Sailing Adventure with Legendary Fish Hunter Tips and Tricks - A Beginner's Guide


Are you planning to start a sailing adventure and explore the vast seas going through different regions? If you are, then play the Legendary Fish Hunter game where you will explore the seas, engage in NPCs, complete quests, start fishing and many more. Throughout this game, you will do lots of things, and you may even battle against monsters as well. So, get yourself ready to become the Legendary Fish Hunter here with the tips and tricks in this beginner guide. 

Legendary Fish Hunter Tips

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In this beginner guide, you will learn the strategies that might be helpful in your sailing adventure. Therefore, even if you are a newbie looking to get better at the game, this is your calling to be as you imagine. So, before you start the game, check this guide, read the tips, and then play Legendary Fish Hunter on PC with LDPlayer. Your sailing adventure will be colorful, not because of the colorful fish you catch, but because of the tips in this beginner guide that makes your adventure colorful. 

Complete Quests in the Legendary Fish Hunter

When you begin the game for the first time, the quests are what you need to follow, and when you follow quests, you can get the hang of the gameplay easily. Therefore, as mentioned in this beginner guide, you should complete quests and get better at the game. 

Complete Quests in the Legendary Fish Hunter

Here in this game, you will see different quests, such as the main and side and the main quests are about the main story, which will help you progress in the main gameplay. The side quests are not related to the main story. But still, these side quests help you get used to the gameplay. Therefore, whatever the quests are given to you, you should complete the main and side quests mentioned in the quests tab and gain amazing rewards for each quest you complete. 

Start Fishing with Delicious Baits

Among all the amazing things that you can do in this game, fishing is one thing that you can do here. Since you are going to be the Legendary Fish Hunter, you have to know how to fish. So, how do you fish in this game? First, you have to choose a better position to start fishing. 

Start Fishing with Delicious Baits

After you choose a position, you should open the tools menu and choose the fishing rod. Once you choose the fishing rod, you should then choose a bait. When you complete this whole process, as mentioned in this beginner guide, you can throw the fishing rod next, choosing the distance you want it to be thrown. 

Then, you have to wait until a fish is caught, and once the fish is caught, tap the screen until the gauge is completed. If you can hold the fish by tapping the screen to fill up the gauge, you will get the fish. After the fish is caught, you can then move it to the chest. 

Explore the World

Exploring the world is one exciting thing you can do here as the Legendary Fish Hunter. The first region you enter in this world is the fishing village. Once you enter there, you have a certain set of quests to complete. After completing the quests there, you unlock a new region that you can enter, which is Antarctica and so on. 

Explore the World

Therefore, whenever you enter a new region in this world, you should follow the quests as we told you in this beginner guide and then unlock many new regions in the world to explore. It is easier to go from one region to another. All you need to do is open the map, tap the region you want to go to, and then tap the Go option after checking all the details there. So, explore the world, enter new regions, roam all of them, and have fun in this game. 

Watch Ads and Earn Cash

In addition to completing quests within the gameplay, the next thing you can do to earn more cash within the game is watch ads. You can tap the free money option on the gameplay screen and watch ads to claim money. Here, every time you watch an ad, you receive a certain amount of cash as promised within the game. 

Since you need cash within the game and watching ads is a great way to earn more cash, make sure to follow this strategy to gain more cash. Once you watch an ad, you have to wait until some more time to watch an ad again to claim some cash. Other than earning cash, you can gain many other resources by watching ads from the in-game market, including free fuel. 

Upgrade the Ship in Legendary Fish Hunter

Upgrading the ship is certainly one of the major things you have to complete in this game. This is because if your ship is in the best condition, you can explore the world and its various regions to experience new things. Therefore, make sure you upgrade the ship. 

Upgrade the Ship in Legendary Fish Hunter

You should go to the Ship Market in the Fishing Village and talk to Odger there. Then, you can start upgrading the parts of your ship to boost its performance and make it better than before. Every time you upgrade the attributes of your ship, its performance gets better. So, invest some cash you have on various attributes of the ship and make it better so that you can use it to explore the world without any issues. 

Strengthen the Weapons

Strengthening the weapons is another strategy that you should use within the Legendary Fish Hunter game, and when you strengthen the weapons, whenever there is a battle, you can perform well using the weapons you have. 

Strengthen the Weapons

So, you should go to the Captain Booth in the gun shop in the fishing village, where you can upgrade your weapons. When you upgrade the weapons, you need to level up the attributes of each weapon using cash. So, earn cash as mentioned above in this beginner guide and by using them, you should upgrade the weapons to make sure that they are strengthened enough when you have to use them. 


In this Legendary Fish Hunter gameplay, you will start sailing on seas, explore various regions and fish and even go through challenges that you will never ever forget. Regardless of what might come to you, this beginner guide has given you the best solutions. Therefore, when playing this game, follow these tips and tricks and make sure to enjoy this game, overcoming everything that you will come across.

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