Lightus Beginner Guide – Adventure with Best Tips and Tricks


Lightus is a captivating RPG where players embark on an epic adventure in a beautifully crafted world filled with exploration, combat, and character development. In this game, you start by customizing your character, choosing from different appearances, hairstyles, and unique features like tribal marks. As you progress, you'll explore diverse areas, complete missions, fight enemies, and capture powerful pets to aid in your journey. The game combines strategy and creativity, allowing players to customize not just their characters but also their gameplay experience by selecting the best weapons, items, and companions. But if you are a beginner, we know that you need better guidance now.

Lightus Beginner Guide

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So we have created this beginner and tips guide to help all the new players navigate the world of Lightus more effectively. From managing your inventory to equipping powerful weapons and companions, our guide is making sure that you make some smart decisions that ensure your success. Our tips will also help you progress smoothly through daily tasks and main quests, maximizing your rewards and enhancing your overall experience. For the best gaming experience, you can also play Lightus on PC using LDPlayer. With that, we will start our tips journey from now on.

Creating Your Character

The game Lightus begins by allowing players to create their own unique character. To get started, you are provided with three preset images to choose from as a base for your character. You also have the option to pick your character's gender, either male or female. After selecting the preset image you like, you can dive into further customization. For instance, you can add a natural blusher to your character's face, adjust the skin color to match your preference and customize the hairstyle to make it more unique. Additionally, you can even add special tribal marks to the face if that's something you'd like to include.

Creating Your Character

When it comes to customizing your Lightus character, you have two main options: easy mode and advanced mode. If you prefer something quick and simple, the easy mode is perfect. This mode provides a set of preset colors, hairstyles, and other basic features, allowing you to create a well-designed character without much effort. On the other hand, if you are someone who enjoys getting creative and knows how to fine-tune colors and details, the advanced mode is the better choice for you. This option gives you much more control over the design process, allowing you to use a wide variety of colors and more advanced customization tools to perfect your character's look.

Once you've finished creating and designing your character exactly the way you want, the game is ready to begin. You can jump into the world here and start your adventure with your fully customized character.

Follow the Butler Bobo

When you first start playing Lightus, you're beginning the game as a complete newcomer, which means everything is fresh, and you might not have a clear understanding of what to do next. Since you are just starting out, it's completely normal to feel unsure or confused about your next steps. You may not know what tasks you should be working on, what areas to explore, or what goals you need to achieve in the game.

To help guide you, the game provides a special character called Butler Bobo. Butler Bobo plays an important role by showing you what to do and where to go. He can take you to different locations within the game and introduce you to various activities and challenges. By following Bobo, you'll get clear instructions on what to focus on, making it easier for you to complete the missions and progress through the game.

Follow the Butler Bobo

However, Lightus also gives you the freedom to explore the game without following Butler Bobo. You can choose to ignore his instructions and try things on your own if you want. But doing this can cause problems, especially if you're new to the game. If you decide not to follow Bobo, you might end up wandering around aimlessly without achieving much. It could waste a lot of your time because, without his help, you may miss important clues or tasks, and your progress could slow down significantly.

That's why it's highly recommended that you pay attention to Butler Bobo and follow his guidance closely. He will help you stay on the right path and make sure you know what to do next. By sticking to his instructions and going to the places he suggests, you'll be able to complete more tasks, unlock new areas, and improve your overall progress in the game. So, to make the most of your time in this game, always keep an eye on Bobo and follow his lead as you navigate through the game world.

Refer to the Bacakpack and Use the Items

When you first start playing Lightus, it's important to realize that the game is more than just exploration. You are on a mission filled with adventure, where you'll need to fight various creatures and capture pets along the way. To succeed, you'll sometimes need to increase your strength, especially when you encounter tougher enemies. In these moments, don't forget to make the best use of the items in your backpack.

Refer to the Bacakpack and Use the Items

For instance, take the example of roasted potatoes. This is a special food item that, when eaten, boosts your attack power and also maximizes your HP (health points), making you stronger and more resilient in battle. Similarly, always check the items and resources you have stored in your backpack. Each one has its unique benefits, and using them wisely at the right time can give you a significant advantage. By managing your resources strategically, you can enhance your gameplay and overcome difficult challenges more easily.

Equip Weapons Carefully

In Lightus, you have the option to equip various weapons to help you catch pets, and most of these weapons can be crafted at the forge. There are many different types of weapons for you to collect and use, but when you're deciding which one to equip, it's important to keep a few key things in mind.

Equip Weapons Carefully

First, always check the durability of the weapon you choose. Durability is important because it tells you how long the weapon will last during your gameplay. If your weapon has high durability, it means you can use it for a longer time without breaking, which is very helpful in the long run.

Second, pay close attention to the stats of each weapon in Lightus. These stats can greatly affect how the weapon performs. For example, some weapons may be stronger but slower, while others might be faster but deal less damage. The stats will give you a better understanding of how the weapon will behave in combat, so choose wisely based on what you need at the moment. By considering both the durability and the stats of your weapons, you'll be better prepared to catch pets and take on tougher challenges in the game.

Take Powerful Companions to Destroy the Threats

As you advance further into the gameplay, you will start noticing more enemies appearing around your territory. These enemies become a growing threat to everyone who lives in this land. To protect yourself and others, it's important to fight back with even more strength than before. While your regular abilities can be helpful, sometimes they aren't enough. That's when you can rely on the support of companions to assist you in battle.

Take Powerful Companions to Destroy the Threats

When you summon a companion to fight by your side, you must make sure you're calling upon the right one for the job. There are three types of companions in Lightus: SSR, SR, and R. Each of these categories represents different levels of strength and abilities. The SSR companions are the most powerful of all, equipped with the best skills and highest stats. These companions have higher health points (HP), stronger defense, and more powerful attacks, which makes them essential for difficult fights. Because of their superior power, focusing on using SSR companions will give you the biggest advantage in battle.

If you haven't managed to unlock an SSR companion yet, don't worry. The SR companions can still be a good choice. While not as powerful as SSR companions, they still come with good stats and abilities, making them a reliable option in most situations. That being said, it's a good idea to avoid using R-grade companions unless absolutely necessary. R-grade companions have lower stats and weaker skills, which makes them less effective in tougher battles or more challenging areas of the game.

Handling companions in battles requires skill, and you can make things much easier by setting up a control system that works best for you. Instead of sticking to the default touch controls provided in Lightus, you can create a custom control scheme using your keyboard. This can be easily achieved with the help of LDPlayer's Keyboard Mapping feature. This feature allows you to map different actions in the game to specific keys on your keyboard, giving you more precise control over your character and companions. By doing so, you can manage fights with less effort and perform better in combat situations.

Complete All Your Tasks to Progress More

In Lightus, there are two main types of tasks you need to focus on: daily activities and main activities. Each type of task plays an important role in helping you progress through the game.

First, let's talk about the main activities. These tasks are directly connected to the main storyline of the game. By completing these activities, you can advance in the game's story and unlock new areas, abilities, and challenges. Main activities are important for your overall progression, so it's important to focus on them as you move forward in the game.

Complete All Your Tasks to Progress More

On the other hand, there are also daily activities that must be completed within a single day. These tasks reset every day, meaning you'll have new challenges to complete each day you log into the game. Daily activities are a great way to earn valuable rewards and resources that can help you improve your character. These rewards can range from important items, such as food or potions, to coins and other useful materials.

By completing both the main and daily activities, you'll ensure steady progress in Lightus. It's important to stay on top of these tasks, as they offer different types of rewards that will support your growth and development in the game. Always aim to finish your daily and main quests to get the most benefits and improve your character's abilities, power, and overall performance in the game. So, whether you're working on advancing the story or just taking care of daily tasks, remember that both types of activities are key to helping you succeed and grow in Lightus.


Lightus offers a rich, immersive experience where creating and customizing your character is just the beginning. As you dive deeper into the game, you'll face challenging enemies, capture powerful pets, and complete quests that allow you to unlock new areas and rewards. To make steady progress, it's important to manage your resources wisely, equip the right weapons, and follow the main story quests closely. Utilizing companions in battles and completing both daily and main tasks will ensure your character's growth and strength. By following these tips, you can enhance your gameplay and conquer the exciting world of Lightus with confidence.

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