Tired of playing the vanilla version of Brawl Stars and want to have unlimited funds and unlock all your favorite Brawlers in the game? Then why not try out the special private server that allows players to unlock everything right at the start by playing Null's Brawl on PC with the help of LDPlayer 9.0 today in 2 easy to follow steps!
To start playing Null's Brawl on PC, simply download the official LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator from the official LDPlayer website by following the link. Once the installation process is completed after following the page’s instructions, simply launch an Emulator instance of LDPlayer 9.0 straight from your PC.
Once you have completed this step, simply continue with the following steps for those who have installed the LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator as shown below.
Once you have installed LDPlayer 9.0, to download Null's Brawl, you will need to find and download the APK file for Null Brawl as it is a private server and is not made available in traditional app stores. Players can download the game’s APK file by choosing the “Download APK File” option on the LDPlayer website for Null’s Brawl.
Upon clicking the “Download APK” button, you will be redirected to the APK download page, simply click on the yellow button to download the game’s APK file.
Once the game’s APK file finishes downloading, you can install the game onto your instance by using LDPlayer’s Apk Install function on the sidebar or using the Ctrl + 3 command.
Simply select the APK file you have downloaded onto your computer and the game will be installed onto the LDPlayer Instance with a small notification.
2.1 - Upon launching the app after it finishes downloading, players will be able to launch the game and download the initial patch of game data to start the game right away.
2.2 - Once data has finished downloading, players will need to input their username to start playing the game. If players have already played on this private server previously, you can transfer your saved files by selecting the Null’s ID option.
2.3 - Upon choosing your username, players will be prompted to choose between 2 sides - Angles and Demons and will be able to start playing the game right after.
2.4 - To link your account and avoid losing precious game progress, you will need to choose the player’s portrait with the username and find the Null’s ID of your account.
2.5 - To save your account progress, simply link your account to a Null’s ID by inputting your desired link email into the blank space to create a Null’s ID associated with your email account to store the data.
When booting up the game on LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator, you might be treated with a message that warns you that Null’s Brawl may not work properly due to being used on a potentially unsupported device.
This message simply serves as a warning and a precaution for potential crashes and issues in gameplay when playing the game on emulators. You can simply ignore this message by clicking the “Run Anyway” option and the game should still run quite smoothly on the LDPlayer 9.0 emulator.
However, if you were to experience bugs or issues when playing the game on the LDplayer 9.0 build, players can try to download the LDPlayer Vulkan version with better built-in support for these types of games to fix this issue.
To aid players so that they can experience Null's Brawl in the most optimal way possible, special Key Mapping settings are available right at the start after you have installed Null's Brawl on an instance.
Upon launching the game, you can take full advantage of the special preset Key Mapping setup provided by LDPlayer specially designed to help players control Null's Brawl with their keyboard.
You can adjust the buttons’ position and the bound keyboard buttons by dragging the buttons on the screen if it is not to your liking.
Experience a special all brawlers, skins and items unlocked Brawl Stars experience by playing Null's Brawl on PC with the help of LDPlayer 9.0, the best emulator today!