Having changed over the past years with the initial release, League of Legends has always been at the top of the battle arena games and this place has always been raised and increased as it was modified with several updates and changes. The mastermind behind this amazing game was Riot Games, and it came with so many champions included on the Lol tier list as well. Over the past two years, this tier list has been changed with so many additions and changes, and today, it is about the best heroes for climbing solo queue.
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Since the gameplay of this League of Legends solely goes around the help of its champions, they will be your primary factor leading your game with battles and choosing the strongest, and a powerful champion is your key to success. Every character you see in the LoL tier list will be divided into several ranks, and by considering how strong they are in the game, you can choose a champion so that you can go with your gameplay without any issue.
There are so many characters in the LoL tier list of champions, so it is very confusing for beginners to choose who they should play to have better gameplay. So this LoL tier list guide has been made to make things easier for you, and we are going to show you how much they are to your gameplay with the right skills. So no more talking, take League of Legends on PC and let’s start our League of Legends tier list of champions guide from here.
We are categorizing our LoL tier list of champions based on their lanes here, and we will see how much they show strengths to each lane as follows.
Jungle lane champions will roam between the grassy lands of the game, and they will move between beasts to find some necessary buffs and the EXPs. Jungle lane champions usually have the top mobility with them so that they can effortlessly chase down the enemies and peek into so many lanes from the game.
The heroes who are featured in the top lane will be your ideal heroes for the damage dealing. Most of the time, we see the tanks here, and the top lane is coming as the longest lane to the League of Legends. In this lane, you are allowed to run down your enemies with the best use of the long lane, and there is basically a 1v1 nature that comes with these options. It means that you will be accessed into several heroes with different types of roles here.
Top lane champions are suitable for the early game at first, and then they will be doing great for the after the game as well, as they can literally buff your allies throughout the gameplay.
Usually, the mages are lying on the mid lane from the tier list, and they can do significant damage within a considerable range of the game. So eventually, they are the most powerful damage dealers who can deal with area damage in the game. These heroes can cast spells and destroy their enemy team within a safer range.
These champions will do the healing and cast the spells for crowd controlling and showing mana skills. These heroes will not be a great help when it comes to the team battles, but they can absolutely be a help for the team with healing.
We identify these champions as the carrying champions, and from the entire tier list, the ranged attackers will be featured in this list. They will backup support for you and do the highest magical or physical damage with some powerful basic attacks as well. ADC lane heroes are taking their powers with the middling defense drawbacks.
Rank |
Top Laners |
Jungle Laners |
Middle Laners |
ADC Laners |
Supporters |
S |
Cassiopeia |
Amumu |
Anivia |
Jhin |
Blitzcrank |
Darius |
Diana |
Brand |
Karthus |
Brand |
Dr. Mundo |
Dr. Mundo |
Cassiopeia |
Miss Fortune |
Janna |
Garen |
Ekko |
Diana |
Swain |
Leona |
Heimerdinger |
Elise |
Ekko |
Tristana |
Maokai |
Kennen |
Evelynn |
Fizz |
Veigar |
Nami |
Lillia |
Fiddlesticks |
Heimerdinger |
Ziggs |
Nautilus |
Malphite |
Karthus |
Kennen |
Pantheon |
Mordekaiser |
Kha'Zix |
Malphite |
Rell |
Nasus |
Lillia |
Neeko |
Shaco |
Olaf |
Master Yi |
Pantheon |
Sona |
Ornn |
Nocturne |
Rumble |
Swain |
Pantheon |
Nunu & Willump |
Tryndamere |
Taric |
Quinn |
Olaf |
Veigar |
Veigar |
Rumble |
Rammus |
Vel'Koz |
Vel'Koz |
Sejuani |
Rumble |
Viego |
Zilean |
Shen |
Sejuani |
Zed |
Zyra |
Singed |
Shaco |
Ziggs |
Sion |
Shyvana |
Tryndamere |
Skarner |
Urgot |
Udyr |
Viego |
Viego |
Volibear |
Volibear |
Warwick |
Warwick |
Zac |
A |
Cho'Gath |
Jarvan IV |
Ahri |
Caitlyn |
Xerath |
Illaoi |
Poppy |
Annie |
Kog'Maw |
Soraka |
Jayce |
Rek'Sai |
Aurelion Sol |
Samira |
Sett |
Kayle |
Vi |
Galio |
Twitch |
Seraphine |
Kled |
Jayce |
Morgana |
Poppy |
Kayle |
Lux |
Sett |
Lissandra |
Galio |
Teemo |
Lux |
Vladimir |
Malzahar |
Yorick |
Seraphine |
Syndra |
Viktor |
Vladimir |
Xerath |
Zoe |
B |
Aatrox |
Gragas |
Akali |
Ashe |
Alistar |
Akali |
Hecarim |
Irelia |
Jinx |
Bard |
Camille |
Kayn |
Kassadin |
Kai'Sa |
Gragas |
Fiora |
Kindred |
Katarina |
Senna |
Pyke |
Gragas |
Rengar |
Renekton |
Sivir |
Rakan |
Irelia |
Trundle |
Sylas |
Varus |
Senna |
Renekton |
Talon |
Vayne |
Rengar |
Yasuo |
Xayah |
Sylas |
Yasuo |
Trundle |
Wukong |
Yasuo |
C |
Gangplank |
Graves |
Corki |
Draven |
Braum |
Gnar |
Gwen |
Gangplank |
Ezreal |
Karma |
Gwen |
Ivern |
Graves |
Kalista |
Lulu |
Jax |
Xin Zhao |
LeBlanc |
Lucian |
Tahm Kench |
Riven |
Lucian |
Thresh |
Tahm Kench |
Orianna |
Yone |
Qiyana |
Twisted Fate |
Yone |
D |
Ryze |
Nidalee |
Azir |
Aphelios |
Yuumi |
Lee Sin |
Ryze |
Taliyah |
If it seems very hard to move with constant repeating actions within battles, and if it really overwhelms you in the game with all your LoL tier list heroes, just try to go with our suggested free emulator. The best android emulator: LDPlayer is your key to winning here with the Keyboard Macro Commands. This feature will set one key to whole repeating actions, and you are all set to attack constantly with this.
Using the Multi-Instance Sync feature provided by the same best emulator will ease your summoning from the tier list as it can create several instances for the rerolls at one time. And you will be efficiently making the use of your time in the game through this.
We have to mention the champions coming under the LoL tier list, and we really hope that you will gain your best support from these heroes by making a wise choice. Go for the S tier heroes without any doubt and if you use other ranked heroes, try to choose them with care.