hero is debuffing from the passive of exclusive weapons that the dark team will only utilize. 


Beth is a good hero to the Colosseum, but sometimes she stacks the frontline to make the team vulnerable on AOE. And there is a tough time to the current meta with the highest usage of the Future Princess.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Archangel Gabriel


Gabriel has excellent support to the team DPS while being a healer, and the chain abilities of this hero are damaging and healing with party buff and the special abilities. She is debuffing the resistance of light-type enemies, and for that reason, Gabriel is working well with any kind of team as her kit has the most crucial parts as universal. 


The weapon skills of this hero are powerful healing, and it makes her be lead to utilizing within PVE, in-arena these are helping Gabriel's team by winning trades by healing her own self. 


The light resistance of Gabriel is only benefitting to the other light heroes within the team, and weapon skills her are hand on land reliably. So it will be a trouble to the death in the arena. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Future Knight 


Future knight has a universal party buff of weapon skill regen across all the team compositions, enhancing the arena teams or any leader. The special ability of this hero is allowing her to have normal attacks to pierce down the enemies by causing significant damage. This happens if her enemies are lined up in the Kamazone, Colosseum, or the Orbital Lift. 


The special ability of the Future knight is causing to reduce the basic resistance of enemies by 20% by normal attacks. It will empower the team of mono-basic in the raid and for the contents in Tower of Horizon. The exclusive weapon abilities of Future knight are reducing the speed of weapon skill regen by 30% and enhancing the PVP edge in a combination of party buff. Overall damage outputs of this hero can be said as top DPS.  


When using the weapon skills and the normal attacks of Future knight, she might be slowed significantly, and her normal rifle attacks are not piercing the walls. It only does by her weapon skills. So Future knight may suffer on some of the arena maps. The skill of tracking the weapon of this hero is getting worse on the longer ranges, and then again, she will suffer more on some of the arenas. 


If you want to level up fast in Guardian Tales, give a try on our Best Tips


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Flower Girl Bari


This is the highest attack stat hero to the game as she deals with insane damage to the enemies. There are many units to synergize with her because of the universal party buff Bari has, making her stronger as a meta shifts from the earth. There is a long-range with Bari's exclusive skills of weapon, and they are recharging quickly. So it is easy to hit because of the fastest projectile speed. 


The slower movement happens while charging, sometimes making Bari too harder with dodging and kite abilities. And a minor type of damage on this hero depends on the RNG as a form of prics in exclusive weapon passives on her. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Noble Succubus Bianca 


Bianca has the most excellent AOE kit with the chain ability, and her exclusive weapon ability is catching the backline enemies on their radius. There is the lowest cool down with Bianca's exclusive weapon abilities, and it can stun enemies effectively who are not looking for dodging. Her normal attacks are going through the walls and through the enemies to hit on several targets. There is excellent survivability with Bianca as there is healing with her exclusive weapon. 


The attack debuff of the special ability on this hero is upon the hit. This hero has a great synergy due to the universal crit hitting chance on this hero to the party buff. Remember Bianca's skills of exclusive weapon are getting difficult on landing sometimes, and there is a less normal attacking as a range with her than the other heroes of ranged


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Drunken Swordmaster Lynn 


Lynn is bursting down the enemies with her attack buff on the ability of flame martial arts and with the help of party buff. Her skills of exclusive weapons are quickly chaining and give her an edge in the arena as Lynn is stunning after less than on two casts if there are landing more hits. Lynn is working well with any type of melee team, and she is special fits well with the teams of mono fire raids. It happens because most of the fire heroes are warriors who are dealing with melee damage. 


There is excellent survivability with this hero due to the highest base defence, and it happens due to the damage reduction of 30% on Lynn. Whenever Lynn is not attacking, she is gaining more from her special abilities. 


Note that Lynn has a short range of exclusive weapon skills, and when casting, she is moving very slow. The short attack range on the game of Lynn is sometimes leaving her to be kited in the arena, and she is unable to attack for over 4 seconds when the energy bar hers depleted. She has lesser skills on PVE and Colosseum, and she is only proving the party buffs for her melee heroes. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021

Tier A 


Santa's Little Helper Rue 


This is a warrior, and she is very sturdy, amplified by the ability to debuff the attacks of targets and reduce the damage taken. The AI of Rue targets the backlines of the enemies when there is a taunt, and she will target the enemies continuously once this taunt is over. Rue is a great dogfighting hero to the arena because of her highest stats. 


Remember that although Rue is thriving the earth teams and amplifying the damage with party buffs, she will not synergize well with some elements. The cooldowns of long and short-range weapon skills are being abused within many matchups on the arena. Rue has a low versatility. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Exorcist Miya 


Currently, Miya has the highest healing stats in the game, and she is a great healing kit and will keep her team alive. There are higher attack stats and toughness with her than other healers. And those are helping her survive within the phases where she is getting targeted. There are universal party buffs and chain ability buffs on her that allow her to fit with any team. She is boosting any team's survivability without spending so much offensive power. 


The AI of Miya is sometimes choosing the target enemies without past aiming the tram. So she is missing an opportunity to heal them with the exclusive weapon passive of directional. Miya is a hero who can be encountered very easily on Colosseum, and the ranged water heroes and the weapon skill hold by her can be avoided easier because they have a wide short range. So it will be a disadvantage when you out Miya on the arena. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Grand Admiral Marina 


Marina is the highest base defence and an HP hero for all the heroes, and it will make up for the lack of her on the shield. She is a great hero in the AOE and will deal with severe damage than the other tanks. You can synergize Marina into any team and AI on the Colosseum of her targeting the backline to allow her to disrupt the primary sources of damage. She may even kill them as well.


Marina's AI targets and taunts the backline enemies, so she is along the frontline enemies to hit your backline. Remember that fact when dealing with Marina. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dancing Archer Tinia 


Tinia is working well with the ranged heavy teams because of the party debuff she has. There is a high damage output because of the desert arrow skill she can, which is stacking the debuffs to applying on 20% of defence reduction to an enemy. And also, this is increasing Tinia's attack speed. This hero is attacking and kiting without any hindering movement speed, unlike any ranged hero. Debuff attacks of Tinia is covering a massive range by firing three of the arrows despite the type of bow she is using. 


There is a low survivability range on Tinia to the game. And her normal attacks are getting blocked by the obstructions even one arrow is touched to another. Unless enemies are too close, there is a high possibility of missing her desert arrow skills, and Tinia has a limited synergy range because of her ranged party buff of specific. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Chosen one's Archpriestess Veronica 


Veronica is increasing the team crit-based DPS even though there is a low investment to the higher with at least one ally party buff of crit. The exclusive weapon passives of her an AOE of 15% HP healing for every 7 seconds, leading to good sustaining on the team over time. Veronica is excelling in the Kama Zone within the seasons of skill weapon regen items where the special abilities of hers making the heroes very sturdy.


There is a good defence with Veronica, which has been buffed with special abilities. AI is trying to position in between the ranged units and ally melee, so t is leading Veronica to get troubled if she is not correctly invested. Other heroes of the game can do veronica's job as a healer if a team crit chance lacks a benefit on her offensive buffs. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Idol Captain Eva 


There is an exclusive passive weapon with this hero coming with party buff along with the skills of the chain. Those are highly buffing the team's attack by 10% for basic teams and will increase 60% onto the other elements. There is a special ability to heal up by 5% on HO on the lowest HP member on the party. And also, she is boosting their defence by 30% for over 5 seconds. It is specializing the potent on the tanks.


The attacks of Eva are passing through the walls. And the exclusive weapon skill is targeting the backlines of enemies to its range. When Eva us supporting, there is impressive chain compatibility has been given. Eva will be somewhat squishy and immobile when using sound waves, and there is a chain ability of hers based on proximity. 


Only the nearest allies are getting the attack buffs to form her. The AI of Eva is not finishing the normal attacking combos always to use that sound wave. There is only a limited synergy with Eva, and she is only effective within the basic teams and at least one tank's teams. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Executive Red Hood Arabelle


She deals with a massive amount of damage by auto-attacking and significant bursting damage through exclusive weapon abilities. Due to the special ability hold by Arabelle, she is being so much mobile and allowing to kite and quickly escaping on the danger. This hero is so much effect on the mono dark team because of her party buffs. She effectively leads the Colosseum as Arabelle is bursting the backline heroes with her weapon skills. 


Remember that Arabelle has a poor synergy when it comes outside on the mono dark teams unless a player uses a party buff around her. There is a hard time facing her with the maps with many walls as she doesn't have a skilful normal attack to go through those. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Movie Star Eugene 


Eugene is holding her own self against the enemies of most ranged in an arena due to her ranged buffs and mobility upon landing attacks. This hero is fair as a tanky unit for warriors without damage, and Eugene can kite those other melee enemies by using mobility. The mobility has to be paired with ranged attacks from the weapon passive of her exclusive to do so. 


Eugene has a poor synergy outside form the melee teams because of her party buffs, and she is struggling more on damaging tanky enemies. She is a highly kill-dependent hero who has a vast skill cap. 


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dragon Avatar Vishuvac 


Vishuvac is the highest AOE damage dealer, and her kit is making her so much mobile, allowing her to be easily sticking onto the ranged enemies and bursting down them. Vishuvac is dealing with bonus damages to the enemies who are not in the fire type. This hero is buffing the defence of her team and firing the damage by using the chain ability. 


Vishuvac's passive activation of the exclusive weapon is based on the range, and there is a slow attack with her when she is not dashing or teleporting. Her buffs will not benefit on the fire teas, and sometimes her exclusive weapon skills are being interrupted before they are landing the three hits. So be aware of them all before using Vishuvac.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Aspiring Warrior Craig 


This hero significantly increases the team survivability by increasing the defence using the party buffs and the chain abilities. And also, Craig is absorbing the damage from the team by using his special ability.


The exclusive weapon skill passive allows this hero to heal and deal with reflective damage, scaling through his defence and DPS. And that is upon the damage depending on how high is that defence is helpful within the arena. And this is great for closing the gap between the opponents and you.


Remember that this hero needs a chain for buffing his defence, and he is not getting buffed by the taunts like other tanks. Craig needs to be around five tiles on them to absorb the team damage and have a50% maximum health. Craig lacks on the offence like other tanks, and he has relatively low attacks. He cannot reflect the ranged damages, and his chains are not doing any kind of damage.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Golem Rider Alef 


This is a hero who will be tanky enough on his own against the melee enemies in the arena and for the colosseum due to the special ability he holds. There is a party buff with Alef to make his whole team tanky against the ranged enemies. Normal attacks of Alef are long-ranged melee attacks, and they are capable of passing through the walls. And those are unavoidable within his range.


The exclusive weapon skill of this hero has the shortest cool down in the ongoing arena Meta, and there is a massive AOE radius on this hero.


Remember that Alef is somewhat low and inconsistent on his damage because his range involves the exclusive passive weapon with coupled. It comes along with the slowest speed of attack. The party buff of Alef is not so much applicable depending on the abundance of the ranged enemies within the current colosseum meta and the arena.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Scrivener Lahn 


Lahn has the normal attacks, which are becoming into AOE attacks for every five hits and will have a more extended range than the other available melee heroes. Her chain skills are healing all the party members. And the special ability is working despite her other team members are dying before her or after.


Know that Lahn has the normal attacks that are not passing through the walls, and the same thing applies to her thunder fist. Regarding Lahn's exclusive weapon skill, it cannot land on the moving targets and will have an alone average for the cool down.


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Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Ice Witch Lupina 


Lupine has a universal party buff, allowing her to become fairly synergized with several teams. She is a high DPS potential for the game, and her skill of exclusive weapon will have a large cone depending on the AOE, which can quickly clear the rooms on the PVE phases. Lupina is filling her nice as ranged melee and as a damage dealer.


Crit party buff of Luoina is not high as the other damage multipliers, and it is not as offensive as the other party buffs. She will be slightly squishy on the arena, and ranger heroes will easily dodge her on the slow projectiles. The exclusive weapon skills of Lupina are so easier to miss. And there is a poor AIE with her which is hindering the performance on the colosseum. This will be more when she is the team leader.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Knight Lady Laplace


Laplace has a great kit that allows her to chase the ranged enemies, and she is escaping the danger by using it. There is an ability with La[ice to equip a shield that is making into Tanky, and the chain ability is dealing with extensive AOE damage. It will be boosted by 50% of the amount because it will always hit the downed targets.


Opponents of the game can trigger Lapice's passive movement buffs by hitting her with selectively weapon skills. She will not leverage the damage potentials on her basic attacks because her enemies are not sitting still. The exclusive weapon skill of Lupice is facing difficulties on landing and makes her more unreliable with stuns. There is a poor synergy on this hero within the outside on teams of mono light.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Goddess of war Plitvice 


Plitvice has the skill of exclusive weapon dealing with the damage, and it is healing the party. So she is so much effective within the PVE. The kit of this hero has high survivability through the weapon passives, which is healing herself on each hit of the enemies. Plitvice's chain abilities are buffing the defence, and the special ability can nullify the damage by 20% along with the status. Normal attacks and the skills of exclusive weapons are going through the walls, and that exclusive weapon skill is hitting the enemies with several elevations.


Plitvice has a poor synergy because of the party buff by only benefitting on the fire heroes. The special abilities of the Plitvice are relying on the RNG, and it makes her have inconsistent survivability. There is a more negligible effect on the arena with her kit because she has one enemy to hit on the healing and no team member to heal.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dragon Talon Clan Ranpang 


Ranpang is an AOE damage dealer with normal attacks, and you can use her while chasing the enemies. This hero has decent damage comparing to how tanky she is to the game, significantly when she is being boosted from the passive of exclusive weapon. The low skill of exclusive weapon on Ranpang is cooling down with considerable damage. The special abilities make her a hard hero to kill whenever she has a 50% below HP.


There is a short delay with some of the normal attacks and the exclusive weapon skills of this hero to make them easy to evade. These exclusive weapon passives are RNG-based as it has a 0% chance only for the activation/ you will need three hits on her skill of exclusive weapon to start with a chain.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dimension Traveler Catherine 


Catherine is a universal hero with a party buff that increases the defence against the attacks that happen on ranged. So it is heavily helpful on the current meta. The charged arrows of Catherine are penetrating the walls and ricocheting the nearby enemies along with the backline enemies. There is an extended range of Catherine, ensuring her safety on the melee enemies, and she is taking ranged damage because of the party buff.


Three seconds of lasting invincibility is there with Catherine, and she is increasing the damage from dying on the special ability. You can use it on baiting the enemies to waste their skills. Her chain skills are somewhat underwhelming unless you use them within a team that is leveraging the debuff of water resistance. You will see a slow weapon skill with clunky, which has a long cooldown, and Catherine's party buff is not useful when she is not facing the range enemies.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Sniper Hekate 


Hekate is the highest attacker with stats among all the heroes, contributing to severe damage to the enemies. There is an excellent synergy with her due to the universal party buff she has, and it is buffing the team's chance of crit hit. Bullets penetrate the enemies with this hero by hitting several targets if they have been lined up correctly.


Hekate is a high-range hero in her chain skills and with her normal attacks as they shoot over the obstacles. And those are extending into 17 from 7 tiles when they have been charged. Remember, Hekate is so squishy and has a low HP with the third-lowest defence on the game. She got a slow attacking speed, and cooldowns of normal attacks are 1.5 seconds. She is not suitable for AOE and not be so good with the arena as well.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Pirate Rachel 


Rachel is a high DPS hero with the highest attacks and a crit chance. Her damages are boosting by 20% through the special abilities, and chain skills of this hero are doing considerable damage to an extensive area. Remember when you are hitting with Rachel, she gets cancelled with her special ability until she avoids the damage again for over 4 seconds.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Leaf Fairy Aoba


Aoba is the highest healing output in the game, and she is known to be the most healing charger among all the other healers in the game. So Aoba is the best healer to be used at the current meta. She is working well with the earth teams because of her chain ability potency, and she has the most efficient chain abilities in the game. Aoba continuously keeps her entire team healthier when they have been timed correctly.


Sometimes Aoba's flower bud arrows are going to be missed when the fights are getting harder. There is the lowest Damage output among all the healers because she is mainly focused on the support.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Red Hood Elvira 


Elvira with projectiles dealing with the most incredible damage and ignoring her terrain in the game. Her special abilities are inflicting the airborne within her cast. And those are allowing her to become nuke on the chain ability. The ranged party buffs hold by Elvira are working well within teams with some multiple DPS ranges. The exclusive passive weapon in this hero can be destructive at the colosseum, where AI doesn't like to avoid it.


Elvira is facing difficulties when hitting the mobile enemies because she got the slowest speed on projectiles. As a trade-off on the most incredible damage. Elvira got low survivability in the game.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Mad Scientist Gremory 


Gremory increases the damage greatly on the team with the party buffs and uses her normal attacks. Those are decreasing the defence of her enemies and stacking with Tinia or Nari's debuffs. This is a hero who is helping over the team survivability by using the chain skill, which is reducing the enemy attacks. Gregor is not reliant on the exclusive weapon to be helpful as a debuffer and will have the highest synergy within because of the trigger of the universal chain.


Gremory is holding low survivability as a hero. It is dangerous to use her for the highest level raid bosses without supporting the healer or a tank to the protection.



Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021

Tier B 


Kung Fu Matser Mei 


Mei is an excellent fighter as a melee hero in the arena because she got a unique party buff of defense. There is also a self-healing with this hero by the passive of exclusive weapon. Mei supports the light teams by using chain skills and reducing the resistance of light type on enemies. Individually she is achieving a whopping 

of 35% on the crit rate whenever she gets hit by the enemies when she uses the exclusive weapon.


Mei is so much immobile when there is an attack and leaving her to be so vulnerable to being kited by the ranged heroes in the arena. She is not so much ideal for most teams as there is mediocre damage, and Mei is not buffing the offensive power of her team outside from the debuff of light resistance.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Battleball Girl Rie 


Rie deals with considerable damage as a hero who doesn't own an exclusive weapon due to her highest crit rate and special abilities. Special abilities hold by this hero are great on manual playing, and those movement speeds are easier for the kite. So Rie is grateful for the arena. The crit hit chance party buffs are allowing this hero to work well for any team, and she is synergizing well with the current pool on a basic unique type of heroes.


Remember Rie's attacks are not going through the walls as she has only eight tiles with the attack range. And she is getting disadvantages because of her close-range sword weapon skills. She doesn't own the attacks for several elevations, so Rie is not suitable for certain PVE aspects.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Innuit Girl Coco 


Coco got tremendous burst damage because of her special ability, and the last hitting on the normal attack combo is reducing the defence of enemies. The skill of exclusive weapon is activating quickly and can be used while Rie is moving. There is a short storm duration with her, so it is making her avoid harder. The exclusive passive of her weapon is giving her some projectiles of homing, which is boosting the damage and showing the direction on the far away enemies. She has a good kit on PVE and Colosseum because of the defence on debuffing enemies and attack she got.


Coco is a very squishy hero and got the lowest based defence on all the other heroes. She got the slowing movement speed, so she is vulnerable with her attacks, and Coco can't kite her enemies. There is the most extended cool down with her weapon skill of exclusive, and when it is passive, it has a slow speed of the projectile, which cannot pass through the walls. And also it doesn't own a long-range.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Scientist Sohee 


She has the normal attacks, which are going through the walls and auto-aiming the enemies. She is achieving a low cooldown on weapon skills with the party buff, cards, and exclusive weapon she owns. She is easier on landing the skill of exclusive weapon tuning the enemies, and it has the most extended range. She has the most significant abilities on the PVE contents against the dark enemies, and Sohee is durable for the ranged heroes.


When Sohee is not activating the special ability to face several dark enemies, she is getting mediocre damage. The chain skills damages on debuffs are only be utilized fully within the teams of mono lights. She has some kind of lowest range on normal attacks, and it makes it harder to kiting in the areas where we don't see walls.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Swordsman Akayuki 


Akayuki got the highest base attacks as a melee hero and will own the greatest synergy from the universal buff of the party. She dodges the projectiles by using the last hit on her combos of normal attacks, and Akayuki is a useful hero to maximize the damage on a guild raid.


This hero needs accurate timing for utilizing her capabilities on the dodging, and she is pausing for a brief when she is finished with the combo. So Akayuki I being vulnerable to the punished on mistakes. She has low survivability in the game.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Vampire Girl Karina 


Karina is healing the party members passively through the damage dealing, and the last combo hits of her are penetrating the walls with passive on the exclusive weapon. Her special abilities boost her survivability by healing into 40% of HP n dying every 60 seconds. She is trading the performance as a healer, and the party buffs of Karina are granting a heal on enemy kills. So it is so much useful for the PVE contents.


Karina is excellent for several team compositions because of her approving skills of survivability and the performance she holds. Karina has less hindering mobility when she is attacking than most of the ranged attackers. So it is tough to chase her whenever she is facing melee enemies.


Karina has low survivability on her special abilities because of the low HP and defence. There is a low healing output with her than other healers, and she is struggling to keep the team alive without an efficient use from the chain ability. She is not the ideal selection for a mixed-element team due to the dark attack party buffs. There is a slow projectile with Karina's normal attacks, and they deny the healing potentials with the slowest projectile speed.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dragon Knights Shapira 


Shapira is a hero with a party buff of a melee attack, and it is the best thing for a team composition of warriors and tanks. The AI of Shapira is chasing the enemies' back lines, and those are helpful for her to deal with the ranged enemies who are not stacking the front lines. The normal attacks have a spin that deals with a lot of AOE damage on enemies who are being stacked together.


When Shapira is chasing the backline of enemies, she misses the opportunity to utilize the AOE potentials. And she is facing troubles on sticking onto the ranged enemies who can move while they are attacking. Kit of this hero mainly focusing on the damage. Lowest toughness and susceptibility. Those are resulting in Shapira dying before doing much to the game.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Engineer Marianne 


Marianne is an AOE damager with the use of normal attacks, which are piercing through the enemies. She has the party buffs on boosting the damage of the mono Earth road and for the teams of the colosseum. As a raged hero, Marianne has high survivability, and her special abilities are goof in the arena for running until she uses an empowering skill of weapon.


Exclusive weapon skill of Marianne having a long cooldown, and there are immobile normal attacks with her. So she is not so good for the arena or as a leader to the game.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Princess Aisha 


Aisha is working with almost any team in the game as she owns universal buffs. There are addictive attack buffs to grant the party by making it up on 80% of damage buffs. Aisha is a very tanky and good stat of defensive to the game. Her AI is so good and travelling backwards to reach many allies with the attack buffs and goes the backlines of the colosseum.


Aisha s not effective in the 1V1 stages like arena because she got low damage in individual and a low support-oriented kit. Her passive or exclusive weapon is only effective if the allies have enough type of crit on benefitting from it.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Swindler Magician Dolf


Dolf has the universal weapon skills that are regen the speed party buffs. So they are handy for the leads on having long cooldowns of weapon skills. She got the highest offensive kit which is outputting significant AOE damage through the normal attacks, ricocheting. The weapon skills of Dolf are dealing with massive damage to the arena.


Dolf has the lowest defensive stat on the game, and he is struggling to compete with some unique heroes. The weapon skills of this hero are easier to avoid within the arena.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021

Tier C 


Succubus Adventurer Yuze 


Yuze is boosting the team survivability with party buffs, and her moral attacks are reducing the attacks of enemies. She is well synergizing with the mono dark teams due to the chain skills, which are reducing the resistance of dark type on her. Yuze is healing herself with the special ability, and she is triggering the chain speedier if you use her as a lead.


Yuze got a low damage output, and she got less survivability to the game. So there are many good options than choosing her into the game. Yuze is squishy and struggling so much in the area because she has avoidable weapons skills.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Desert Mercenary Marvin 


Marvin is the strongest special ability hero, and he is a solid counter on the marina. You will only need two usages with the skill of exclusive weapon on Marvin for a chain start. But when there are more walls on a map, Marvin is harder on playing with the full potentials. There is a long cooldown on the exclusive weapon skills, and he is harder on landing on the arena.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Twin Healer Favi 


Favi is boosting the team damage against the targets who are inflicted with injury due to the party buff she got. She has the most extended AOE range of healing and has a solid amount of charging at 9. David has good survivability. Her normal attacks will not be penetrating the walls.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Knight-Captain Eva 


Eva has the buffs of light and defence, and they both are helpful for the mono-light team. She is dealing with decent damage because of her special ability, and remember there is a delay with her normal attacks before firing. She will be immobile while using the normal attacks, and Eva will not be great for the arena.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Five Dragon Girgis 


Girgis has the normal attacks, which are having a large hitbox. He is passing through the walls and very effective against the twisted enemies. The universal party buffs he got allow him to synergize well by being well-fitting into the teams of mono elements utilizing his debuffs. This hero has low survivability to the game, and he has to be piloted on special ability.



Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dragon Seeking Girl Neva


Neva is good on teams of mono light raids, and she is having the highest DPS boost that she is bringing with the party buff and the chain defence buff. The special abilities of this girl are allowing her to perform considerable damage. She is leach with an exclusive weapon, and she is synergizing only to the teams of mono light. So Neva is a poor choice for most of the teams.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Innkeeper Loraine 


Loraine is dealing with damage as a support, and her normal attacks ignore the terrain and will attack regardless of elevations. She fits well with different teams because of the universal party buff, which is helpful for the colosseum to increase the tank survivability. She got low survivability and mediocre stats of base among all the healers.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Melee knight 


Melee knight is filling any roles and will adapt for any stage need for equipping several weapons. His special ability is making him a formidable enemy against any kind of light hero. This hero is great for the events as he is usually granting bonuses in the event points. Melee Knight is adapting easily for any melee or ranged team. But he is ineffective in the arena on the light heroes.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Dual Personality Maid Amy


Amy has the highest damage output in the game with any team she is being placed for due to the party buffs and the special ability. She is not universal, but Amy offers a good synergy because there is a broad range of melee damage. She got the lowest survivability and was ineffective against the mobile enemies in the game.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Twin Fighter Lavi 


Lavi has high base defensive stats to the game, and she is providing her team with a high defence through the party buffs. She can negate half from the incoming damage with a specific chance. But know that Lavi's taunt is only single targeting and will not buffing the defence like any other tank.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021

Tier D 


White Beast 


White beats are debuffing the enemies upon landing the skill of chain and gaining a 30% of damage boost whenever hit by enemy less than 50% of health. He is dealing with good damage on enemies even he is getting controlled by the AI. There is only a short-range with this hero than other melee units, and he got low versatility.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Scientist on the Beach Sohee 


This Sohee is damaging her enemies with normal skills and prioritizing the attack on ranged dealers or far away enemies. On her chain abilities, she is creating waves to inflict ranged DPS damage to her enemies and restoring all allies HP.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Lifeguard Yuze 


Yuze spun a two-handed sword on inflicting damage to the enemies and reducing their defence by 20% for over 5 seconds. She is also applying a shock to her enemies' hearts to deal with DPS damage with her chain ability.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021


Goddess of Wealth Eleanor 


Eleanor is playing a beautiful melody to inflict damages to her opponents, and she is also restoring the HP of her allies. There is a low range of skill damage with her and a lower weapon skill damage.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021

Heroes by Ranking


3 Star Heroes 


  • Price as a warrior
  • Laplace as a warrior
  • Marina as a tanker
  • Arable as a ranged
  • Eva as a support
  • Bari as a ranged
  • Lupine as a warrior
  • Lahn as a warrior
  • Eugene as a warrior
  • Tinia as a ranged
  • Vishuvac as a warrior
  • Nari as a ranged
  • Bianca as a ranged
  • Oghma as a tanker
  • Alef as a warrior
  • Miya as a support
  • Future princess as a tanker
  • Garam as a ranged
  • Beth as a warrior
  • Rue as a warrior
  • Gabriel as a support
  • Lynn as a warrior
  • Future knight as a warrior
  • Veronica as a support
  • Nexia as a support
  • Mareel as a support
  • MK.99 as a ranged
  • Lilith as a warrior
  • Lucy as a ranged
  • Yuze as a warrior
  • Sohee as a warrior
  • Eleanor as a support


2 Star Heroes 


  • Male knight as a warrior
  • Female knight as a warrior
  • Eva as a ranged
  • Elvira as a ranged
  • White beats as a warrior
  • Karina as a support
  • Loraine as a support
  • Lavi as a tanker
  • Favi as a support
  • Aoba as a ranged
  • Gremory as a ranged
  • Rachel as a ranged
  • Hekate as a ranged
  • Coco as a ranged
  • Marianne as a ranged
  • Sohee as a ranged
  • Fei as a warrior
  • Mei as a warrior
  • Marvin as a warrior
  • Craig as a tanker
  • Akayuki as a warrior
  • Ranpang as a tanker
  • Yuzu as a warrior
  • Aisha as a support
  • Shapira as a warrior
  • Dolf as a ranged
  • Amy as a warrior
  • Girgas as a ranged
  • Catherine as a ranged
  • Rie as a ranged
  • Neva as a warrior


Take your heroes with the easiest rerolling method and know which one is the best by referring to our reroll guide from here.


Guardian Tales Tier list July updated 2021



So here ends our Guardian Tales tier list, and many heroes are coming under different tier categories with ranks. Choose which one would be most remarkable for your gameplay b referring to their skills one by one through this guide and making it a better choice to play Guardian Tales.

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