KartRider: Drift Guide on Advanced Drifts for the Best Racing


If you love racing, then the KartRider: Drift will be the best option we can recommend right now. The game comes with different modes you can take part in, characters, and karts to choose from for racing. Since this is about racing against various opponents, there are several techniques to use and knowing about them will make it easy for you to have better racing gameplay. So, through this guide, we will tell you how to perform advanced drifts for the best racing against any opponent, as drifting is a major technique used for racing. 

KartRider: Drift Guide on Advanced Drifts

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If you are a beginner, you may have a complex idea about drifting because many players experience drifting as hard. But when you know the best tricks to use in drifting, you can perform the perfect drifting efficiently. Since you need to gain knowledge on performing the ideal drifting in this gameplay, with this guide, we will provide you with all the things that you should know for perfect drifting. After that, you can play KartRider: Drift on PC with the LDPlayer 9, performing the best drifting techniques to boost the kart's speed. 

Even in the previous months, many players were curious about the KartRider: Drift release date, but as it has been released already, you must not think of the KartRider: Drift release date anymore, instead start playing the game after learning these advanced drifts for better racing. So, keep going and satisfy yourself with the details below about advanced drifting. With the below-mentioned drift techniques, you will quickly become the first in every race. 

Cutting Drift

So, as the first advanced drifting technique, we will learn about cutting drift because it is one of the essential drift techniques among all other techniques. Ideally, you can boost up the speed when you start the game with the go command. Or, the next is you can boost the nitro gas of the kart with this cutting drift. 

When you perform a cutting drift, you must be sure that you are facing the opposite direction of the track that you are going to drift. For example, if you want to drift to the right side, you should face the left side of the track. Then you should tap on the right with the turn option to start drifting. 

Cutting Drift

And then, release the commands and tap on the turn option with the left arrow to complete the cutting drift. The same can be done without releasing the turn option, but only the arrows. The arrows should be changed according to the side you face before starting a cutting drift.  

You can always perform a successful cutting drift until you use the left and right arrows correctly with the turn or shift icon. And also, it is essential to get used to these command icons so that drifting will be easy for you. The best way to have the easiest and most comfortable commands is by playing the game with the best android emulator LDPlayer 9. 

When you do so, it allows you to use the Keyboard Mapping feature, where you can assign shortcut keys for all the commands given in the game. With the keys you set for each icon in the game, you can efficiently perform the cutting drift technique. 

Tapping Drift

Tapping drift is another essential technique to be used in the KartRider: Drift Items mode or any other mode you play here. When you perform this tapping drift in your gameplay, it will help you to reduce the lap time. And unlike other drift techniques, this can be performed easily without being stressed about it.  

Tapping Drift

The easiest way to perform the tapping drift is simply tapping on the specific arrow key matched with the direction of your drift. If you are going to perform a drift to the left direction, you should continually tap on the left arrow key for a successful tapping drift. 

But before performing a drift to a specific direction, you should adjust the space between your kart and the side of the track where you will perform the drift. This will help you to cover the long bends of the racing track easily, spending less time. Remember, doing so will not reduce the car's speed, but it will help to have a balanced drift keeping the car's speed unchanged. 

Twisting Drift

The next one of the advanced drift techniques you are going to learn is twisting drift. You know that drifting is among the top KartRider: Drift tips and tricks mainly to boost the nitro gauge filling of the kart. When the nitro gauge is filled, it can be used to increase the speed of the car. Therefore, with the twisting drift, you can fill the nitro gauge of the kart more than it is done through the cutting drift technique because this technique extends the cutting drift a little bit more. So, it is better to learn it to have amazing KartRider: Drift gameplay. 

Twisting Drift

The start is the same as the cutting drift, meaning you need to drive the kart in the opposite direction where you want to take a turn to drift. If you take a turn to the right to drift, you should face the left side of the track. As you take a right turn facing the left, you should tap on the right arrow with the turn option to perform a drift, then release the right arrow and tap on the left arrow with the turn icon. 

Again, release the left arrow and tap on the right arrow with the turn icon to perform two drifts simultaneously. Since the process is somewhat twisted, this is called the twisting drift. Even so, it will fill the nitro gauge more. 

As performing the twisting drift is more advanced than other drift techniques, you can use the Operation Recorder feature in LDPlayer 9 as you play through it. With the Operation Recorder feature, you can record a script creating a loop to perform repetitive actions quickly. Here we have mentioned all the steps to proceed with a twisting drift. Therefore, you can create a script through the operation recorder to make this twisting drift happen automatically without your involvement when you play this KartRider: Drift with LDPlayer 9. 

Short-Full Drift

This combination of short but complete drifts will not include any unnecessary mini-drifts. The main purpose of this drift is to let you allocate more nitro gas without performing more drifts. Short-full drift is easy, meaning all you have to do is take two turns. 

Short-Full Drift

Let us explain it; first, you should face the opposite direction of the track where you want to drift like the other techniques. If you are going to drift right, face the left side and tap on the right arrow with the turn icon for drift, but immediately release the right arrow and tap on the left arrow. The only difference between the short-full drift and the cutting drift is the cutting drift takes much longer time than the short drift. 

These are all the KartRider: Drift techniques you can use in the gameplay, and as you have learned all well, make sure to use all these drift techniques well while racing and have a significant speed boost for your kart. Doing this way, you are going to fly above all other karts in the leaderboards. 


There are many modes here, such as KartRider: Drift Items mode or Speed mode etc., and the above drift techniques are the advanced drifting methods that you can use for better racing. Even if you are still a KartRider: Drift beginner, drifting will be easy for you with the guidelines we have provided above.

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