Laplace M: Fastest Ways to Increase Your BR


Following the success of other games, ZlongGames released another interesting game named “Laplace M,” which has more than a million downloads, and it got 100,000 downloads on the launch day.


Laplace M: Fastest Ways to Increase Your BR


Laplace M is an open world that offers overwhelming anime graphics combined with an immersive storyline. It also has top-notch background music, which is produced by Motoi Sakuraba. Motoi Sakuraba is the leading music composer of some famed console games and lots of gameplay content that will keep players tied on it for a long time.


Players around the globe are excited to start their adventure and show their strength along the way! This guide aims to discuss some most important features that you need to know to become stronger in the game, which will help you increase the Battle Rate (BR) in the game.


Battle Rate:


Before anything else, we will discuss what is Battle Rate in the game. Battle rate is the total amount of your character’s power that has been gained through various ways such as your Equipment, Skill level, Guardian, Soul cards, Character level, Stats, and Enhancements.


It serves as your indicator of how strong you currently are among the other players. It also becomes your guide if you can manage certain dungeon runs and challenges like the Kingdom Realms.


In this guide, you will find some fantastic tips and tricks and the best way to increase your Battle Rate so that you can overcome all the difficulties and hurdles in the world of Laplace M (Tales of Wind) and come out as the victor.




Equipment is one of the significant sources of Battle Rate. It is basically a source of character for both attack and defense. It is essential for the catalyst for soul cards. Following are some tips for this section:


⦁    Do not rush for Gold equipment when you are in the early stages of the game because you will change your gear every ten levels.


⦁    Another tip is that always make the most significant difficulty in the equipment realm (Nightmare mode) with a full party for the best opportunity to get high tier rewards.


Laplace M: Fastest Ways to Increase Your BR


The pro-tip is that the Gold Set (Lv. 20-29) in the game is better than Purple Set (Level 30-39). If you are at level 30-39, do not identify a Gold item when you acquire one. You can sell it immediately to buy a lower set for “Set Effect.” By doing this, you can raise your Battle Rate to 50,000-57,000 instantly. Follow the same procedure at level 40-49, sell Gold items immediately, then buy a lower set (Lv. 30-39) to increase your Battle Rate up to 85,000.


Equipment Enhancements:


It is excellent to obtain powerful equipment but to increase their battle rate, and you must enhance them more. To increase the battle rate significantly, you must focus on improving your gears first while you are at the lower levels of the game because enhancements can be shifted to other equipment freely. Do not worry; you will not fail when enhancing up to +6 because it has a hundred percent success rate.


You might be wondering where to get the enhancement material? You can find and get the enhancement material from Point Shop, Truesight, Spiral Shop, and Zodiac Bosses. While enhancing from +1 to +6, you will need Star Diamonds, and from +7 to onwards, you will need Moon Diamonds.


Re-forge Equipment:


After obtaining the Gold Set equipment, you can now reforge your items. You will need Reforging Bars and Silverstar as materials for reforging. You can receive from Reforging Bars in the Marketplace Trade, Equipment Realm, and dismantling equipment, while Silverstar can be obtained through different events and quests. You can also fuse reforging bars as shown below to get higher tiers:


⦁    Fuse Six Bronze Bars to get One Iron.


⦁    Fuse 06 Iron Bars to get 01 Mithril.


⦁    Fuse 06 Mithril Bars to get 01 Adamantine.


Equipment reforging can bounce to give the equipment extra attributes, types, and bonuses equipment reforging is useful, which makes each piece of equipment unique.


Laplace M: Fastest Ways to Increase Your BR


Equipping Soul Card (Monster):


Soul cards are the items infused with the soul of a monster in the form of a card. These can also help in increasing Battle Rate in the following ways:


⦁    If you equip one soul card in your gear, it will add "Battle Rate" (BR) and grants you access to stat boosts and special transformation skills.


⦁    Try to get more than six on the card because it has a hundred percent success rate, and some cards also have an outstanding outcome on +3, +6, +9, and 12.


⦁     Do not forget to unlock additional card slots whenever you can. To unlock slots, you will need “Kingdom Fame” points, and you can obtain these points by participating in Kingdom Event.


⦁    Here is the pro-tip: Before dismantling or embedding a card, always compare the Maximum Rating, not the Current Rating.


To get card upgrading materials known as “Mana” from Point Shop, Card Realm, Dismantle Card, and Bug Hunt.


Redeem Skill Point:


Obtaining Skill Point is one of the eccentric features of Laplace M. After every level up, you will get one skill point, but you can receive most of your points through redeeming.


To redeem your skill points, you will need to exchange XP. Always remember how many required XP you will need to exchange for one skill point as it increases with the more points you redeem. You will get almost 600 BP and boost some of your stats every time you upgrade your skill level.


⦁    Always upgrade your skill level when you reach the level cap.


⦁    To earn the EXP after the level cap:


⦁    Make your daily routine to reach the level cap firstly.


⦁    Once you reached the level cap now, you can start redeeming your skill points and can continue to earn exp.


Laplace M: Fastest Ways to Increase Your BR


Buying things in the Spiral Shop:


Here are some tips on spending spirals in the spiral shop:


⦁    Do not use the spiral to buy gacha.


⦁    Always use it to buy Material Stars or Moon Diamonds to enhance the equipment, which results in increasing your battle rate.




So, you can be a better player at this game by just applying some of these tips and tricks. Use the things mentioned in the guide, and in no time, you will be one of the top-ranking players.


No matter if you are a returning player or a new player, or an old player, you can pick up some new tips to enhance your gaming experience. Increasing Battle Rate will be a lot easier once you know where to go for and what should be your aim to increase BR.

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