Welcome to the Roblox Project Ghoul Codes guide where you will be equipped with the active codes available for the game. Whether you become a fearsome Ghoul or uphold justice as a member of the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul), we have codes that will help you on your journey. You can unlock amazing rewards and enhance your gaming experience by redeeming these Project Ghoul codes.
As of the current date, we present a list of active Project Ghoul codes. These codes hold the potential to provide you with special in-game benefits, regardless of whether you choose to be a Ghoul or join the ranks of the CCG.
Code |
Rewards |
Expiration |
SweetAyato52304232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
GigglingKanao12307231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
SmilingTouka20207232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
Fixes |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
WeirdSeidou41607231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
SmartKureo92805231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
AwesomeHouji72105232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
MeditatingKuramoto50804231 |
Free Spins and Boosts |
N/A |
AwesomeTouma71604232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
ExcitedKijima52304231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
HumbleHikari70907231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
LaughingTatara72307232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
SurprisedTouma02105231 |
Free Spins and Boosts |
N/A |
SneezingRikai91405232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
KawaiiSachi52805232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
DancingGinshi00804232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
BitterRoma40207231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
LaughingFuruta81106232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
SweetHouji41607232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
SittingKoma11405231 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
SmartIshida60705231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
BitterKureo43004232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
AwesomeKusaba30907232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
LaughingNishiki83004231 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
SmartKijima50705232 |
Free Rewards |
N/A |
SmartAkira31106231 |
Free Boosts and Spins |
N/A |
Redeeming codes in Roblox Project Ghoul is a straightforward process.
2. In the textbox available, type the codes one by one.
3. Then, congrats, you have finally achieved the rewards.
To stay up-to-date with the latest Project Ghoul codes, consider the following methods:
For more codes for different Roblox games, check out our Roblox Game Codes post! You can also grab a lot of free stuff from our Roblox Promo Codes page.
There are several reasons why your codes might not work:
LDPlayer is the best Android emulator that allows you to play mobile games, including Roblox games like Project Ghoul, on your PC. With LDPlayer, you can enjoy improved graphics, performance, and controls for an enhanced gaming experience. Follow these steps to play Roblox games on PC with LDPlayer:
Roblox Project Ghoul offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of supernatural beings and the struggle between Ghouls and the CCG. As you embark on this thrilling journey, let our code guide be your trusted ally, providing you with valuable rewards to aid you in your chosen path. Whether you embrace your inner Ghoul or uphold justice as a CCG agent, these codes will empower you to unleash your true potential.