Primal Conquest: Dino Era Beginner's Guide - Survive with the Best Tips and Conquer


Welcome to the exciting world of Primal Conquest: Dino Era! This is a game where you start with just a small village and have the awesome job of growing it into a mighty empire. Imagine being the boss of a place where dinosaurs roam around, and you're in charge of everything!

Primal Conquest: Dino Era Beginner's Guide

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In this guide, We're going to take a closer look at how to be a pro at Primal Conquest: Dino Era. You'll learn how to build up your village, as well as tips and tricks for playing the game. So, if you're ready to become the hero of your own prehistoric adventure, stick with us. For a high-end gaming experience, you can play Primal Conquest: Dino Era on PC with LDPlayer! Let's start. 

Primal Conquest: Dino Era Gameplay

Starting your own village in Primal Conquest: Dino Era is super cool but also a big responsibility. To make your village the best it is, you need some basic stuff: stone, Wood, gold, and food. Let's break it down:

Primal Conquest: Dino Era Gameplay

  • Stone and Wood: these are needed to build everything in your village, from cozy huts to massive fortresses. You'll also need plenty of these resources to upgrade buildings as your village grows.

  • Gold: Gold lets you do a lot of important things in the game. It helps you get a strong army ready for adventure and protecting your village. 

  • Food: You've got to feed your people and your army, right? Plus, dinosaurs need a lot to be used in the repel invader battles. Farms in your village will grow food to keep everyone from getting hungry.

Now, you can't just find these resources lying around; you have to work for them. That's where mines and farms come in. Mines are super important because they dig up gold and stone. The better and more upgraded your mines are, the more gold and stone they'll find. Farms are just as crucial because they grow the food everyone in your village eats.

Initial Steps and Quests

When you first start playing Primal Conquest: Dino Era, think of it like being the new kid at school. You gotta make some friends, learn the ropes, and figure out how to make your mark. In the game, this means diving into some cool quests and tasks that the game sets up for you. These quests are like your first set of missions to show you what being a village leader is all about.

Initial Steps and Quests

Completing these quests isn't just for fun (even though they're super fun!); they also give you rewards and resources to help your village grow. It's like getting paid to do your homework, but way cooler. You could get stone, Wood, gold, or food, everything you need to make your village awesome.

Now, let's talk about the coolest part: dinosaurs! In Primal Conquest: Dino Era, early on, you get to hire your first dinosaur, which is like picking your first Pokémon. This dino will be your buddy and help protect your village. 

To make your village really stand out, you'll want to get a small team together. Think of it as forming your own mini-superhero squad. With a couple of warriors and your dino friend, you can start exploring the area, completing more quests, and even battling some pesky barbarian gangs that get in your way.

This early stage is super important. It's where you get a feel for the game and start making your village a place that's tough, cool, and ready for anything. So, jump into those quests, team up with your dino, and start building your empire!

Utilizing Redeem Codes For Gifts

In Primal Conquest: Dino Era, developers sometimes share special redeem codes with players. These aren't cheats; they're gifts, like rewards for being part of the game's community. Codes like "EASTER24" or "DINO777" come around during special events or to celebrate the big milestones the game has hit. 

Utilizing Redeem Codes For Gifts

These redeem codes can give you a nice little boost, offering things like resources or unique items that can help your village grow. They're a helping hand from the developers to make your gaming experience even cooler.

The Central Role of the Alliance

In the world of Primal Conquest: Dino Era, teaming up with others by joining an alliance is like finding your tribe in the vast prehistoric wilderness. It's not just about making friends (although that's a big bonus!); being part of an alliance packs some serious advantages that can supercharge your journey from a small village leader to a prehistoric powerhouse.

The Central Role of the Alliance

Why Join an Alliance Early?

Jumping into an alliance early in Primal Conquest: Dino Era gets you more than just buddies; it's like joining a superhero team where everyone's got each other's backs. Here's the scoop:

  • Faster Building and Research: Imagine you're building a fort, and suddenly, your friends show up to help. That's what it's like in an alliance. Your new friends can help speed up your building and research projects. 

  • Healing Your Troops: After a tough battle, your warriors and dinosaurs might need some rest and healing. When your city is within your alliance, the time it takes to get your troops back in a fighting state is lowered significantly.

The Power of Working Together

Being in one of Primal Conquest: Dino Era alliance isn't just about the day-to-day benefits; it's also about setting up big moves that can change the game:

  • Joint Attacks:  Alliances allow you to team up to make joint attacks; the best thing is that high-level players in the alliance can boost low cities by including them in high-level rallies.

  • Resource Bonanza: in addition to the soldier healing speed, when your city is in the alliance territory, collecting resources in your alliance's territory can give you a much-needed boost, making sure you have enough supplies to keep building, researching, and growing your army.

So, don't go it alone; find your tribe, join an alliance, and together, you can rule the prehistoric world!

Advanced Village Management

As you dive deeper into Primal Conquest: Dino Era, managing your village becomes more like directing a bustling, prehistoric city. The key to thriving? Smart management and strategic upgrades, especially when it comes to your town hall and the chief's hut. These aren't just buildings; they're the heart and brain of your village, steering its growth and capabilities.

Maximizing Your Town Hall

In Primal Conquest: Dino Era, town hall is like your village's headquarters. The higher its level, the more superpowers (a.k.a. advancements and buildings) your village gets. Here's how to make the most of it:

  • Plan Your Upgrades Wisely: Upgrading your town hall unlocks new possibilities, but it requires resources and time. Always weigh the benefits of the next level against what you'll need to spend to get there.

Maximizing Your Town Hall

  • Balance Is Key: While focusing on the town hall, don't forget the rest of your village. It's like a team sport; every player (building) needs to be in the same level range to move into the next era. If you haven't done what you need to do to upgrade a building yet, you will see that requirement below the upgrade button. Click that button to quickly go to where you can do the needed upgrade.

In village management, timing is the most important resource you should manage:

  • Nighttime Upgrades: Use the night to your advantage. Start those long upgrades when you're about to log off. It's like setting your troops to train while you sleep in other games.

  • Helping Hands: Remember, in an alliance, you can ask for help to speed things up. It's like calling in a favor from a friend to skip ahead in line.

Military Might and Dinosaur Power

In Primal Conquest: Dino Era, building a village that looks cool is one thing, but protecting it and expanding your territory? That's where your military and your dinosaurs come into play. Think of your army and your dinos as your personal squad of heroes, ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.

Recruiting and Training Your Forces

Your barracks are the training grounds for your warriors. Just like a school for superheroes, the barracks are where your soldiers learn to fight and defend your village. Here's the scoop on building a strong army:

Recruiting and Training Your Forces

  • Upgrade Your Barracks: Higher-level barracks mean you can train more troops and do it faster. It's like unlocking a higher level of hero training in your superhero school.

  • Diverse Troops for Different Battles: Just like in any team of heroes, you need different skills to tackle different challenges. Make sure you have a mix of troops to face whatever the game throws at you.

The Power of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs in Primal Conquest: Dino Era aren't just cool pets; they're powerful allies that can turn the tide of any battle. Here's why they're awesome:

The Power of Dinosaurs

  • Acquiring High-Quality Dinosaurs: The better the dinosaur, the stronger your army. You can get these incredible dinos through missions, special events, or dinosaur nests.

  • Strategic Use of Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs can be game-changers on the battlefield. Use them wisely to exploit the weaknesses of your enemies. It's like having a secret weapon that your opponents aren't ready for.

Barbarian Invasion Event Guide

In Primal Conquest: Dino Era, when the Barbarian Invasion is activated, your sanctuary will face multiple waves of barbarians. These attackers cannot be blocked by shields, but fortunately, the majority of your troops will be automatically healed after each wave, minimizing troop losses.

Preparing for the Invasion

  • Gather Your Troops: Ensure all your troops are stationed at your base for optimal defense.

  • Monitor the Battle Logs: Keep a close eye on your battle logs. If your defense strength falls below 70%, share your coordinates in the chat to request reinforcements.

  • Points and Progression: Defending your base against the waves will earn you enough points to successfully complete the event.

  • Special Waves: During waves 10 and 20, the alliance fort becomes a priority. The first player to rally at the fort should be the one with the largest rally capacity to accommodate all reinforcing troops. Strong players should follow, and then other members can join.

  • Resource Management: Make sure to recycle your alliance's resources so that any troops stationed there will return to their headquarters to defend. This is crucial, especially if the player is not currently online.

  • Tracking Progress: To keep track of your current wave and defensive status, refer to your in-game mail and battle log. This will indicate which wave you are on and how well your sanctuary is holding up against the invasion.

Tips for the Conquest Event

The Conquest event of Primal Conquest: Dino Era is designed in such a way that even newcomers can reap substantial rewards. Here's a simple strategy to ensure you maximize your gains while minimizing risks.

  • Use a Shield: Always activate a shield to protect your base from attacks. This will allow you to participate in the event without worrying about losing your resources or troops.

  • Relocate Strategically: Consider relocating your base to a less crowded region. This makes it easier to access unclaimed resources without drawing too much attention.

  • Harvest Resource Tiles: Once relocated, focus on harvesting gem tiles and other resource tiles. This is a great way to earn points. You can do this without dropping your shield, allowing you to gather resources safely.

  • Edge of the Map: Positioning yourself near the edge of the map can be beneficial. These areas often host "dead accounts" inactive players who still have resources and low-level troops in their bases. Targeting these can yield a good amount of resources with minimal risk.


To carve your path to victory in Primal Conquest: Dino Era, remember the journey starts with the humble beginnings of your village. Building a strong foundation with essential resources like stone, Wood, gold, and food sets the stage for all your future endeavors. Upgrading your town hall and chief's hut unlocks new possibilities, paving the way for advanced development and strategic depth. Embrace these pillars of success, and you'll find yourself leading a prehistoric empire like no other in Primal Conquest: Dino Era.

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