Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle Tips and Guide for Beginners


Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle is such a fantastic game with some energetic directions to decision-making and a game of battlefield. It is widely being famous worldwide through its fantastic gameplay mechanics. 


Players in this game have to field on battle royale gameplay, and the game comes with a twist for tower defense. Although this Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle seems like a cute game with cute characters, it is not wise to consider it simple. 

The game is coming up with numerous mechanics that you cannot put in a low, though, and as a searcher, you will have to search monsters and use some attack patterns, abilities, ranges, and even the synergy level up skills. 

Moreover, the game is coming up with several strategies and tactics for each character and monster too.

So if you are a beginner and trying to figure out a way to go effectively with the Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle’s game progress, here we are coming up with some tips and a brief guide for first-time players. 

Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle – Gameplay 

There are various concepts added with this game to stand as a sole unit, and the theme of Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle shows many similarities for Fortnite and PUBG. 


But it would be only from its graphical features. It has a card system to earn more heroes than those two, and the game comes up with a combat mechanism on its whole gameplay.

The player will be a searcher in his role, and they have to search for monsters. Players are asked to use their attacks and ranges throughout the gameplay against these monsters. And there are so many attack styles to be utilized here. 

There are combat mechanics in this game that come up with long-range attacks, and those are in Archer attacks.

The gameplay from Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle is not that complex, but still, some hero properties can make the game more challenging. Those hero properties would sometimes be complex to use, and it would be depicted to similar veteran and fresh players. 

Best Tips

Gaming Modes

There are a set of several game modes that we can see here, and they will behave to be unlocked with your progress. Sometimes players may find it difficult to unlock, but once they pass the battles one by one, these game modes will be automatically unlocked with their progressions. 

The trophies can also unlock game modes you gained from your unlocked modes before. 


There are five modes from the game as follows.


  • Hunt – the main objective here is to defeat as many as monsters and become the 1st from your leaderboard 


  • Co-op – in this mode, the monster waves will remain occurring until the players and king have been slain. So once you are starting to play, you will have to quit so many monster waves.


  • Bounty Hunters – this is the easiest game mode in Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle, and here you have to defeat enemies and collect points to remain at the top of your leader board. You have to do this until the time passes out. 


  • Duel – there are three matches to play, and players have to win at least two from those three matches in this game mode.


  • Boss Hunt – this mode aims to perform the top damage for their particular bosses.


Depending on their skills, the heroes you can use in each mode vary from one model to another. So if you want to know which hero to use on which model, you can check out the Best Hunters Guide from here. 

Hunters and their Skills

Every hunter in this game is singular from their attack styles, and they are performing diverse for each game mode. Players can earn the attack ranges from the game at first, and they excel in brief, intermediate, lengthy, extremely brief, and significant length among their attack scopes. 
According to their range, the hunters can be lined up as follows. 




  • Crow

  • Dragon Knight

  • Minotaur

  • Barbarian

  • Ape Lord

  • Berserker


Extremely Brief  


  • Raging Orc




  • Frost Queen

  • Elf Archer

  • Hammerdin

  • Druid

  • Rocky

  • Voodo

  • Imp Master

  • Spider Queen

  • Captain Hook

  • Renderman

  • Boom Boom

  • Crazy Doctor

  • Ninja

  • Efreet

  • Protector

  • Huntalisk

  • Zeus

  • Roller

  • Gray Wolf




  • Axe master

  • Gorgon

  • Wizard

  • Life Stealer

  • Phantom

  • Angel

  • Engineer

  • Pirate

  • Vlad

  • King

  • Gentleman

  • King


Extremely Lengthy 


  • Sniper


Hunters who have intermediate ranges or briefs will be struck by their enemies due to their nature of attacks. If you have earned an intermediate hunter, you need to be more on your surroundings and don’t ever allow yourself to be cornered by enemies. 


Hero’s ranges are incredibly affecting to the combat and, at the same time, their abilities too. You need to use these abilities strategically while clearing the ranges. 

Every single hero you see in Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle holds their own abilities and once a player has been opened up for a hunter, always try to interpret their skills and ability descriptions. 

Monsters and Attacks

There are several restricted variations of monsters we can see in Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle, and their patterns of attacks are somewhat comfortable to get acquainted with. But no one of them will make you a comfortable game here as they are assaulting you from each direction with a great crowd. 

So it is better to know how your hunt arena is divided from its biomes and how monsters are coming up with. 

Forest biome 

This biome is creeping with five as follows.


  • Crow – these a quick movements of fleeing menaces, and they have a brief attack range.


  • Woody – these are not a threat and come up with a brief attack range. They are incredibly comfortable for the thump.


  • Hungry Plant – bargaining the AOE damage 


  • Worm Queen – dismaying monsters with excellent health, summing minor worms to perform damage and have quickie movements.


Dessert biome 


  • Cactus – they are sprouting needles in a distance and come with a tremendous attacking speed.


  • Scorpion – comes with great health and have a great damage


  • Snake – feeble damage is there with snakes


  • Lizard – hard to push back and have good health and damage


  • Big Cactus – larger Cactus


  • Dragon – the most horrifying damage is related to them, and they have good health with fire break attacks.


Cave biome 


  • Bat – prefer to crows in caves.


  • Cyclops – prefer to woody in discovered caves.


  • Rock Golem – great health, range, and intermediate damage


  • Slime – have a sluggish movement speed with excellent health. But the damage in here will be less


  • Gorgon – great attacks speed with high AOE skills and damage


Eerie Cemetery 


  • Ghoul – just like woody


  • Ghost – shows similarities to the Crow


  • Skeleton Archer- similar to Cactus


  • Death Knights – an improved version from Skeleton Knight


  • Skeleton Knight 


  • Less health with a great damage


  • Skeleton Mage – have a ranged attack with intermediate level and more like Skeleton Knight.


If you prefer more control over your game movements, you can use the Keyboard Mapping feature from LDPlayer, as it allows you to have a personalized keyboard for the game. 
Speed your gaming controls and movements with a dedicated control set for you, and it will be the key point for your immediate progress on the game. 


So here are the beginner tips and guides for a starter from Hunt Royale Epic PVP Battle, and take the best chances from these tips to progress your gameplay. Please don’t take it for granted since this game is not as easy as it seems. Go through each tip and make yourself into an advanced player.

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