Savage Survival Beginner Guide, Tips, Tricks and Best Strategies - Be a Real Master


Welcome to the ultimate Savage Survival beginner guide. Are you ready to transform from a mere survivor into a master of the wilds in this fierce realm where war dominates and ancient creatures roam? Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to sharpen your skills, this guide will provide you with all the essential knowledge to thrive in the raw splendor of the Stone Age.

Savage Survival Beginner Guide, Tips, Tricks and Best Strategies


In this game, your courage and strategic prowess will determine your success as you move through lands rich with resources and home to giant prehistoric creatures. From building and fortifying your territory to hunting mighty beasts and forming powerful alliances, every decision you make will shape your tribe's destiny.

With stunning HD graphics and a vibrant, vast world to explore, the game offers a thrilling adventure where your survival instincts are key. Join your tribe, navigate the perils of the wild, and rise to become a true master in this epic Stone Age strategy game. Let's play Savage Survival on PC with LDPlayer and dive in and start your journey to flourishing prosperity!

How to Progress Faster in Savage Survival

As a new player, your primary focus should be on advancing your base to a level where you can fully participate in all aspects of gameplay. To achieve this, prioritize completing growth tasks, chapter tasks, and daily tasks. Here's how you can do it:

How to Progress Faster in Savage Survival


  1. Focus on Tasks: Concentrate on completing the growth tasks, chapter tasks, and daily tasks. These tasks include upgrading buildings, participating in events, and other in-game activities. They provide essential resources such as stone, gold, red gems, wood, roast meat, and speed-ups, reducing the need for extensive farming.
  2. Task Order: Perform the tasks in the order they appear on the left bottom corner of the screen. This sequence is designed to be efficient, allowing you to complete them one after another without unnecessary delays.
  3. Task Assistance: When you click on a task that appears on the screen, the game will automatically guide you to the relevant building or task. A finger icon will point out what you need to do, making it easier even for complete beginners to understand and follow.
  4. Avoid Manual Checks: Trying to complete tasks manually without following the suggested order can be time-consuming. You would need to individually check each building and game mode, which can waste a lot of time. Therefore, always follow the tasks as suggested by the game for optimal progress.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can efficiently upgrade your base, gather necessary resources, and unlock all game functions quickly, allowing you to enjoy the full game Savage Survival experience.

Speed Up Resource Collection

In the early stages of Savage Survival, there are no production buildings, so gathering resources is essential. Here's how you can optimize your resource collection:

Efficient Worker Assignment

When you assign a worker to a gathering task, they travel back and forth between the storage facility and the gathering spots. Resources are only added to your inventory when workers deposit them in storage. To reduce travel time and increase efficiency, place your storage facilities close to the gathering spots. For example, move the stone storage closer to the mines and the wood storage closer to the areas where workers are cutting down trees.

Upgrade Storage Facilities

Upgrading storage facilities boosts your workers' gathering speed by 2% per upgrade. Additionally, upgrades increase the carrying capacity of workers, meaning they make fewer trips back and forth, saving valuable time.

Upgrade Storage Facilities


By strategically positioning your storage facilities and upgrading them, you can significantly speed up resource collection, allowing your workers to be more efficient and reducing downtime. This way, you can gather the necessary resources more quickly and advance your gameplay in Savage Survival.

Capture the Resource Points

Once you unlock the continental map, prioritize locating mines and villages that produce raw materials. Occupy these resource points using your best troops and continuously monitor their resource gathering. If another player captures one of your resource points, reclaim it promptly. 

Typically, level one resource points are less likely to be targeted by others, so focus on capturing as many of these as possible to ensure an uninterrupted supply of resources. Consistent management and protection of these points will be crucial to maintaining a steady flow of materials for your progression.

Raid Other Players

Raiding is one of the most effective ways to gather resources. First, scout your target to ensure they have a substantial amount of resources. Attacking players with insufficient resources is a waste of your troops, as you will incur losses during the raid. The raid's income should cover your costs and yield a profit. Avoid scouting players significantly higher in level than you, as they have scout camps that reveal your location on the continental map, just like your scout camp does. Only scout players you can realistically defeat.

Before initiating a raid, it's crucial to build walls and war horns to enhance your fighting chances. After completing a raid, invest the acquired resources in upgrades to reduce the likelihood of revenge attacks. Additionally, keeping your storage low makes you a less attractive target for other players. This approach minimizes your losses and ensures a more successful and sustainable raiding campaign.

Using Speed Ups

One of the main challenges in Savage Survival is the time it takes to upgrade your buildings. Speed ups can help alleviate this issue. Speed ups in the game range from one minute to one hour. You can earn them through completing main missions, participating in Beast Odyssey, and engaging in other in-game modes.

Using Speed Ups


Effective Speed Up Usage

In the early game, avoid using speed ups when building times are short (1-2 minutes). Save them for when building times exceed 15 minutes. Utilize the one-day VIP pass, which allows you to skip upgrades below one minute. Most early game upgrades take less than 5 minutes, making this pass particularly effective.

When using speed ups, match the required building time with appropriate speed ups. For instance, if a building requires 15 minutes to upgrade, use two 5-minute speed ups and three 1-minute speed ups. Then, use the VIP free speed up option to maximize the benefits of your VIP pass.

Clan Support

Joining a clan can significantly reduce construction time through member assistance. In the early game, prioritize finding a clan with active members during your play hours rather than simply seeking the highest-ranking clan. Active members can help you progress faster and save your speed ups for crucial upgrades.

Focus on upgrading the Tribe Center first, as it takes the longest time and is crucial for unlocking and upgrading other buildings. This is an ideal place to use your saved speed ups. By following these strategies, you can effectively use speed ups to advance your buildings quickly, allowing you to progress faster in Savage Survival without unnecessary delays.

Leave the Resource Packs in the Bag

As we mentioned earlier, completing tasks in Savage Survival rewards you with various resource bundles. These rewards are stored as packages in your bag and do not immediately add to your resource counters. This storage method offers several strategic advantages.

When other players attack your camp, they can only steal a certain percentage of the resources you have in your storage facilities, not the resources stored in your bag. By keeping resources in your bag, you can protect them from being stolen during raids, saving valuable materials for when you truly need them.

Leave the Resource Packs in the Bag

Additionally, the resources stored in your bag can be used as required without needing to extract them preemptively. For instance, if you lack the materials needed to upgrade a building, you can use the "Acquire" button. This feature will automatically open the bag and ask if you want to unpack the necessary amount of resource packs to meet your requirements.


By keeping your resource packs in the bag, you not only protect your assets from raids but also ensure you have resources readily available for crucial upgrades and tasks. This strategy helps you manage your resources more efficiently and progress faster in Savage Survival.

Keep Training Troops

To participate in rallies and play on the continent map in Savage Survival, you need a strong army. Several types of troop-producing buildings become available as you progress in the game. By the time you unlock them, you will have upgraded your Tribe Center significantly. Ensure that you level up all troop-producing buildings to match the Tribe Center level to unlock higher-tier troops from each building.

Once you have the buildings leveled up, start training your army. Continuously upgrade these buildings as soon as you upgrade the Tribe Center. If you don't want low-level troops, you can assign them to more challenging tasks on the continent map. These troops might not return, but this allows you to replace them with higher-tier troops, thereby increasing your combat power significantly.

Make sure to never let troop production stop, as the headcount of your army directly influences your combat power. As you use your troops for various tasks, some will get injured. Instead of discarding injured troops, use the Healer's Hut to heal them. As your army grows, upgrading the Healer's Hut becomes essential as it allows you to heal more troops simultaneously.

By continuously training and upgrading your troops and their buildings, you ensure that your army remains strong and ready for any challenges in Savage Survival.

Where to Spend Money

While spending money on games isn't recommended if you want to save, some players enjoy doing it regardless. If you intend to spend money on Savage Survival, here are some of the best early investments:

Where to Spend Money


  • Construction Queue: Investing in a second construction queue is one of the most beneficial purchases you can make. This feature allows you to work on two buildings simultaneously. For a mere $3, you can enjoy this advantage for as long as you play the game, making it a valuable long-term investment.
  • VIP System: Another worthwhile expenditure is the VIP system. Purchasing VIP status increases resource collection speed and provides many other benefits that enhance your gameplay experience.
  • One-time Beginner's Offer: Additionally, you can consider buying the one-time beginner's offer, which includes a powerful Dino for your team. This offer can give you a significant advantage early in the game

By focusing your spending on these areas, you can optimize your progress and enjoy a more efficient and rewarding gameplay experience in Savage Survival.


You've now equipped yourself with the essential knowledge and strategies to excel in Savage Survival. By following this guide, you can efficiently manage resources, optimize your building upgrades, strategically train your troops, and make the best use of speed ups and monetary investments. Remember, the key to success in Savage Survival is to adapt, innovate, and stay resilient. With these tips and tricks, you're well on your way to transforming from a mere survivor into a true master of wild.

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