With simple controls but challenging levels, Geometry Dash is a rhythm-based arcade game, where players act as a cube-shaped character to jump through all the obstacles until reaching the end. The various elements and catchy music it contains make it even more addictive and well-liked. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to play Geometry Dash on PC with the aid of LDPlayer, the fastest and smoothest Android emulator today.
Find the button “Download Geometry Dash on PC” on the official website to download and install LDPlayer.
Launch LDPlayer and search the game “Geometry Dash”. Find the version developed by RobTop Games.
Sign in to the Google account, and continue installing Geometry Dash on PC.
You can also use the “Locally install” button in the LD Store to download it for free.
Launch the game Geometry Dash on PC from LDPlayer’s home screen directly and enjoy the gameplay.
To back up and sync your in-game data so that they will not be lost, it is recommended that you create your own account before you start the game. Simply click the gear icon.
Press the Account button. Then you can create a new account or log in to an existing one here.
If you want to use any key on the keyboard to play Geometry Dash on PC, you can tap the keyboard icon at the right sidebar of LDPlayer to activate the Keyboard Mapping tool.
Here you can click on a random place on the gameplay screen and add any key you want.
You can also drag the icons of certain functions, such as a quick continuous click, directly to the screen.
After the adjustment, click the Save button and the settings take effect.
Come and join this electrifying vibrant world! Jump, boost, and dash with the rhythm by playing Geometry Dash on PC with LDPlayer!