MiniLife: Tournament Beginner's Guide - Tips to Build a Village and Beat Foes


MiniLife: Tournament is an engaging game that combines resource gathering, building, and strategic combat elements. Whether you are a new player or looking for ways to improve your gameplay, in this beginner's guide, we will show you some tips and tricks to help you start your adventure and become a successful warrior in MiniLife: Tournament. 

MiniLife: Tournament Beginner's Guide

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You will learn how to choose your hero, collect resources, craft items, and structures, cooperate with your team, and have fun in the game. Whether you are a casual or a hardcore player, this guide will provide some information worth your time. If you enjoy playing games on a bigger screen with high-quality graphics, try playing MiniLife: Tournament on PC with LDPlayer, and you will never go back. Let's begin.

Getting Started in MiniLife: Tournament

When you enter the game, you'll find yourself in a simple lobby with various buttons on the left side, leading to different in-game options such as clans, shops, and hero collections. To start a match, click on the "Start Match" option located in the lower middle section of the screen. Once you do that, you will be matched with four other random players, and the match will begin.

Getting Started in MiniLife: Tournament

If you prefer playing with friends, you can invite them by clicking the "+" icon on the right side of the lobby. To team up with your friends, you'll need to know their player IDs. Type in their player IDs in the window that pops up when you press the "+" icon, and they will be added to your team.

Once the match starts, you'll notice the map divided into two teams, with two villages at each end – one being yours and the other belonging to your enemy. The goal of MiniLife: Tournament is simple: gather resources, construct buildings, and use technology to invade other villages, ultimately destroying their town hall. Remember, as you approach other villages, the chances of encountering attacks increase.

Spawning and Gathering Resources

As soon as you begin playing a match, prioritize resource gathering and building. Instead of individually mining one stone or cutting down one tree, work as a team. If you are playing with friends, have two players carry a cart and follow the other three players who can mine and load up the cart. This approach speeds up the resource collection process significantly. 

Once you have enough resources, invest in a tractor from the town hall. The tractor's vacuum will automatically mine and cut trees, streamlining the resource-gathering process. Assign one player for resource gathering, while others can disrupt enemy resource collection and hinder their progress. 

Spawning and Gathering Resources

The carts on the map containing wood and stone are excellent for resource farming. If you have a teammate who selected Harvey as their hero, they can gather all resources at once. Support them in destroying the cart to speed up resource gathering.

A sneaky tactic you can employ is hiding in bushes and stealing enemy carts. While this strategy can be effective, be cautious of enemies attempting to steal your cart as well. It's a game of wits, and staying alert is the key to success. 

When playing MiniLife: Tournament with random players, take the initiative to drag the cart, and the other players will join in gathering and loading up the cart. However, before focusing solely on gathering, unlock the barracks. This allows you to change into one of the hero classes, which is essential if you want to gather resources while remaining prepared for combat. 

By doing so, you ensure that you can choose the hero you are most comfortable with without conflicting with other players' choices. After unlocking the barracks and selecting your hero, proceed with buying a tractor for efficient resource gathering.

MiniLife: Tournament Building Strategies

In MiniLife: Tournament, certain buildings in your village should be prioritized to ensure a strong foundation. Begin by upgrading the two defense towers located at each entrance to your camp. These towers deal significant damage, making it challenging for enemies to reach your village and destroy it. 

Additionally, invest in the lumber mill and mines within your village to increase resource production, and upgrading these buildings will boost their output. While it may be costly initially, it will generate a substantial amount of resources over time, enabling more substantial attacks and defenses.

MiniLife: Tournament Building Strategies

Besides the essential buildings mentioned above, there are three offensive buildings in MiniLife: Tournament that are worth considering. The first is the war factory, where you can build parts necessary for restoring the Barrel Walker and constructing the Combat Llama.

The Barrel Walker is a powerful asset for storming enemy villages. With massive health and area attacks, it can be a formidable force on the battlefield. To repair the Barrel Walker in the center of the map, you'll need to purchase parts from the War Factory and bring them to the disassembled Barrel Walker. Be vigilant, as rivals might attempt to steal the Barrel Walker, so guarding it is crucial.

Winning Strategies

To ensure victory in MiniLife: Tournament, employ effective strategies when storming enemy villages. Make the most of the Barrel Walker's capabilities and use its area attacks to your advantage. Additionally, the catapult can be used to send bombs directly toward enemy gates, but it's essential to ensure precise delivery. Have a friend carry the bomb while climbing the catapult to position it accurately. Keep in mind that the friend carrying the bomb will have to wait for respawn time, so strategic planning is necessary.

MiniLife: Tournament is a team game, and teamwork is vital. Remind your friends to focus on upgrading towers and farms to strengthen your overall defense and resource generation. Remember, resource gathering benefits the entire team, so work together to ensure a steady supply.

Winning Strategies

Utilizing Explosives in MiniLife: Tournament 

The Explosive Factory is where you can create various types of bombs for your mischievous activities. Gunpowder barrels are cheap to make but have low damage. Mines, on the other hand, can be placed strategically to ambush enemies or enhance your defenses around towers and gates. The mega-mine, while expensive, inflicts significant damage, making it a potent weapon for breaching enemy walls or getting rid of a lot of enemies at once.

Explosives can be incredibly helpful in destroying enemy structures and towers in MiniLife: Tournament. Since catapults need at least two players to use them faster, coordinate with your friends to use the catapult effectively. However, exercise caution not to harm your allies accidentally. Craft mines strategically and place them in enemy territories, or use them as launching projectiles for maximum impact. Just remember to keep a safe distance to avoid being caught in the explosion.

Craft Items

Crafting items like the battle llama and Barrel Walker can be game-changers in the heat of battle. Though resource-intensive, these items are worth the investment due to their effectiveness in rushing through enemy lines.

Time and Resource Management

If the match is taking too long, the storm lighting will start hitting randomly on the map after ten minutes. Use this opportunity to your advantage by employing it as a weapon against enemies and gathering additional resources.

A mega bomb is a powerful tool for obliterating both enemies and their towers. You can launch it using the catapult or deliver it manually. Remember that Eva's skill can prevent the bomb's effects, so be prepared for potential counters.

Understanding the Heroes

In MiniLife: Tournament, the heroes play a crucial role in determining the outcome of battles. Players must invest gold earned from matches into the hero collection section to acquire heroes. Each hero has nine pieces of equipment to unlock. Once all pieces are bought, the hero becomes available in the barracks. Heroes come in different rarity levels, and players need to unlock them in a specific order. For instance, after unlocking Quill, players can proceed to unlock Grizzly, and so on.

Choosing the right hero is essential for balanced team composition. Harvey excels at farming, while heroes like Grizzly, Felix, and Quill are damage dealers. Arthur serves as a tank, while Eva takes on the crucial role of a healer. Avoid having multiple players choose the same hero, as there can be only two identical heroes on the same team. Let's take a closer look at each hero you will meet in the game. 



Quill is a master archer known for unparalleled long-range combat skills. His "Sticky Arrow" ability deals damage in the chosen direction and applies a temporary slow effect to enemies' hit. He can also use "Shooter Concentration" to temporarily boost his attack speed by 100% and movement speed by 40%, and "Hail of Arrows" to unleash a volley of deadly projectiles onto a selected area.


Grizzly is a formidable close combat fighter, wielding a bearskin that grants him mighty strength and fearlessness. His "Berserk Leap" ability allows him to leap to a chosen area, dealing damage and slowing enemies upon impact. Additionally, he can perform an "Axe Barrage" to unleash a powerful attack, dealing substantial damage to enemies in a small area in front of him, and enter "Blood Rage" mode, gaining an attack bonus and reduced ability cooldowns.



Eva possesses a healing gift that blesses her allies with hope and shields them from enemies. Her "Light Stream" ability releases a sphere that heals allies, damages enemies, and passes through characters. She can also generate a "Protection Dome" that reduces damage from attacks made outside the dome by 70%, providing perfect defense against projectiles. Furthermore, she occasionally creates waves that heal allies with her "Source of Life" ability.



Harvey excels in transporting heavy loads and providing protection for his team. His "Instant Lift" ability allows him to lift nearby loads instantly, which can be crucial for tactical advantage. He can create an "Impenetrable Plant Barrier" for protection and use "Haste" to temporarily increase movement speed, even when carrying loads. Additionally, he can use "Gotcha'" to grab the nearest enemy, enabling him to control enemy movements.


Arthur is an exemplary knight and a paragon of virtue. He skillfully controls the battlefield and protects his allies. His "Battle Cry" ability creates a protective aura that reduces incoming damage to him and his allies, making him an essential tank. He can also "Charge" forward for 6 meters, stopping and stunning enemies upon encountering them. Moreover, his "Magnetic Pull" ability pulls and slows down nearby enemies, enabling him to disrupt enemy formations.


Felix is a skilled mechanic who excels with projectiles and bombs. He combines grace with destructive force. His "Big Bang" ability launches a damaging projectile that affects enemies in a small area, making him a strong ranged damage dealer. He can also deploy a "Turret" that autonomously attacks enemies, providing additional firepower. Furthermore, Felix's "Support" ability temporarily boosts his speed and deals damage over time while flying, making him agile and deadly from the air.

Leveling Up Heroes

In MiniLife: Tournament heroes must be leveled up in every battle starting at level one; you cannot level them up outside of the game. To raise their level just pick up the weapons dropped by enemies during battles. Your character will level up, and you can switch heroes at any point without resetting your current level.


Mastering MiniLife: Tournament requires a combination of resource management, building strategies, and tactical combat. By efficiently gathering resources, upgrading defense towers, and utilizing offensive buildings like the Barrel Walker and Explosive Factory, you can build a powerful village and lead your team to victory. So, assemble your team, embark on exciting matches, and conquer the MiniLife: Tournament!

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