"Ninja: Swirl Narutol" is a role-playing game that integrates bonding, PVP, cross-server competition, Purgatory copy challenges and story plots.
Gift pack content
Ordinary Recruitment Scroll*5/Fashion fabrics*20/Random treasure chest for special effects accessories*3/Advanced Recruitment Scroll*10
Effective date:2024-11-06 - 2026-11-04
Steps to claim the gift pack
Gift pack activation
Enter the game -click on profile picture - Click on "Redeem Code" - enter the code to redeem
About LDPlayer
LDPlayer is a free Android emulator for PC users playing Android games easily on Windows. Based on Android and 9.0, it supports a wide range of compatibility in running high-performance, high-graphic mobile games on PC. In addition to playing Android games on PC, you can also access Google Play Store for other apps and specify the location of the device. With its multi-functional design and user-friendly settings, LDPlayer literally performs better than a real phone.