Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


Mech Arena: Robot Showdown is an exciting third-person shooter that has captivated the masses. With tons of Mechs to choose from, each with its caveats and advantages. We've compiled a list of the best ones and have put them in a Tier List to make your choice easier! If you haven’t already, you can download Mech Arena: Robot Showdown for free on LDPlayer.


Understanding Tier Lists:


Each Mech in Mech Arena: Robot Showdown is relatively balanced, and all of them have their disadvantages and disadvantages. However, some are stronger and more viable than others. This Tier List is created by looking at the current meta of the game and what players play the most.


Moreover, the utility and advantages of each Mech are compared with their caveats so that a formulated opinion can be formed as to whether a particular Mech is worth it or not. Here's a quick overview of what each of our ratings means in this case:


B Tier: Mechs that are extremely situational. They aren’t bad, but they will fall short more often than not. Since there are only very specific niche conditions where they are viable, you are better off going for another Mech. However, you can still make a decent amount of impact in the game even if you go for them.


A Tier: Mechs that you should be picking almost every game unless and until you have a better option. They are extremely strong, are actively present in the meta, and can deal massive amounts of damage or have tons of utility under their belt.


S Tier: Mechs that you should be picking if they haven't been picked already. These can make them almost singlehandedly win the game if you go for them, as they are extremely overpowered due to their utility and/or DPS.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


B Tier


The M.D. has an extremely powerful healing ability that makes it an absolute menace on the battlefield. Due to this ability, It is considered a Support Mech. As you can guess, the Mech is excellent in team matches because it has the ability that repairs other Mechs around it and provides them with constant HP regeneration mitigating most of the damage done to other Mechs.


The Mech also has relatively high HP and is therefore quite tough, surprisingly. The Mech is amazing in the early game as there are not many Mechs with a high enough DPS to take over the amount of healing M.D. can do. While the Mech's healing does not scale up to the late game, it still is extremely powerful as it can provide you with a substantial lead that the enemy team won't be able to match.


However, the disadvantage of playing M.D. is perhaps that you will not be targeted down in most engagements. Since you are a healer, a smart enemy team will instantly realize your importance. Since you do not have any method of escape and have a relatively low movement speed, you won't move around a lot in most cases.


The reason why the M.D. is so low on the list even though it has a fantastic special skill is that it has an extremely low energy limit. After considering everything, its final energy limit is just 12, which means it cant equip a variety of weapons, and therefore you won't be dealing a lot of DPS anytime soon. What's more, because of your low energy capacity, there's a high chance that you won't be able to take an enemy down even if you are flanked in 1v1.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


B Tier



The Paragon is one of the three attackers in the game and the first Mech that you get. With 24 as its final energy limit, it can equip heavy weapons. Its ability is Sprint which resembles the ability of a scout. The Mech can use mortar rocket because of its utility. This will probably be your most used Mech until you get Panther and Killshot.


The main benefit of the Paragon is its ability to take down Scouts and catch up to them due to your Sprint. However, you will be much stronger than a Scout and will be able to take them down extremely quickly since you have a much higher energy capacity and can equip almost any weapon in the game with no issues whatsoever. Due to your high mobility, projectile-based weapons usually reserved for Tanks or Scouts don't seem all that bad on you as you can still dodge and weave at a relatively respectable pace.


The Paragon is not everyone's favorite because it seems like it is a jack of all trades but a master of none. It tries too hard to be a scout and is still ultimately much slower than one. While the Paragon does deal some good damage, it pairs in comparison to other Attacker classes that we’re going to be listing down in higher tiers below as well.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


B Tier


The Cheetah has one of the best abilities in the game but has tons of disadvantages like low health and armor. It only has a final energy limit of 12. Its ability has a low range, rendering the Mech quite useless in certain situations where you need that extra range to stay ahead.


Plus, while the Mech is extremely fast, its low armor and low health turn it into an easy target if your flank does end up being identified.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


B Tier


Ares is the first Tank on this list and is a great Mech. It unlocks early and has a very low price which makes it a reasonable position. The Mech has the highest health in the game, which further adds to its overall advantages. Its special ability generates a shield in front of it, which increases its tankiness even further.


However, Mech’s ability is up for a limited period, and you can still die from flanks. The ability's duration is 15 seconds, while the cooldown is 12 seconds. If the enemy destroys the Shield, the cooldown is about 18 seconds then. Overall, it's a great Mech for a beginner who is getting into Tank. However, most players take advantage of its Shield and just start flanking you or hitting you from sideways.


In these cases, your Shield doesn't turn out to be all that useful as it does not soak up any damage whatsoever, so you end up having a completely useless skill. As you get better at the game, you'll end up realizing that offense is the best defense in the game. Therefore, you will go for more aggressive Tanks.


In most cases, Ares just turns into a meat shield with no real utility other than the fact that you can soak up most damage. Since you're not dealing with DPS is a huge issue, especially in higher ranked matches, you'll end up costing your team the entire match since your Shield will just be dodged, and you won't be able to outgun anyone.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


A Tier


Juggernaut is one of the earliest Mechs that you unlock and is extremely cheap. So, you will get it extremely early. However, that does not mean it isn’t a good mech with its shield ability. It's almost unbeatable. Unlike the Ares, it s Shield covers its entire body, with its only disadvantage being its speed.


It has the second slowest movement speed in the game, clocking in at 4.5 km/h. However, some people still presume that the Ares is better than the Juggernaut. But, that is not true since the Juggernaut achieves its job very well.


According to us, the biggest issue with the Areas was that its Shield was almost useless if you ended up being flanked. However, this does not apply to the Juggernaut. Moreover, the Tank Mech has tons of health with the Shield with a relatively low cooldown. If you are with a team that does not heal you, having a shield can come in handy as it acts as a pseudo heal.




Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)



A Tier


Guardian is the second Attacker on this list. As it is an Attacker, it has about 24 energy capacity and can carry every weapon in the game. However, its strength is also reliant on its abilities. It can cause an EMP blast that disables enemies and crashes their systems, rendering them useless for an extended duration, especially tanks, which are already extremely hard to kill.


Its ability takes down enemy shields, which is why the skill is called the tank destroyer. Moreover, since the Mech has a high energy capacity, it can drain the enemy's health and causes them to tick down extremely quickly. The Guardians have the 4th highest health in Mech Arena, which is respectable because it is an Attacker class.


However, the class has its disadvantages. When it uses its abilities, any Mech can run away. Moreover, it has a speed of 4.5 km/h, which makes it extremely slow. You won't be able to chase down any other Mechs in this list simply because of its slow speed.


While the Guardian is an excellent Mech, it falls short in cementing itself as an all-rounder that can play offense and defense. It sometimes feels more like a Tank than an Attacker with a high health pool and slow movement speed. However, it can carry every weapon in the game, which means that it can deal with massive amounts of DPS if given a chance. Since Tanks are perhaps the peskiest class to deal with, they usually have some sort of Defensive ability that makes them tankier than they already are; having the ability to disable their shields or other defenses and put them on cooldown makes you an extremely viable pick against Tank.


Plus, like the Juggernaut, you can still take advantage of the fact that you have an entire Shield and play the class when you do not have a healer. While your Shield protects you from less damage overall, it protects your entire Mech, making it more useful in almost every situation.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


A Tier


The Panther is the final Attacker on the list and our opinion, the best one. It is a crowd favorite due to many reasons. It has a final energy capacity of 24, just like every other Attacker. What makes it special is its ability that creates a long barrier in front of it, which protects you from any long-range attacks.


Because of this ability, it can use slow-firing weapons perfectly. The Mech also unlocks early, which means you won't have to wait for a long time. Its only disadvantage is the fact that it has low health. However, its ability more than makes up for it, as having a shield on an Attacker can lead to some really good defensive plays. Moreover, since you’ll always be carrying slower firing weapons, it is really helpful for you to have a shield on you as it acts as a great defensive barrier for you and your entire team.


Couple your defensive barrier with a powerful shield from a Juggernaut, and you'll have an almost impenetrable formation! The only thing that you will have to, of course, worry about is Scouts on your tail. But, even that isn't an issue on game modes like Control Point, where multiple teammates can consistently check angles to make sure there isn't any foul play going on.


Kill Shot:


S Tier


Kill Shot is the only Scout on this list. Generally, Scouts are extremely weak. However, this isn't the case for Kill Shot. The Mech can melee dash can be used in both controlling control points while also dealing with enemies. Kills Shot is also one of the fastest Mechs in the game and deals an insane amount of damage.


Unlike other Scouts, Kill-Shot has a respectable final energy capacity which means that you can equip a decent amount of weapons on the Scout Mech with relative ease. With both power and speed, Kill-Shot is unbeatable when it comes to flanking and making sure that you are an absolute pain for the enemy.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


S Tier


Zephyr is the strongest support in the game and is one of the best Mechs in the game. Unlike other supports, Zephyr has 18 final energy, which makes him quite powerful compared to other supports. The other reason why Zephyr ranks high is because of his EMP ability which freezes enemies in an AOE and works for 30 meters in all directions.


The ability can also go through walls, which means that you can catch enemy mechs off-guard and then take them down and deal some heavy back damage to them which makes you extremely powerful. Plus, your EMP disables enemies in an AOE. Therefore, if you are positioned well, you can multiple enemies at the same time and disable them all at the same time allowing your team to wreak havoc and takedown multiple Mechs at the same time.


Zephyr is somewhat similar to the Guardian but is a bit better due to this ability. The only disadvantage Zephyr has is it has relatively low health. However, it does not objectively have low health, which means that it can hold its own in most engagements with no issues whatsoever.





Mech Arena: Robot Showdown Top 10 Best Picks Tier List (2021)


S Tier


Brickhouse is the strongest Mech in the game. It has an average energy limit and is considered the best because of its ability. Its ability, when used, creates a field around that increases its damage by 50% and nearby allies by 100%. This ability makes the Mech extremely deadly.


This Mech is unstoppable because it has the second-highest health in the game, which makes it extremely tough and sturdy. With a final energy capacity of 18 (which isn't that much), the fact that you have an extra 50% damage and can help your team constantly deal double their natural damage makes the caveat well worth it.


However, just like other mechs in the game, Brickhouse has its disadvantages. It has the lowest speed in Mech Arena, clocking in at 4.0 km/h. This means that you can get mowed down by Scouts, and since you won't be carrying extremely powerful weapons, you won't be able to do much about it unless and until your team helps you out and protects you.


While not entirely considered as a Support Mech, Brickhouse is usually played as one. While it may be surprising to see a Support Mech ranking at the top, the Mech is used competitively due to the utility it provides. Having such a high damage boost is no joke, especially when that means that most Mechs can start getting one or two shots because of the damage increase you provide to certain Mechs on more powerful weapons like the RPG 7 and Shot Gun.


Coupled with a good Tank like the Juggernaut, you can turn into a menacing combo that is nigh-impossible to take down as you and the Mech beside you will just shred down anyone who comes close. However, if you get flanked, there’s not much either of you can do as Brickhouse moves extremely slow and won’t be running away anytime soon.




That’s everything you needed to know about the Top 10 Best Mechs in the game and why you should pick them. You will still need some practice to ensure that you are up to speed with all of the Mechs that we've mentioned!

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