Raise the Hero with Power with Best seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG Tips - Beginner Guide


Are you ready for a thrilling dungeon adventure with full control over your character? If yes, then you will love seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG, a game created by seg-soft. This game features an isometric view, randomly generated dungeons, and a variety of weapons and armor to customize your hero. You will also discover a dark and captivating story as you explore the depths of the dungeons. 

seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG Tips

seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG Download seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG on PC

In this article, we are going to teach you everything about the game that you need to know, from the mechanics of combat to the creation of characters. To enjoy the game with optimal performance, we recommend playing seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG on PC with LDPlayer. Let's begin!

Getting Ready to Explore Dungeons

In this guide, we will show you how to prepare your character for exploring dungeons in seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG. You will learn how to equip items, use shortcuts, and choose stats for your character.

Equipping Items

Equipping Items

At the start of Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG, you will be provided with a free knife and 10 apples. But they will not automatically equip themselves. Every piece of equipment you acquire will require this step to be completed by hand before you can utilize it. This is how you put on a piece of equipment:

  1. The hero button is located in the lower left corner of the screen and must be clicked. This will open the hero menu.

  2. Click on the weapon slot on the left side of the menu. This will show you a list of weapons you have in your inventory.

  3. Choose the item that you want to equip and hit the equip button in the right-hand corner of the screen. This will equip the knife as your weapon.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other slots such as armor, helmet, boots, etc.

Equipment Shortcut

Equipment Shortcut

In seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG, equipment shortcuts are three slots at the bottom right corner of the screen where you can place your healing items, buff potions, poisons, or any other consumable material to use during your dungeon exploration. To use an equipment shortcut, follow these steps:

  1. Click on one of the three slots at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will open a list of items you have in your inventory.

  2. Select an item from the list and press the assign button at the bottom right corner of the menu. This will assign the item to that slot.

  3. Press equipment in order to add the item in that slot.

In seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG, when selecting an item for these three slots, make sure to add a healing item (such as an apple), a recovery item (such as an antidote or a dark potion), and a boost item (such as a SP potion or a poison) to one of these slots.

  • A healing item restores some of your HP (health points).

  • A recovery item removes negative effects such as darkness or poison from your character.

  • A boost item enhances your character's abilities, such as SP (Spell Power), damage, speed, etc.

Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG Skill Shortcut

Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG Skill Shortcut

At the start of the game, you have no extra skill than the weapon attack. But as the game progresses and you earn more diamonds, you can buy new skills from the skill section of seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG. To buy a skill, follow these steps:

  1. Simply navigate down to the bottom left side of the screen and select the skill button. This will open the skill menu.

  2. Click on the skill tab at the top of the menu. This will show you a list of skills you can buy with diamonds.

  3. To purchase a skill, scroll down the list and click the corresponding button in the lower right-hand corner of the menu. This will buy the skill and add it to your skill inventory. 

To use a skill, follow these steps:

  1. Simply select one of the four available spots at the central bottom of the screen. This will bring up a list of all of the skills that are currently stored in your talent inventory.

  2. Choose an ability from the list, then click the "Equip" button, which is located in the lower right corner of the menu. This will assign the skill to that slot.

Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG has dozens of skills, but as your first skill, try to buy a healing skill such as Heal or Regen since you will be taking damage a lot while starting to figure out how to dodge and attack properly.

  • A healing skill restores some of your HP (health points) or increases your natural healing rate.

  • A damage skill deals damage to enemies or enhances your weapon damage.

  • A utility skill provides some benefits, such as speed, defense, evasion, etc.

Choosing the Stats

Choosing the Stats

Once you have selected the equipment and skills, move to the status tab in the starting menu of the Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG. Here, you will see six stats: Agi, Str, Dex, Vit, Int, and Luk. At the start, same as weapons, you have 50 free stats points to distribute among your stats. To increase a stat, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the status tab at the top of the main menu. This will show you your current stats and stat points.

  2. Click on the plus button next to the stat you want to increase. This will increase that stat by one point and decrease your stat points by one point.

  3. Repeat step 2 until you have used all your stat points or reached your desired stat distribution.

To create a playable character in Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG, each stat should have at least 2 points. Once you have done that, allocate the rest depending on which type of class you plan on playing. Here are some benefits of each stat:

  • Agi: Agility increases your attack speed and evasion.

  • Str: Strength increases the damage of your melee weapon.

  • Dex: Dexterity increases your hit rate of melee weapons and damage of bow attacks and shortens the skill delay (the time between using two skills).

  • Vit: Vitality determines how much HP your character has, how much defense (the ability to reduce incoming damage), and how fast you can recover your HP without using healing aids.

  • Int: Intelligence increases your spell power (the damage or effect of your skills), spell defense (the ability to reduce incoming spell damage), and natural recovery (the rate at which your HP and SP regenerate over time).

  • Luk: Luck increases your critical attack rate (the chance to deal double damage) and slightly increases hit (the chance to hit an enemy) and flee (the chance to avoid an enemy attack).

As we said earlier, stat distribution should be done according to the playstyle you are going for. For example:

  • If you are playing an archer, try to invest more in dexterity, agility, and luck. This will make your bow attacks more accurate, faster, and stronger.

  • If you are playing a wizard, try to invest more in intelligence, vitality, and dexterity. This will make your spells more powerful, your character more durable, and your skill delay shorter.

  • If you are playing a warrior, try to invest more in strength, vitality, and agility. This will make your melee attacks more damaging, your character more tanky, and your attack speed higher.

However, playing a spell caster early at the start of Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG is not advisable. This is because you will have low SP (Spell Power) to make your attacks effective, and you do not have access to a lot of useful skills for spell caster characters. So, in the early game, if you want to be in the range of your enemies, try an archer build or melee build. They are really simple to play, and they will allow you the opportunity to make mistakes and then recover from them.

How to Fight in seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG

Combat is one of the most important aspects of seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG, a game where you explore randomly generated dungeons and face various enemies and bosses. To survive and progress in the game, you need to master the combat mechanics and use the right weapons and skills for your character. Here are some tips and tricks to help you with that:

How to Fight in seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG

The archer is the greatest class to play as early on in the game, when you don't have a lot of gear and don't have many talents. You can buy a small bow from the shop and enhance it to +4 or higher at the blacksmith. This will give you a high chance to hit and damage your enemies from a safe distance.

To shoot arrows, you need to aim in your character's direction. If the enemies are too far away, they will not be locked on by your character, and you will have to adjust your position manually to align your shots. If you get closer, your character will automatically lock on to the nearest enemy and shoot at them.

The foot icon is your lifesaver when the enemies get too close to you. This button allows you to dash behind the enemies and avoid their attacks. You need to practice this skill and time it well to dodge effectively.

The enemies in Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG do not run randomly; they follow a single line. You can use this to your advantage by luring them out and then running back. This way, you can hit multiple enemies with one arrow and thin out their numbers. When they get close to you, use the dash button to get away and repeat the process until all enemies are eliminated.

If you prefer using melee weapons, such as daggers, swords, or axes, you need to be more aggressive and keep pressing the attack button and the dash button. This will make your character jump back and forth over the enemies, breaking their attack patterns and dealing damage at the same time. This is the easiest way to play the game if you find a good two-handed sword or axe.

Best Weapons to Choose

The choice of weapon depends on your personal preference and play style, but there are some general guidelines to follow when choosing a weapon in seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG. Here are the available weapons and their characteristics:

Best Weapons to Choose

  • Dagger: A quick weapon that provides a reasonable amount of damage. It is mainly affected by your Strength (Str) attribute.

  • Sword: A moderately fast weapon that deals high damage. It is mainly affected by your Strength (Str) attribute.

  • Two-handed Sword: A normal-speed weapon that deals very high damage. It cannot be used with a shield. It is mainly affected by your Strength (Str) attribute.

  • Axe: A slow weapon that deals extremely high damage. It cannot be used with a shield. It is mainly affected by your Strength (Str) attribute.

  • Bow: A normal-speed weapon that deals low damage per shot but can hit multiple enemies at once. It cannot be used with a shield. It is mainly affected by your Dexterity (Dex) attribute.

  • Wand: A fast weapon that deals low damage per shot but can cast various spells. It is mainly affected by your Intelligence (Int) attribute.

When choosing a weapon, you should also consider its rarity, skills, and buffs. The weapons with yellow or blue names are the rarest and most powerful in the game, and you should not sell them unless you have a better option. These weapons also have extra skills or buffs that can enhance your character's performance. You can see these skills on the weapon's description and buy them from the skill shop if you don't have them yet.

In Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG if you want to increase your weapon's power, you can also refine it at the blacksmith. Refining a weapon increases its damage and hit rate while refining an armor increases its defense value. You can refine any gear up to +12, but after +7, there is a risk of breaking the gear if you fail. If that happens, you can either repair it for 6000 gold or use it as it is.


Embarking on a quest in Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG can be both thrilling and challenging. This beginner's guide has equipped you with valuable tips to make your adventures more enjoyable and successful. Remember to choose your equipment wisely, allocate your stats strategically, and master combat techniques. With these insights, you're well-prepared to explore dungeons and emerge victorious in Seeker2: Hack&Slash Action RPG.

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