How to Breed in My Singing Monsters - Essential Tips to the Breeding System


Let's enjoy the world of music of My Singing Monsters, where music tones of monster creatures fill your island with songs! Whether you're new or an experienced player, mastering the breeding system is key to expanding your monster collection and unlocking rare singing monsters. To enhance your gameplay, play My Singing Monsters on PC with LDPlayer for smooth performance and stunning visuals, and let’s see how we can breed today.

How to Breed in My Singing Monsters

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How to Breed in My Singing Monsters?

The breeding system allows you to collect new monsters for your crew, each bringing unique music. To start breeding, you first need to unlock the breeding structure, which becomes available once you reach level seven. 

In this breeding structure, you can combine two different parent monsters, each with different elements and powers, to create an egg for a new monster. It’s important to note that both parent monsters must be at least level four to participate in the breeding process. By combining these monsters, you have a chance to either obtain a monster similar to the parent monsters or discover a completely new one.

How to Breed in My Singing Monsters

After you combine monsters, you can create a new egg. However, this process takes time and depends on the monsters you use for the combination. Once you have the egg, you'll need to hatch it in the nursery. After the hatching process is complete, you will receive a new monster with a unique rhythmic tone on the island. Keep in mind that the chances of obtaining a rare monster from this breeding system are low; it's largely based on luck.


How to Successfully Breed Rare Singing Monsters?

To breed a rare singing monster, it's important to use higher-level parent monsters for the best combinations. Additionally, you will need wishing torches to achieve the best possible outcome in the breeding process for a rare monster. Now, we will discuss these details further to assist you.


Choosing the Best Combinations

Having the best combinations is essential for breeding new, higher-value monsters like Hyehehe, Ghazt, Reebro, and BooDoo. Special monsters such as Ethereals, Seasonals, Mythicals, and Epics offer unique breeding combinations. By combining these special monsters, you can create unique new monsters through breeding.

Choosing the Best Combinations

Here is the breeding chart of the best parental combination and result monster:

Parent Monster Combos

Combination Result

Entbrat + T-Rox 

Ghazt (Rare)

Riff + T-Rox

Reebro (Rare)

Ghazt + Grumpyre

Whisp (Rare)

Deedge + Congle

Grumpyre (Rare)

Grumpyre + Jeeode

BooDoo (Rare)

Woolabee + Toe Jammer

Sneyser  (Rare)

Spunge + Noggin

Shellbeat (Rare)

Potbelly + T-Rox

Entbrat (Common)

Quarrister + Scups

Humbug (Common)

Tweedle + Potbelly 

Dandidoo (Common)

Potbelly + Mammot

Furcorn (Common)

Noggin + Toe Jammer

Fwog (Common)

Bowgart + Clamble

Shugabush (Legendary)

Shugabush + Furcorn

Shugabeats ( Legendary)

Quarrister + Clamble

Hoola (Limited)

Kayna + Glowl

Gobble Gourd (Limited)


Wishing Torches for Increasing the Chance

Wishing Torches are the best mechanism for increasing the chances of breeding higher-valued monsters. These Wishing Torches act like amplifiers to boost the likelihood of obtaining rare monsters. This special feature is unlocked after reaching level 12. 

You can buy more of these items, and you can also obtain them through redeem codes. When trying to achieve the best combination for breeding high-rarity monsters, using these Torches will enhance your chances of getting more powerful creatures.


Level Up the Parent Monsters

Level Up the Parent Monsters

Initially when you combine monsters in the breeding system, using high level parent monsters is the greatest way for having a more increasingly high rarity hero. The more you have leveled up parent monsters you can have new monsters. So, make sure to level up the chosen parent monsters by feeding them with food items obtained from the bakeries.


What is the Hardest Thing to Breed in MSM?

The Wubbox is the most challenging monster to breed among all the monsters available in the game. There is a Wubbox for every My Singing Monster island, including Earth, Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Ethereal, Oasis, and Wublin. 

What is the Hardest Thing to Breed in MSM

However, the Wubbox cannot be bred through the breeding structure or any combinations of monsters; instead, you must purchase it from the marketplace. The cost to buy a Wubbox is 75,000,000 gold.


How to Breed Ghazt 100 Percent?

Another exciting monster to breed is the Rare Ghazt, which is an Ethereal monster. You have only a 1% chance of obtaining it from the breeding system for your singing island. To breed the Ghazt, the best combination is to use a Rare Entbrat and a Rare T-Rox as the parents. 

However, due to its rarity and lower breeding chance, you won't be able to obtain this incredible monster on your first attempt. Acquiring this rare creature may require multiple breeding tries. Light all ten wishing torches on your island, and feed Entbrat and T-Rox with food items to level them up to maximize your chances.


What Takes 1 Day and 3 Hours to Breed on Air Island?

Reebro is a singing monster that can be bred on Air Island. It is a single-element ethereal monster. This rare creature can be bred by combining the Riff and T-Rox monsters as parent monsters. Reebro is considered a special singing monster due to its longer breeding time, which takes 1 day and 3 hours when using an enhanced breeding structure.


How Do You Breed Hyehehe In My Singing Monsters?

How Do You Breed Hyehehe In My Singing Monsters

Here is how to obtain the mythical monster Hehehe. This special monster can only be found on the Mythical and Earth Islands. The best combination of parent monsters to obtain Hyehehe is Trumpies and PomPom. Using higher-level parent monsters and activating wishing torches can enhance your chances of getting this mythical monster on your singing island.



Now, you are equipped with the best knowledge on how to breed in My Singing Monsters. Learn about obtaining rare singing monsters and discover the best combinations for the breeding system. Use this guide as your companion to enhance your gameplay, collect more monsters for your singing island, and enjoy the tones of monsters in this musical world.

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