Ragnarok X: Next Generation is one of the latest MMO RPGs to hit the mobile scene, having six classes and two sub-classes for each of the six main classes. The game introduces many fresh features and innovative mechanics that you won’t find in the classical version, so this will be a fascinating game for the fans of the Ragnarok franchise.

Catching fishes is one of the critical aspects of Life Skills in Ragnarok X: Next Generation that helps you gather and farm various ingredients for farming. The game teaches you to farm in the early stages to familiarize you with the game's mechanics. The tutorial teaches fishing by giving you Wooden Fishing Rod and a Beginner's Fishing Bait. You can also automatically fish so you can farm ingredients while you are AFK.
In this guide, we will discuss the basics of fishing, so you get accustomed to the mechanics, and then we'll touch on some advanced points to help you master this aspect of the game.
How to Catch a Fish:
The game teaches you the basics of fishing right at the start of the game. You need a rod, some bait, and a particular spot designated for fishing to get started. As this is part of Life Skills, every time you fish, fishing will consume your Stamina. To learn more about Stamina and other aspects for beginners to this game, read our Beginner's Guide.
Manual Fishing:
To manually fish, you can go to one of the fishing spots and press the Fishing icon to get set into the fishing place. Next, you should press Cast as soon as it appears. Pressing the cast button will let you choose your rod and bait to get started.
After casting the rod, you need to press the QTE button just when the shrinking green circle touches the white circle of the reel button. If you’re successful, you can catch a fish; otherwise, the fish is now gone. You have to start again and cast.
Automatic Fishing:
The method is the same for regular and automatic fishing but auto; you need the Automatic Fishing Rod. This fishing rod has 50 charges, meaning it will catch fish 50 times automatically before your class will stop fishing. You can always press the door icon to stop automatic fishing, though, after every catch, the quality of your automatic fishing rod will reduce by 2%.

Where to Buy Automatic Fishing Rod:
You can only buy or get an Automatic Fishing Rod from two places or ways. Firstly, you can get them from an event in the game. Secondly, you can get it from Fish Print Commemorative Coin Shop. You can find him near the Prontera South ate near the Wishing Tree, and his name is Xavier. You can exchange Fish Print Commemorative Coin with Xavier.
Some of the items that he holds are as follows:
- Automatic Fishing Rod – A mystical fishing rod that can automatically catch fish. The fishing rod will reduce it to rubbish once its power is used up.
- Cost: 20 FPCC
- Frog Bamboo Hat - An empowering fishing hat said to be the ultimate attire of a master of fishing. This has no extra effect.
- Cost: 120 FPCC
- Fisherman’s Hat – A loose-fitting hat that blocks out the sun. Gives DEF +2.
- Cost: 250 FPCC
- Tortoise Hat – This tortoise may look cute, but it is sluggish. Provides AGI +1.
- Cost: 250 FPCC
- Scuba Mask – Used for swimming. People think you're crazy if you wear it on land. Bonus DMG Death +10% to Water Monsters
- Cost: 300 FPCC
- Frog Hat – A hat made to look like the god of frogs. It just so appears that the god of frogs looks just like any other frogs. Gives a DEF +6, M.DEF +1. Bonus DMG Dealt to Insect Monsters +5%.
Fish Print Commemorative Coin:
This is the currency that you need to buy in the Xavier shop. You can earn more of these coins by doing the Magic Bait Daily task and making 10 FPCC. If you are lucky and catch a big fish eligible for the Fish print ranking, you can get up to 100 coins. Daily, three random fishes depending on size, are set up for you to record against.
Catchable Fish List:
We listed most of the fishes and their locations for more information in this guide and how you can do it.
Prontera South Gate:
The wooden fishing dock is in the lake river area at the bottom center corner of Prontera South Gate. The list of items that you can catch there is as follows:
- Carp – Material for Steamed Egg n' Fish I. A fish that is consumed for food, medicinal, and ornamental purposes.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Turquoise – A uniquely colored stone. They were used as a smelting material for Carnium I.
- Bait: Green Cotton Larvae
- Cobblestone - A small, smooth stone that's cool to the touch. They are used as a smelting material for Bascyx I.
- Bait: Rat Tail
- Water Weed – Ingredient for Aquatic Salad I. A plant that evolves underwater. It feels very wet.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Shell – A standard shell that you can find anywhere. They are used as a smelting material for Phracon I.
- Bait: Rattan
- Frog – Ingredient for Nutritious Frog Meat I. A small animal with agitated cheeks. It makes a croaking sound.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Giant Tiger Prawn – Ingredient for Mandragora Prawns I. A considerable prawn is commonly found in the freshwater environment.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait

Prontera West Gate:
When you go through the West Gate, just before entering the Windmill Tower, you need to find the wooden dock near the top left corner to start fishing. This fishing spot requires you to be at Fishing Level 2.
- Lotus Seedpod – Ingredient for Mixed Congee I. An eatable plant grows in lakes.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Conch – A spiral-shaped shell. They are used as a smelting material to produce STR Stone I and VIT Stone I.
- Bait: Poison Spore
- White Cloud Fish – Group of them often appear in mountain streams. They are used as a smelting material to produce AGI Stone I and LUK Stone I.
- Bait: Spawn
- Grass Carp – Ingredient for Fish Fillet I. Fresh, delicious meat.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Pure-water Sturgeon – A valuable and scarce freshwater fish. They are used as a smelting material to produce INT Stone I and DEX Stone I.
- Bait: Hedgehog Skin
- Crucian Carp – Ingredient for Fish Soup with Frog's Legs I. A regular type of fish that is easy to catch.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- River Crab – Ingredient for Fly Leg Folk Remedy I. A tasty Vadon is commonly found in freshwater environments.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
Sograt Desert:
You can find the fishing spot, an oasis river, at the center portion of the map in the desert. You are required to be at level 3 to fish in this wooden dock.
- Catfish – Ingredient for Crispy Fish I. A predatory fish whose meat is tender, with few bones and a rich taste.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Crayfish – Who would love to have guessed from its ingredients and plain appearance that this is a beloved delicacy in Midgard? Prawn-on-a-Stick I.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Krill – Ingredient for Delicious Prawns I. Emits a faint glow in the water at night.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Hardshell Crab – A Vadon with a tough shell. It's tough to handle without special processing. They are used as a smelting material to produce Carnium II.
- Bait: Hardshell Crab
- Vulcanfish – People in deserts regard this fish as a gift from the God of Fire. They are used as a smelting material to produce Phracon II.
- Bait: Yoyo Tail
- Emberfish – Lives in warm areas all year round. Its heat-resistant body makes it difficult to cook. They are used as a smelting material to produce Bascyx II.
- Bait: Spiderweb
- Watersnake – Material for Fresh Snake I. A very slippery Watersnake. If you don't firmly hold it, it'll easily slip away from your hands.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
Labyrinth Forest:
Labyrinth Forest is found in Chapter 5, whereas the wooden dock for this area's fishing is located at the center of the map though you need to be at Fishing Level 4 to fish there.

- Freshwater Snail – Material for Sour Conch I. A snail that can be seen in most places, lying slowly beneath the water's surface.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Bass – Ingredient for Fish n' Crab I. An aggressive fish that has thin, tiny teeth.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Maple Fish – Having a fiery-red color akin to maple leaves, it likes being near plants of colors similar to its own. Perhaps it's seeking a sense of security. They are used as a smelting material for Blessed Bradium I.
- Bait: Guiding Grass
- Sheer Marina – A small, cute, and dreamy creature that feeds on all the rotten plants. It naturally gravitates toward the source of unique odors. They are used as a smelting material for Blessed Oridecon I.
- Bait: Rot Root Grass
- Sand-swallower – Lurking in the bottom of rivers purifies their digestive system by huffing and puffing hard sand and stones. They are used as a smelting material for Blessed Elunium I.
- Bait: Stoneheart Shroom
- Starlight Snail – An island-style shell. If you grasp it up to your ear, you can hear the ocean. You were used as a smelting material to produce Enriched Used as a smelting material for Blessed Elunium.
- Bait: Coagulated Egg
- Pipefish – Material for Bitter Fish I. A fish with a pointed mouth and a slender body.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Night Pearl – A precious pearl that emits fluorescent light in dark environments. They are used as a smelting material for Enriched Bradium I.
- Bait: Earthworm Peeling
- Glowfish – With a luminous ball on top of his head, it looks like a floating lamp in the water from a distance. He was used as a smelting material for Enriched Oridecon.
- Bait: Ant Egg
Underwater Cave:
In all of the fishing sports we have mentioned so far, this one takes the most confusing cake to find as it doesn't have a wooden dock. The only indication to see this is a wooden-styled vase. You need to be Fishing level 5 to fish at this spot.
- Mystic Mussel – A clam shell filled with mysterious power. Many mages favor them. They are used as a smelting material to produce Bascyx III.
- Bait: Dokebi Tooth
- Butterfly Cowrie – This kind of scallop looks like a butterfly when it's opened, hence its name. They are used as smelting material to produce Phracon III.
- Bait: Nose Ring
- Whitefeather Cowrie – A sharp shell that seabed dwellers often use to make decorations. They are used as a smelting material to produce Carnium III.
- Bait: Charming Eye
- Tuna – Ingredient for Tuna Sashimi I. a high-grade fishes, because of its high price, ordinary people can’t often eat it.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Squid – Material for Fried Eggs with Squid I. Why does it seem that the animals with long tentacles are unexpectedly delicious when cooked?
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Hairtail – Material for the Fish Stew I. Hairtail looks like a long, slender belt and slowly swims quite elegantly in the water.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
Payon East Forest:
In the Payon Forest, to find the fishing spot on the wooden dock, you need to go to the top left corner of the map. This spot requires Fishing Level 6.
- Tube-eye – Its tail is like a slender whip with a solid texture. They are used as a smelting material to produce STR Stone II and VIT Stone II.
- Bait: Serrated Tooth
- Arowana – Material for Fragrant Arowana Fillet I. This large, rainbow-like fish seems to be a favorite of Prontera’s wealth.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Silver Carp – Material for Carp Bento I. An average freshwater fish that has a lively demand is good at jumping.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Giant Shrimp – Ingredient for Sashimi Platter I. A considerable prawn that likes crawling along the water bed.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Soldierfish – Its scales are serrated and sharp. They are used as a smelting material to produce AGI Stone II and LUK Stone II.
- Bait: Curly Shell
- Rainbow Coral – Bright bits of coral that make one think of rainbows in the sky. They are used as smelting material to produce INT Stone II and Dex Stone III.
- Bait: Swirly Shell
- Pufferfish – Material for Fresh Pufferfish I. They become round when in worry. Chefs have to be careful of poisonous spines.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
Munak Cave 1F:
This spot is just near the waterfalls, and it needs Fishing Level 7 to fish.
- Trout – Ingredient for Salt-baked Trout I. Fish are having both marine and freshwater forms.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Pupa Sulcata – Its shell is covered in strange markings, giving it a pretty mysterious look and used as a smelting material to produce Blessed Bradium II.
- Bait: Singing Plant
- Gray-shell Mussel – Ingredient for Grilled Clams I. Has a dusky-gray clamshell and is nothing extraordinary, but the meat inside is soft and delicious.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Devilfish – A ferocious, carnivorous fish with sharp teeth that flow with a cold light. It feeds on insects and small fish. They are used as smelting to produce HD Oridecon.
- Bait: Ash Flea
- River Eel – Material for Marinated Eel I. It has a long, slim body and a cylindrical outlook with sticky skin.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Armored Crab – Practically covered in a suit of armor, ordinary knives can't get at it. They are used as a smelting material to produce Blessed Elunium II.
- Bait: Winter Cherry
- Cleanwater Pearl - It’s said that it was once an ordinary, unspectacular stone, but after water aura coagulated, it turned into a great pearl. They were used as a smelting material to produce HD Bradium.
- Bait: Small Beehive
- Ghostfish – This glittering, translucent fish is a predatory creature, loving only rancid, rotten meat. They are used as a smelting material to produce HD Elunium.
- Bait: Green Rotten Meat
- Dusk Fish – It gets its name from the gradual yellowing of its scales. They are used as a smelting material to produce Blessed Oridecon II.
- Bait: Aquatic Reed
Orc Dungeon:
The wooden deck in this dungeon is just near the entrance, and it requires Fishing Level 8.
- Piranha – Ingredient for Dubious Canned Fish I. A fish that has scary teeth. Some hobbyists trap it to use for aesthetic purposes.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Green-backed Fish – Ingredient for Shredded Fish Rice Ball I. A green-back fish found in frozen waters. It’s very healthy.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Crystal Acanthodean – An ancient fish with spines as sharp as crystal. They are used as a smelting material to produce Bascyx IV.
- Bait: Rusty Nail
- Yellow Mantis Shrimp – Ingredient for Smoky Dragon Meat I. A yellow mantis-like shrimp. As a food source, it is rare and difficult to handle.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait
- Hunter Fish – A ferocious fish with very sharp teeth strong enough to crush fishing hooks from the trap, though its body is not strong than one would expect. They are used as a smelting material to produce Carnium IV.
- Bait: Creeping Thorn
- Swordfish – Ingredient for Spicy Fried Loach I. You can find it in all kinds of shallow and muddy waters, and its meat is very delicious.
- Bait: Beginner Fishing Bait

LDPlayer Features for Ragnorok X – Next Generation:
Ragnorok X: Next Generation is an MMO RPG that has various activities like mining and fishing that require you to do QTE events to farm materials. You can ease up your life and gaming time by enabling your macros. You can further ease the gameplay by using a controller while playing.
Fishing is one of the Life Skills in Ragnorok X – Next Generation that rewards you the more you delve into it, the increasing level requirement for higher fishing areas benefits you much more as well. In this guide, we have detailed each of the fishing areas with increasing difficulty along with the lists of which ingredients to get from which spot. When you have read this guide, you can really focus on building your character by reading our Classes guide and our Equipment guide to equip to make your class more powerful.