An Adventure with Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO Beginner Guide - Top Tips and Tricks


If you are obsessed with MMORPGs where you will get to take part in dungeon boss battles, duels, raids and all kinds of battle modes, this Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO game is the best for you. The best thing about this game is that it lets you interact with real players through its MMO features; therefore, you will have a challenging gameplay session here. You can battle, you can create your town, and you can power up yourself in this challenging world with powerful gear. Through this beginner guide, you will learn about all of them to have a great adventure from the beginning. 

Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO Beginner Guide

Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO Download Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO on PC

Speaking of the gaming content in Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO, it is huge, and of course, you are going to enjoy different battle modes against challenging competitors. Due to this, beginners must know the best strategies that are useful for the game. So, check out this guide, learn the best tricks, and enjoy all the content in Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO on PC gameplay with LDPlayer. 

Choose Your Class

The first step you should take to enter the Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay is choosing your class. The game introduces three classes to you; you can only choose one class of all three. When choosing that one class, you have to make sure that you go for the best and if you ask why, it is because the whole gameplay is going to depend on the class you choose. So go for a favorable class that you think you can handle. Here we go with the introduction of the classes in this gameplay. 

Choose Your Class

  • Warrior - this is a melee class character who favors physical attacks and brutal strength over magic. This class uses a shield and a sword as its weapons. Warrior is better at surviving enemy attacks while protecting allies, and also, the warrior is good at dealing damage to enemies. 

  • Mage - this is a skilled class that favors magic over strength. This class is a powerful damage dealer that uses magic attacks to deal with enemies. With its magic attacks, the mage can damage enemies massively. 

  • Thief - this is a class that is very tricky in fighting, and this class favors speed and damage over the defense. Speaking of defense skills, the thief is not good at that. But when it comes to ambushing and assassinating enemies, this is the best class that takes advantage of its movement speed to deal with enemies in an instant. 

Learn about Battles in Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO

As you progress in this Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay, you will spend a good amount of time battling against monsters, bosses and sometimes other players as well. When in battle, the battle members take turns to attack, use skills or spells, and even defend or use items. 

Learn about Battles in Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO

When it comes to your turn, you have to be wise and choose the right option to perform within the battle turn. The battles end when the HP of either side reaches zero. So, if you want to win the battle, you must ensure that the opposing team’s HP reaches zero. 

Imagine you encounter an enemy which is too difficult to deal with; what do you need to do? If it is so hard for you, you can always run away by holding down the Flea button in battle when it is available. So, use the right skills and spells during the battle turns, deal damage to the enemies, and win the battles for amazing rewards. 

Game Modes You Encounter

While you are progressing in this Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay, you are going to unlock many game modes here, each with unique playable content for you. So, let us find out what kind of game modes you can experience in this gameplay. 

Game Modes You Encounter

  • Battle Dungeons - you can find them throughout this world, and they can be played with a party or solo. In battle dungeons, the players fight through a series of floors with lots of monster encounters. When a battle dungeon is completed, the players will be rewarded with lots of items, such as gold and other materials. 

  • Exploration Dungeons - these dungeons can be found in this gameplay world and you can enter them solo or with a party. In these dungeons, you will progress through a set of floors with monsters to deal with and lots of resource nodes that you can mine. So, go through the exploration dungeons, mine resources through the resources nodes, defeat the bosses and earn extra rewards in the end. 

  • Kingdom Raids - here, the kingdoms can summon powerful raid bosses by spending kingdom Orns earned through the gameplay. However, there are minimum requirements that you have to accomplish to summon raid bosses, such as the minimum kingdom level. Once you join a kingdom, you can join kingdom raids and gain amazing rewards according to the damage you have contributed to the raid. 

  • World Raids - these raids can be completed solo or with a party, and you can gain lots of rewards by completing them. But these rewards will always depend on the damage that you have contributed to the raid. 

Set Your Origin Town

Setting your origin town is crucial because it is your home base in this game, where you will start your journey and where you will return after your travels. Once you establish your origin town, then you can build many useful buildings to upgrade it. 

Set Your Origin Town

You can establish many buildings within your origin town, but each building has various unlocking requirements that you have to fulfill. Once the requirements are completed, you can add many buildings to your origin town and develop them with all the necessary facilities. Establishing the origin town and developing it with many facilities will apply new stat bonuses upon your character. So it is good to set your origin town within this Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay. 

Complete Quests and Level Up

Leveling up in the game further will improve the stats of your character. Not only that, but it also restores your health and mana. Along with all the benefits, you can unlock new spells, skills, items and activities in the game as you level up further. How do you level up in Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay? 

Complete Quests and Level Up

Well, the easiest way is to complete quests. The quests are of two types: story and side. If you are interested in leveling up in the game, then your priority should be locked on the story quests because they guide you to level up in the story mode. So follow the story quests and level up in the game. At the same time, you can complete side quests, which you can accept as jobs that can be found throughout your world and get rewarded. You can also accept from NPCs at any time, help them, and get rewarded. 


The tips and tricks that we have added to this beginner guide are very useful and helpful for all the beginners out there who want to have a successful start and maintain it throughout the whole Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay. As you are one of the beginners who have read this beginner guide, get started with the Orna: A fantasy RPG & GPS MMO gameplay and do your best with the tips you have learned here.

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