Ready Set Golf Beginner Guide and Complete Walkthrough with Tips


Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Ready Set Golf, the exciting and strategic mobile game that's captured the hearts of casual gamers and golf enthusiasts alike. Ready Set Golf combines the classic precision and patience of golf with vibrant graphics, intuitive gameplay, and a competitive twist that makes every match thrilling. From navigating varied terrains and overcoming cunning obstacles to strategizing with power-ups and racing against the clock, this guide will walk you through every aspect of the game.

Ready Set Golf Beginner Guide

Ready Set Golf Download Ready Set Golf on PC

You'll learn the basics of gameplay, how to leverage different terrains to your advantage, the best times to use your power-ups, and strategies for navigating obstacles. Plus, we'll dive into the scoring system and provide tips on how to manage your time effectively, ensuring you're not just playing, but winning.

Whether you aim to top the leaderboards or simply enjoy a fun, challenging game, our guide is here to help you succeed. So, Let's play Ready Set Golf on PC with LDPlayer for a better experience and tee off into the world of Ready Set Golf.

How to Play Ready Set Golf

Playing Ready Set Golf is fun and easy once you understand the basics. Here’s how you start: your golf ball will be placed at one corner of the field, and your goal is to hit it into the hole located at the opposite end.

Hitting the Ball

Hitting the Ball

To hit the ball, simply touch the ball on your screen and drag your finger in the opposite direction of where you want the ball to go. For example, if you want the ball to move up the screen, you pull your finger down. As you do this, you'll notice an arrow appearing on the other side of the ball. This arrow acts like your guide, showing you the direction and how far the ball will go when you lift your finger off the screen.

Controlling the Power of Your Shot

The fun part is controlling how powerful your shot will be. The longer you pull your finger opposite to the direction you want to hit, the longer the arrow gets. Not just that, the arrow also changes color, which tells you how strong your shot will be.

  • Light power: The arrow starts with a pale color, meaning the shot will be gentle.

  • Medium power: As you pull more, the arrow turns yellow, then red, indicating a stronger shot.

  • High power: Finally, it changes to orange for the most powerful shot.

It's like using a slingshot; the more you pull, the farther your ball flies. You'll need to practice to get a feel for how far the ball goes with each color of the arrow. This makes the game exciting as you learn to aim and control the power of your shots to get the ball into the hole with as few tries as possible.

Understanding the Different Terrains

In Ready Set Golf, how far your ball travels doesn’t just depend on how hard you hit it. The type of ground, or terrain, it rolls over matters too. Let’s look at the three kinds of terrain you’ll play on:

Grass: Grass is the basic terrain. Think of it as your measuring stick for how the ball behaves. When you hit the ball across grass, it moves at a normal speed. This is your reference point for understanding how the ball acts on other terrains.

Understanding the Different Terrains

Dirt: Dirt makes the ball move slower, at half the speed compared to grass. Imagine the ball wearing tiny little boots that get stuck in the mud. You need to hit the ball harder if you want it to travel the same distance on dirt as it would on grass.

Ice: Ice is tricky. First off, don’t confuse ice patches with water obstacles; they might look similar but act very differently. On ice, the ball zips along twice as fast as on grass. It’s like the ball suddenly got superpowers and can fly. But you’ll need to be careful with your power here. If you hit too hard, your ball might just shoot off too far, as if it’s trying to reach the moon!

Navigating Mixed Terrains

The game’s maps aren’t made up of just one type of terrain. You’ll find patches of ice right next to dirt and grass areas. Mixing these terrains makes the game more challenging and fun. You need to adjust your shots as you move from one terrain to another, carefully controlling your power so the ball doesn’t end up somewhere unexpected.

When facing a mix of terrains, don’t try to cross them all in one go. Instead, aim to get the ball across one area at a time. This strategy helps you focus on where you want the ball to land, making it easier to tackle difficult terrain. Practice makes perfect, so spend some time getting to know how the ball behaves on different surfaces to become a master at navigating the varied landscapes of Ready Set Golf.

When to Use Power-Ups

In Ready Set Golf, power-ups can be a game-changer, especially when dealing with the game's various terrains. Each power-up serves a unique purpose, helping you overcome the challenges posed by different surfaces. Let’s dive into when and how to use these special boosts.

  • Fire: The Fire power-up is like adding rocket fuel to your shot. Use it when you need to speed up your ball, which is particularly handy on dirt terrains where the ball naturally slows down. It’s also great for gaining a quick advantage on easier, grassy terrains, helping you cross large distances in a snap.

When to Use Power-Ups

  • Wings: Wings give your ball an elegant, controlled speed. Even if you hit the ball with all your might, using Wings will ensure it moves at the normal speed of the grass terrain. This power-up shines on ice, where things can quickly get too slippery and fast. It’s perfect for those moments when you need to make a precise shot on slippery ice or when you’re close to the hole but unsure if a powerful shot is the right move.

  • Spring: The Spring power-up turns your ball into a super bouncy sphere, ideal for navigating through tricky tunnel-like areas or making creative bank shots around obstacles. When you need your ball to zigzag through tight spaces or bounce off walls to avoid obstacles, Spring is your go-to choice. It’s especially useful for getting around hard corners or obstacles blocking your path.

Strategic Use of Power-Ups

Choosing the right power-up at the right time is crucial. Their effectiveness largely depends on the terrain you’re dealing with and the specific challenges you face. For instance:

  • Fire is your best bet when you need to cover long distances quickly or overcome slow-moving dirt.

  • Wings offer precision and control, ideal for icy terrains or delicate shots near the hole.

  • Spring adds an element of creativity and flexibility, perfect for maneuvering through complex pathways or around obstacles.

By understanding the strengths of each power-up and matching them to the terrain and situation at hand, you can master the art of navigating the diverse landscapes of Ready Set Golf. Practice using these power-ups to enhance your gameplay and tackle the challenges that come your way.

Understanding the Obstacles

Ready Set Golf courses are filled with obstacles that make each path to the hole a unique challenge. Knowing how to navigate these obstacles is key to improving your game. Let's take a closer look at some of the main hurdles you'll face and strategies to overcome them.

Understanding the Obstacles

Water Hazards: Avoid at All Costs

Water hazards are your number one enemy. If your ball ends up in the water, it gets sent back to its original position, wasting precious time and shots. Always plan your route to steer clear of water whenever possible.

Bumpers: Use to Your Advantage

Bumpers, both round and rectangular, are scattered across the fields, and they can either speed up your ball or change its direction dramatically.

  • Round Bumpers: These can be your friends if used correctly. They accelerate your ball, and with the right angle, you can use them to bounce your ball closer to the hole. Learning to use them effectively can turn them into makeshift power-ups rather than obstacles.

  • Rectangular Bumpers: More challenging than their round counterparts, rectangular bumpers tend to send the ball off in sharp, 90-degree turns. While they can also speed up your ball, using them to your advantage is trickier since they often change the ball's direction entirely. Approach these with caution and plan your shots carefully.

Mastering the Maps

With 100 different maps in Ready Set Golf, familiarity with each one is your best strategy for success. While the game lacks a dedicated practice area, you can create your own by using the "Join Friend" option. Here’s how:

Mastering the Maps

  • Select the "Join Friend" option and create a room.

  • Instead of waiting for others to join, start playing by yourself.

  • You’ll encounter various maps in each solo match, allowing you to practice and get accustomed to them.

This makeshift practice session helps you learn the best routes and shots for each area, preparing you for competitive play against friends or in online matches.

The Ultimate Obstacle: Patience

Ironically, the most significant obstacle in Ready Set Golf might be your own impatience. Rushing your shots can lead to mistakes, turning an easy match into a frustrating battle of bouncing the ball from wall to wall. Learning to maintain your calm and taking your time to line up each shot can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Understanding that quick decisions often lead to poor outcomes is crucial. Take a breath, plan your strategy, and remember that patience is not just a virtue in life but a winning strategy in Ready Set Golf.

The Scoring System

The scoring in Ready Set Golf rewards both speed and accuracy. Points are distributed based on the order in which players get their ball in the hole and the time it takes them:

  • First player: Scores 100 points.

  • Second player: Receives 90 points.

  • Third player: Earns 80 points.

  • Fourth player: Gains 70 points.

  • Fifth player: Gets 60 points.

Players who manage to sink their ball before the first 5 seconds of the countdown will all receive 50 points, regardless of their speed. Those finishing in the last moments score between 20 to 30 points. To secure a top position and claim the rewards, aim to be among the first three players for at least three out of the five rounds. Remember, only the top three players in each match walk away with rewards, making early and consistent success crucial for victory.

How to Earn Skins and Power-Ups

In Ready Set Golf, skins and power-ups add fun and strategy to your game. The primary way to acquire these items is through treasure boxes. Let's explore how you can earn these valuable rewards.

Winning Matches and Wooden Chests

Victory is rewarding in Ready Set Golf. When you win matches, you're awarded wooden chests. These chests are your ticket to earning power-ups and parts for decorations. However, there's a catch: you must wait a few hours to open each chest. If you're eager to see your rewards sooner, you can speed up the process by watching advertisements.

Tip: If you ever see a message saying it's looking for advertisements to show, just play a match. Once you return, the system should reset, allowing you to watch an ad and open your chest faster.

Free Chests Every 3 Hours

Free Chests Every 3 Hours

Don’t miss out on the free chests available in the store every 3 hours. While they might contain fewer power-ups and decoration parts compared to the wooden chests, they offer the same amount of coins. Coins are a valuable resource in the game, so grabbing these free chests is a smart move.

Buying Chests with Coins

Buying Chests with Coins

Coins can also be used to purchase chests directly from the store. There are three types of chests you can buy:

  • Basic Chest: The game might nudge you towards buying this chest since it's the least expensive. However, patience pays off.

  • Intermediate Chest: Offers a better reward than the Basic Chest but still not the best value.

  • Gold Chest: This is where your patience is rewarded. Save up 2,500 coins to buy the Gold Chest. It's packed with the highest number of parts and power-ups, making it the most valuable choice for enhancing your gameplay.

Strategy for Earning Rewards

  • Win Matches: Keep playing and winning matches to earn wooden chests.

  • Watch Advertisements: Use advertisements to your advantage to speed up chest opening times.

  • Check the Store Regularly: Don’t forget to claim your free chest every 3 hours for extra coins and rewards.

  • Save Your Coins: Resist the temptation to spend coins on lower-tier chests. Save up for the Gold Chest for the best rewards.

By following these strategies, you'll be able to collect more skins, power-ups, and coins, enhancing your Ready Set Golf experience. Remember, patience and strategy are key to unlocking the best rewards the game has to offer.


Congratulations on completing our comprehensive guide to Ready Set Golf! Armed with the knowledge of gameplay mechanics, terrain effects, obstacle navigation, power-up strategies, and time management, you're now well-equipped to tackle any challenge the Ready Set Golf throws at you.

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