Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide and Everything You Need to Know


Lost Light - PVPVE is a tactical shooter game recently released globally for all the players who love a thrilling gaming experience while fighting many enemies to protect their lives from death. Besides fighting and killing enemies, there are other things you should complete here, such as building the economic level, scavenging resources, etc. Therefore, you need some guidelines to be successful players here, and for that, you can use this Lost Light - PVPVE beginner guide for everything you need to know. 







So, if you need to play Lost Light - PVPVE on PC with the best start, you should follow every guideline we have mentioned in this beginner guide, and when you do so, you have nothing to struggle more and nothing to stress more about the game. If you are excited to play this game as a better player, then the best thing to do is, read this Lost Light - PVPVE beginner guide specially made for you. 


Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide for Character Creation

When you step into the game as a Lost Light - PVPVE beginner, before doing anything, you should customize your character, and as its first step, you should choose the gender of the character, a male or a female, according to your desires. 




After choosing the gender you prefer, you can customize other features of your character, such as the face and the hairstyle, and then assign a name for your character. When you are done with all this process, you can tap on the OK button to confirm your name and the appearance of the character you have created. 


Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide for Preparation for Combat

Before just rushing into operations or the missions you must complete, you must be prepared for each task to ensure that you will not die there. As the first step to preparing for combat, you should prepare the backpack you take to the mission. 


When preparing the backpack, make sure you are taking a giant backpack that can store so much loot at once, and then you should keep some necessities for the battles in your backpack. For example, you should hold some first aid kits that will help restore lost health. 




After that, you should equip your character with armor and a helmet to protect you from enemy bullets. And also, the game allows you to check the character's condition before leaving the shelter, but if the character is in bad shape, you can heal him and enter the battle or ignore it. Even so, we recommend you recover the character and enter because it secures more of your life on the battlefield. 


Doing this way, you can be well prepared for combat, and no one will ever be able to kill you quickly with these preparations. 


Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide for Storage

There are two primary purposes for playing this game: killing all the enemies you encounter or killing for looting. No matter the purpose, when you kill, you must pick up all the items the enemy has because picking up the items is necessary for maintaining a better economy here. 


But remember, even though you looted as much as your backpack is full, if you die before reaching the extraction zone, you will not take back any of the things you looted to your shelter. But if you can make it to the extraction zone safely without getting killed by the sneaky attacks of the enemies, after a few seconds, you will be back to the shelter where you live. 




When you are back to the shelter, you can store all the things you brought back by looting the killed enemies at the shelter storage. Shelter storage is where all the loot is stored safely, and if it seems like your storage is not enough to store more things, you can upgrade your storage space with the required items. 


When you visit your store and see many things in the storage, you can tap on each unwanted or excessive item and then sell all those things to Heidi's Store, which is a suitable method of gathering more money and being rich here. 


Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide for Trade Center

The trade center is another critical area that is situated in your shelter, which is a place to buy and sell things, and when you come into the trade center area in the shelter, there you will see different options to choose from. 


In the Heidi's Store section of the Trade Center, you can buy any frequently used item you need, such as firearms, consumables, ammo, universal mods, specific mods, containers, throwables, etc., using the currency of the game. 


And in the Bounty Store, you can purchase different rewards, but you need to gather bounty coins from the ranked mode to buy anything from this store. 


Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide for Mission Board



Mission Board is where you can see the missions you must complete in this game. As with every other game, here also, there are lots of main tasks to complete from each chapter, and if you need to unlock the next chapter and many other new features, you should continuously clear all the given missions in the game. 


After clearing a mission, you will show another task on the game screen, and you will not be able to start proceeding with the mission until you accept the assigned mission through the Mission Board. Before accepting the task, you can check the goals you need to achieve through the mission and the rewards you will get after completing it successfully. 


When you clear many missions, it means you will be able to earn many rewards such as currency to maintain a wealthy life, experience points to level up the character faster, and many other things such as weapons, ammo, etc. 


Lost Light - PVPVE Beginner Guide for Best Controls with LDPlayer 9

When you start playing this game, the biggest issue you will encounter as a beginner is the in-game controls. Here, when you engage in fights with other NPCs (Non-Playable Characters), you need to have a good concentration between the touch controls layout and the gameplay, and it is somewhat difficult to handle for a beginner like you. 




But, if you play the Lost Light - PVPVE on PC with the help of the best android emulator LDPlayer 9, it allows you to play this game using the keyboard and the mouse. Also, many features and tools will be helpful for you to ease your gameplay, and one of them is the Keyboard Mapping feature that helps the players build up their unique controls system. 


For example, you can set different shortcut keys such as W, A, D, S, arrow keys, or any other keys you prefer to control the character's movements instead of the joystick. Like this, you can set shortcut keys for every action you should perform using the in-game controls. 


Then, there is the Keyboard Macro Commands, which allows the players to set one shortcut key for all the repeatable actions they must do in the gameplay. 


Therefore, with the help of these features and tools given in LDPlayer 9, you can create the best controls that suit your play style, and also achieve tremendous success in this game. 



Thanks to this Lost Light - PVPVE beginner guide, now you are one of the best fireflies ready to kill every enemy that encounters and loot all of their supplies. Therefore, we wish you all the best to be a better player in this gameplay with the help of this Lost Light - PVPVE beginner guide. Also, you should start playing this game with the best android emulator LDPlayer 9, because it is another helper that makes the game much easier for you.

Download Lost Light: Weapon Skin Treat on PC