The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Character in World Of Dragon Nest


The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Character in World Of Dragon Nest


World of Dragon Nest is an MMORPG game developed by Nexon Thailand and features a heavy emphasis on Dragons and how you can become the ultimate dragon hunter. You can experience multiple challenges from your mobile phone, and it has an expansive open world.


You are put into a gigantic world where you can face off against various bosses simultaneously. The game's character progression is quite versatile, which lets you choose different skill trees and items that help you suit a different composition.


With various classes and chain skills, there are multiple ways to improve your character in Dragon Nest.


Understanding Character Power:


CP is known as combat power. It is a representation of how your character is. To measure the difficulty of a particular area or quest is known as CP. Whenever you start a quest, some dungeons will remain locked until you get to a particular power level or CP. Increasing your CP is extremely pivotal if you wish to progress in Dragon Nest appropriately.


Getting Better Gear:


Like any other MMO game, World of Dragon Nest is not an exception to gear's pivotal role and how important it is to increase your overall gear score and character power. The amount of CP a particular item increase is determined by its rank. Here is the complete list of item ranks in World of Dragon Nest:


The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Character in World Of Dragon Nest


  • Legend (Red Color) – The highest rank possible will give you the most significant CP boost. You can only get these through crafting with legendary materials.


  • Unique (Violet Color) – Getting these Veskuld Seals is extremely difficult if you do not play a lot. So, getting Unique Gear is perhaps the only reasonable amount of gear you can get without spending an insane amount of time. The game has a chance of dropping these whenever you complete a dragon nest like the Sea Dragon Nest. These are also craftable but require materials from nests as well.


  • Epic (Gold) – Epic items are generally quite good and act as a beautiful substitute to Unique items, especially in the Early Game when you cannot get Vivolets quickly.


  • Rare (Blue) – Finishing normal dungeons with a good rating should yield you these items. They are not so powerful and generally do not add a lot of CP to your overall score. CP to your overall score.


  • Magic (Green) – Good items to start with, especially in the extreme early game. Couple these with a few Rare items, and you should have a decent kit.


  • Normal (White) – Your run of the mill basic equipment. They hold no real value and generally serve as placeholders until you get better rarity items.


If you want to increase your CP quickly, getting better gear is perhaps the most effective way to do so. Try to be very picky with what particular gear you are trying to increase your CP with, as some equipment types are much rarer than the others.


Getting the Same Set:


The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Character in World Of Dragon Nest


Some items in the game have something called an Item Prefix. This entails that these items are from the same type and rarity, and using them all together will get you a stat boost of some kind. That particular stat boost does not contribute towards your CP but makes your character much stronger.


Generally, if you wear an item of the same prefix, you can expect up to a six percent increase in attack and defense if you are wearing four pieces of the same prefixes. Doing so is highly recommended, especially when you cannot find a higher rarity item but still feel like you lack in damage.
Getting the same prefix items with rarities such as Epic and Rare can make you into a formidable opponent and instantly increase your character's strength even though your CP might not be that large.


Getting Enhanced Gear:


In World of Dragon Nest, Gear Enhancements are just like other MMOs. There are two specific resources you need to enhance your gear in the game. You need either a Ruby Enhancement Stone or a Topaz Enhancement Stone, which will be needed on every enchantment try that you do.


Getting these stones is fairly hard even in the late game as they require completing the Ter Rosa Area and the Dark Overlord Dungeons. You can get these from outside the confines of dungeons by killing elite and normal field monsters. Keep in mind that Elite monsters have a much higher chance of dropping these particular items.


The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Character in World Of Dragon Nest


Enhancing your gear presents you with a huge CP boost with a huge chance of failing if you increase the level of enhancement. If your enhancement fails, the item instantly drops down in level. If you get to a particular level (usually 5, 10, and 15,) consider them as milestones as your item will not go down in level even if the enhancement fails.


As a general metric, you can expect your success rate to be going down by about 10% per level. It will stop at about a 15% chance of success at level 26-30. You can use items such as Protection Jellies, which stop the level of your item from going down if you fail your enhancement. These can only be bought using Red and Blue Diamonds or as an exclusive drop from shops.




The world of Dragon Nest has successfully kept players hooked by introducing tons of ways to upgrade your Character Power. However, the ways mentioned above are perhaps the primary methods you can use to get your Character Power up reasonably quickly.


As a general guide, try not to spend too much time on rarities other than Purple and Gold as they are simply not worth it. Do not enhance these items and try to conserve the precious little resources you have, especially as a F2P player, to use them in places where they matter. If you find it difficult to progress, you can always wait for your rewards to pop up and find another route rather than spending those resources.

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