Higan Eruthyll How to Deal with the Boss Stages


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to prepare for boss battles in Higan Eruthyll. With the Higan Eruthyll global release date just around the corner, it's important to know everything there is to know about the game if you want to stay ahead of the competition. Despite being in soft launch, the progress you make now will carry over to the global release, so it's crucial to be well-prepared for the challenges ahead. In this guide, we will show you the most important aspects you need to know to defeat all the bosses and enemies in the game.

Higan Eruthyll How to Deal with the Boss Stages

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For those who are new to the game, we recommend checking out the Higan: Eruthyll beginner guide to get a better understanding of the Higan Eruthyll gameplay mechanics. And for those who prefer playing games with maxed-out graphics settings, we suggest playing Higan Eruthyll on PC with LDPlayer for a mirror-like graphical experience.

At the end of this guide, we'll also provide instructions on how to get the Higan Eruthyll APK so that you can start playing right away. So without further ado, let's dive into the preparation you need for Higan: Eruthyll's boss battles.

Why Preparation Is Key?

This is a challenging game, and to beat it, you need to be well-prepared. Not only does the Boss battles since it has many modes, but the game can also be intense, and without the right strategies, you'll find yourself constantly struggling to progress and constantly wasting your energy trying the same battle over and over. That's why it's crucial to know everything there is to know about the game and have a good idea about what to look for before starting the battle.

Understanding Boss Mechanics

Before jumping into boss battles, it's essential to understand their mechanics. Each Boss has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and knowing these can give you a significant advantage in battle.

Understanding Boss Mechanics

For instance, bosses have an exhaust meter that you can try to push when you do; the Boss will not be able to deal damage and take increased damage, while others may have elemental weaknesses that you can exploit. It's also crucial to understand their attack patterns and learn how to block them effectively.

Choosing Heroes for Battles

When building teams in Higan Eruthyll the characters you choose for your formation will hugely impact the outcome of the battle. This is because of things like elemental systems, interruption abilities, crowd control skills, and character roles. The game comes with an elemental mechanism system that directly affects how much damage you take and how much damage you will do. 

Choosing Heroes for Battles

The game has five elements: Pyro, Umbra, Anemo, Lomino, and Ice. You will see Higan Eruthyll all characters and enemies belong to one of these elements, and these elements counter one another. When they meet on the battlefield, according to the element advantage, the character/enemy that belongs to the weaker element will take 30% increased damage and do 30% less damage against the character/enemy that belongs to the stronger element, and vice versa.

In order to use it to your advantage, you always have to check the enemy details before the battle and go to the formation and select ice element characters against Pyro enemies, use Pyro against Anemo, and Anemo against Ice. The Lumino and Umbra are special elements that only counter each other. When they meet in battle, both will do 30% increased damage to one another but will not reduce the damage taken from any element.

Character Classes and Their Placement

Character Classes and Their Placement

The next thing you should understand to win battles is the importance of the character class and where you should place them. The game has six classes. The most important class you should have in your formation is the Guardian, Hoplite, and Adiutrix. You should place your Guardian in the front line. Hoplites can be placed next to the tank, and your healer should be far away from the front line, but make sure you can reach all of the teammates with their healing abilities.

Changing the Formation

As much as having the best characters in your formation, it is also important to change your team formation and character placement according to the fight and damage patterns that come your way. Before every battle starts, you have to check your formation and look out for tiles that give an advantage to certain classes when placing them. 

The first reason for using the classes mentioned above is that the defender class can soak up most of the incoming damage when you place them in the front, and they will help you save your team from incoming damage.

Changing the Formation

As we said earlier, entering the edit formation window before each battle start is very important because of the above reasons, but there is also another reason to make it more important. It is because some enemies will release an attack that affects a large area as soon as the battle starts. If you have placed any of your characters in the way, they will take damage, and you will start the combat with a disadvantage.

The next thing you will see during the battle is areas that give your characters some buffs, damage, or debuffs. You should allow your characters to move into advantageous positions while driving the enemies from these places and pushing the enemies into the places that would deal damage or debuffs. These can be achieved with classes like casters, assassins or healers. 

Charging abilities

Charging abilities

Some enemies of the game have to charge their power before they can use their powerful skills, and they can only use it if they gather up full power. The Hoplite has interruptive skills that you can use to prevent your enemies from charging their power. Since you will meet enemies that do this more often in battles, having one that can stop it on your team is a good idea.

Chant Skills

The next is the chant skills. Before some attacks can be made, they have a chant and can be interrupted with interruptive or Crowd Control skills. These can be stopped, and if you have a Hoplite on your team, you can vastly reduce the incoming damage.

Before Investing in Character

Because of the element system, even your most high-grade DPS character will do less damage if it meets with a counter element, and if you are doing Higan Eruthyll  PVP, then you will need at least ten characters that you can mix and match to make a good tow team. So the solution to this is to refer to a Higan Eruthyll tier list and start building the most powerful characters you have. This way, you can swap between characters on the go without going back and swapping gear. 

Level up and Gain Skills

Leveling up and gaining new skills is another crucial aspect of preparing for boss battles. You'll want to grind and complete quests to gain experience points and level up your character. Leveling up increases not only your character's stats but also unlocks new skills that can be vital in battle. 

Level up and Gain Skills

But one Higan Eruthyll tip you can use is not to invest in any character until you really have to. You can complete a few stages even without equipping them with gear or leveling up your heroes; you should save your resources and wait until you have a good amount of characters that have high ranks and then think about building a permanent team. 

How to Get Higan Eruthyll Apk?

For those who can't wait for the global release, getting the apk is an option. However, we do not recommend downloading the apk from unknown sources as it may compromise your device's security. Instead, first, you should create a new email account and use a VPN to change your location to Singapore, Canada or other soft launch available countries. 

Then Higan Eruthyll download and login into Google Play Store with the newly created email. Then you should keep your VPN on until you log in to the game and disconnect it to increase speed.


In conclusion, preparing for boss battles is essential if you want to progress in Higan Eruthyll. Understanding boss mechanics, having the right gear, leveling up and gaining skills, and teaming up are all vital aspects of preparation. Follow these tips and strategies, and you'll be well on your way to beating all the bosses and enemies in the game.

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