The gaming world is turning a bit towards zombie games, and due to the Covid infections, people tend to show some interest in zombie titles. It is not a secret that most people are now looking for zombie-titled things, including the games from zombies . So for those in love with zombie titles, Plant vs Zombie Free was a great pleasure.
Zombie games are constantly battling against humanity, and the so-called Plant vs Zombie also does that from the gameplay. It is a strategy genre game brought to you by the Electronic Arts, and the game can indeed manage your desires on the love for zombie games. The game is identified as a strategy game that asks players to protect their house as there are so many attacking zombies.
So today, it is up to know about the game as a beginner and let's get to know some things about the game to see if they are attractive to the players.
Although this game is a strategy game, it is similar to a tower defence game. It keeps its originality and the funny way of presenting with many new contents and ingredients. They will pop up for the players throughout the gameplay to make them more surprised.
The game is about plants, and their enemies are zombies. You need to protect your grey matter and build a defence around the house by creating many combat-ready plants. So the plants are growing In branches, and anyone can pick them up. So it adds a lot of fun to the game, for sure.
The gameplay is quite engaging but a basic one here, but it doesn't make the game less attractive as it takes so much time before going into challenging levels. There are so many units and environments offered to you here, and from time to time , the puzzles, mini-games and most challenging diversions will come up to you to make it more interesting towards the gameplay.
Core actions for the game are pretty simple, making this game accessible by any beginner. You have a lawn here, and it can be divided into some grids, and every square is up for you to hold a plant. Then the zombies are coming from the rows from the grid to your house. They should not pass your defence.
When there is a plant set in a square, it will cost the sunlight, and the sunlight is available free for the players. You need this sunlight more and more to the game, and to have more from it, you can plant sunflowers. When in the first minutes from a level, it will be a balancing act measured between the sunflower ranks laying down defences used to deal with the first zombies you meet.
If you survive the last zombies, you will be rewarded with the latest mini-game and a plant from a new type. We see more remarkable that the game holds more creativity and variety from its mission structure, which becomes a special thing for the entire gameplay.
When your normal plays are over with Plant vs Zombie Free, you will be ranked to have a difficult version as next. And there will also be an upgrade for you to purchase, and it makes the game more convenient as it provides you with the ability to develop. And also, the rewarded things like mini-games, survival modes, puzzles are great opportunities to test their skills endlessly.
Overall the game features are entirely satisfactory from the Plant vs Zombie Free as it holds so many amazing sound effects with cute graphics related to cartoons. It asks you to defeat all the zombies from several types from all the 50 epic levels. So it holds a strategic and a competitive model to increase the game's sharpness.
Plant vs Zombie Free game offers players 46 achievements, and players can earn them one by one from their progression from the levels. This is also an interesting feature as it doesn't allow you to have all the achievements at once. The progressions can only obtain every progress.
To learn more about the game, players can use the Almanac, and it will teach you about the zombies that the game asks you to encounter. So there is no need to find and search which to attack as the game can suggest them with a guide for you. And also, players can select some coins to zap zombies from your lane. And these coins can be used to have power-ups and to have a pet snail by purchasing.
The game is a more fun way to improve your strategy making skills, and as there are uniform squares on your lawn, you need to collect sunlight by clicking them. As your first task, try to plant sunflowers. As we said earlier, they help you have enough sun and plant pea shooters with other plants around your lawn. So you need to plan them on your first two rows from the door.
Before you start a level, try to check the type of upcoming zombie who will attack your lawn. As we detailed in before gameplay, you can use the Almanac for this purpose. Some zombies from the game can be destroyed easily by a specific plant. So it will always be good for you to check before a level.
Every level from the Plant vs Zombie Free will be unique, and all the plants will not occur on the lawn. There will be levels where the game asks players to plant on the water or roof. Moreover, some other special plants can be unlocked by having enough coins. And they can be unlocked by the purchasing you make from Crazy Dave's Shop.
Several game modes are chosen on Plant vs Zombie Free, and if you intend to earn more quickly, try to play the mini-games from it. Every mini-game comes with its own strategies, so every quest must be surpassed by your own with the right plans.
If you need better control to plant your plants within squares, try using the Keyboard Mapping feature from LDPlayer. You don't have to use the usual settings from the game as it creates some personal key sets for you with a personalized keyboard by LDPlayer.
If you are eagerly searching for a zombie attack, Plant vs Zombie Free will be great for you as a choice. So enjoy these zombies who come across your plant defence and do your best to protect and save your plants from this amazing game. It is worth a try.